As some one who enjoyed the first dispite its flaws. retaliation looks amazing.
seems like a complete 180
seems like a complete 180
"Domination"? The Rock isn't wrestling. He's just going to come out and just say random nonsense.
BUT HE LOVES WRESTLING!Rock movie promotion in full gear.
dwayne and the rock.
As some one who enjoyed the first dipite its flaws. retaliation looks amazing.
seems like a complete 180
"Domination"? The Rock isn't wrestling. He's just going to come out and just say random nonsense.
Glad someone else caught that last night.
Doesn't Punk have an Arashikage tattoo too?
I'm gonna start beginning all my posts with:
SILENCE!!! I am about to post.
If only CM Punk had a Cobra tattoo maybe he could feud with The Rock and promote the Movie at the same time
I liked the first GI Joe. The Baroness was damn sexy.
If only CM Punk had a Cobra tattoo maybe he could feud with The Rock and promote the Movie at the same time
This is too obvious for WWE
I thought CM Punk DOES have a Cobra Logo on his bicep?
I thought CM Punk DOES have a Cobra Logo on his bicep?
Who the hell is Fandango and why do they keep showing these promos for him?
Where is BO!!
Who the hell is Fandango and why do they keep showing these promos for him?
I'm not nearly as amused by Jerry's Beavis impression as you @ Lawler doing the "FAN-DANG-GO" voice
He will unify the belts. All the belts.Fandango needs to be whc or wwe champ
The next Undertaker he has powers too apparently. Dancing Powers
He didn't pay the Hayes Toll and let him play in his Bo hole, so he's back on NXT.
I'm sold.
Is this when WWE starts getting new top stars from Fandango, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollin and Roman?
lol who am I kidding they'll all job to Cena during his ten year long title reign.
He didn't pay the Hayes Toll and let him play in his Bo hole, so he's back on NXT.
oh god these tweets
from who?