The Acid Games are pretty awesome in their own right
In all seriousness, I really do like 4 and don't understand the hate.
1 is still a great game but it just feels really dated. I wish there was an HD remake for the game.
The Acid Games are pretty awesome in their own right
Bad story and barely any gameplay might be places to start.
You really don't understand the hate? From the godawful-after-the-first-time Act 3 to the fucking marriage proposal cutscene to the long-winded ending that basically poops on any remaining goodwill? Man, the first 2 acts in that game were dope, but everything after that started to really hurt. And much more..
Disagree. The game is great and I loved every moment of it.
This baffles me, because I know you like good games. Well, I guess I know if I need to get in your good graces, all I have to do is pretend to poop my pants inside of a barrel and all is forgiven.
You seriously, honestly liked the marriage proposal cutscene? Seriously?
While video games are being discussed I just have to say that PoP: Warrior Within is terrible. I bought the trilogy collection and the drop in quality between WW and SoT is extraordinary. I'm really hoping Two Thrones is better, I can't take much more of thid moody Nu-Metal Prince.
This baffles me, because I know you like good games. Well, I guess I know if I need to get in your good graces, all I have to do is pretend to poop my pants inside of a barrel and all is forgiven.
You seriously, honestly liked the marriage proposal cutscene? Seriously?
I can't really be arsed to watch SD tonight.
You act like that's the only cringe-worthy moment in the series history.
I only played MGS2, and I only played MGS2 until I was given control of Raiden.
I promptly returned that shit.
Raiden was pretty fun. I liked doing nude cartwheels. I ended up skipping the last quarter of the story though, that got so horrible.
Can we talk about how cool this custom Ryback figure made by Adrione is?
I don't collect figures, but I love seeing a current WWE guy done in the old Hasbro style. Very neat!
I thought Metal Gear Solid 4 was a good game. I don't understand all the hate it gets in the Gaming forum. Didn't it win GOTY on NeoGAF?
I liked Mass Effect 2.Yeah, but so did Mass Effect 2. I don't even vote.
I thought Metal Gear Solid 4 was a good game. I don't understand all the hate it gets in the Gaming forum. Didn't it win GOTY on NeoGAF?
I liked Mass Effect 2.
The cutscenes were my only problem. They were pretty damn long.Definitely doesn't make it good with that kind of award!
Still though, I wanted a lot more gameplay and a lot less cutscenes. That's really my main gripe, the other insane shit isn't that big of a deal to me. I wanted more to play, but it's a game that you can beat in 4 hours if you skip cutscenes.
God, its turned into gaming side lite here.Mass Effect 2 rocked and how about a Rumble to decide Wrasslegaf's GOTY 2012?
Something big is coming to Log on this Monday at 12 p.m. ET for a special announcement, streamed live on, and
Tune in the day after WWE Elimination Chamber to for a special address by WWE Chairman Mr. McMahon, WWE COO Triple H, WWE Executive Vice President Stephanie McMahon, WWE Champion The Rock and John Cena.
Follow the links below and be sure to watch live at noon to find out what WWE officials and Superstars have in store for the WWE Universe.
God, its turned into gaming side lite here.Mass Effect 2 rocked and how about a Rumble to decide Wrasslegaf's GOTY 2012?
This isn't wrestling talk?
Seems like WWE is hyping some big announcement on Monday afternoon
WWE said:BREAKING NEWS: WWE to live-stream special announcement Monday at 12 p.m. ET. More details:
We don't need a rumble to agree on FTL.
This isn't wrestling talk?
Seems like WWE is hyping some big announcement on Monday afternoon
This isn't wrestling talk?
Seems like WWE is hyping some big announcement on Monday afternoon
Xenoblade Chronicles is GOTY, though
This isn't wrestling talk?
Seems like WWE is hyping some big announcement on Monday afternoon
for what, 2011? Oh wait, you waited for the American one?
Good game, I just associate it with 2011. It's twice the game Ni No Kuni is.
Sleeping Dogs is GOTY you guys are crazy
My sources tell me Stone Cold Steve Austin will be the host of WrestleMania 29.
As far as I'm concerned it gets to win GOTY for 2010, 2011, and 2012.
I'd be willing to bet its the Wrestlemania XXX location announcement. Drew Brees kind of announced it on Twitter today. They'll probably just make it official Monday.All I want is a tablet/phone compatible WWE Network that I can spend no more than $15 a month and have access to fucktons of content.
Anything else I probably won't care.
I like my Wii, I always have fun when I play it and it got a lot of good games, but know.
Question Time!
Which is the only Wrestlemania to date to have been held on a Monday?
My sources tell me Stone Cold Steve Austin will be the host of WrestleMania 29.