I don't believe it was, looks badass! I pretty much forgot that a PSP version was coming. :loltfur said:
I don't believe it was, looks badass! I pretty much forgot that a PSP version was coming. :loltfur said:
nskinnear said:http://titanstudios.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/FatPrincessCook.png[IMG]
Cooks and Kings coming to FP :)[/QUOTE]
what they do? free update?
AranhaHunter said:Is there still any network connection problems? I'm thinking of buying this game.
msdstc said:Hey so by the way hows the community doing? I played quite a few games last night and most everyone were bots.
People were just turned off by spending an hour finding a game. They fixed it but too little too late. Kind of a shame.Fyodor Dostoevsky said:jeez. looks like I'm saving $15. it's a shame, this had so much potential. or maybe it was just the novelty of feeding a princess cake that got people hyped.
.GqueB. said:People were just turned off by spending an hour finding a game. They fixed it but too little too late. Kind of a shame.
Some people are just looking for something to put down or complain about. They fixed the little problems the game had on the network side within less then a week or its launch, yet it's too late. I smell bullshit.Loudninja said:What? they fixed it really quick how is it too little too late?Anywya I really enjoying the game had a very fun game tonight.
A week is way too long for a game thats centered around the mulitplayer. People have short attention spans. The average person wont spend a week trying to get into games and failing while still coming back for more time and time again.Sentry said:Some people are just looking for something to put down or complain about. They fixed the little problems the game had on the network side within less then a week or its launch, yet it's too late. I smell bullshit.
autobzooty said:The lack of people using voice chat is a much bigger problem than the matchmaking ever was. Seriously, this game is trash if no one is talking, but it's one of the best things ever when everyone is.
You have to hold R2 to talk.KibblesBits said:I have the sony blue tooth headset, but it seems no one can hear me talk in game. How am I doing it wrong?
Sentry said:You have to hold R2 to talk.
LiquidMetal14 said:There is no other game like this. I guess people would rather play shooters.
GQman2121 said:So are Ninjas, Pirates, Cooks and Kings the only thing that can safe this game for GAF?
I'm still having a good time with it online, but god damn is it hard to find more than one or two people out of 32 who have mics.
Let me in said:When I "Jump in" anymore I'm entering Team Deathmatch games. It's not that I mind it, but it seems that everyone got sick of the stalemates in Capture the Princess and moved on to some good ol' bashing people's heads in with bombs. Though the deathmatches do get boring after a while... there's really no challenge or strategy to it.
.GqueB. said:People were just turned off by spending an hour finding a game. They fixed it but too little too late. Kind of a shame.
Due to the tremendous success of Fat Princess on PSN, we are pleased to announce a host of new content for you, our loyal fans. Today at PAX we spilled the beans on New Pork, an awesome new city-themed level. New Pork offers an exciting array of strategies to slice and dice your way to victory. Use multiple sewer shortcuts to sneak up behind your enemies, blow up barricades to open up new routes of assault and defend your princess from the rooftops.
New Pork is just the beginning of additional content for Fat Princess. For details on New Pork and news of the coming update, as well as PAX video interviews with the Titan Devs, stay tuned to the Titan Blog.
Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome AwesomeSmallTimeLeon said:NEW MAPS, check it out:
Keep a watch, they said they're going to announce more stuff during PAX. <3 these guys.
Seriously? I personally have no problems when playing, they fixed what needed to fixed within the week of release. I still don't get some of the complaints tbh.dralla said:I can't believe they're making new maps already when there's so much they need to improve, such as the awful net code.
Juggernaut said:I bought this the other day and I have no problems with lag or joining servers.
The game is so good.
eznark said:I played for awhile this afternoon, made me sad the GAF community moved on so damn fast.