What hair?
I bet you dollars to donuts that he has a smooth ass.
I bet you dollars to donuts that he has a smooth ass.
i would like the belt to say something like "Wrestling Champion" but instead its just a big W.
I'm more interested in the side logos they'd come up with for any future champions. Eventually one champion is going to get a pretty lame design that he'd have to carry around for his title reign.
Honestly I hate the Rock. Not only is he burying the people I care about but also unveiled the new title.
Vince, step down please. Your lips have Rock's butt hairs all over them.
Ensures no knee-jerk belt decisions, too! Good stuff.
Ensures no knee-jerk belt decisions, too! Good stuff.
Not necessarily, you'd have to assume they'd have the default plates (pictured below) lying around for anyone who doesn't get custom plates:
BTW, am I the only one who thinks the belt would look so, so much better if the default sideplate was the main plate and the main plate became the two side plates?
Speaking of the World Heritage Heritage Heritage Tag Team Titles of World Heritrage, when does GWF next air?
I'm looking for a mega blowout around Mania. Not sure how before Mania would work out though. What's everyones' preference to when GWF airs?
Honestly I hate the Rock. Not only is he burying the people I care about but also unveiled the new title.
Vince, step down please. Your lips have Rock's butt hairs all over them.
Just to make sure, it hasn't aired in 2-3 weeks right? I want to make sure I haven't missed anything. I don't think I have, though.
I also do not care. Whenever is best for you. I'll make sure to be there either way.
Yes...yes! Please, give me all your salt. It fuels me. How buried is Punk? Let me know, please. Because The Rock needs to shove him further down the ladder.
You really need to step your trolling game up.I love everything about Rock being champion. New non-spinner belt (even if the belt itself is "eh"), people being salty about him being champ/Punk being "buried," and of course Rock being back, even if it's only for a little while.
You really need to step your trolling game up.
It's almost as bad as Samoan Cena
Samoan Cena....
You really need to step your trolling game up.
It's almost as bad as Samoan Cena
Honestly I hate the Rock. Not only is he burying the people I care about but also unveiled the new title.
Vince, step down please. Your lips have Rock's butt hairs all over them.
Just call him Dwayne. That's what I do.What else should we call him? Samoan Cena sounds better than Black Cena plus Rock apparently hates being black. In all of his movies where he has a kid they're white
I'll entertain this since I'm bored.I'm actually being completely honest. People complaining about Rock being champion legitimately warms my heart.
Please remind me when Cena/Angle was good. I'm sincerely drawing a blank on this one. I'm sure you're right... I just can't remember it.The contrasts in character and style is what made Rock/Foley, Rock/Austin, Cena/Angle, Cena/Edge so good. They're too similar, especially when both are faces.
they should have K-1 style belts, go nuts:
I'll entertain this since I'm bored.
Why is a wrestling fan glad that a part timer who cuts awful, pointless promos is the champion? He's not putting over anyy talent except Cena, the guy who doesn't need the push.
Put your Punk "hate" aside. What has he done worth noting? A 15 minute story about buying a car? A concert? Calling Heyman fat? AMAZING!
Please remind me when Cena/Angle was good. I'm sincerely drawing a blank on this one. I'm sure you're right... I just can't remember it.
i dont think cena/angle had a proper feud
They had good matches. I don't really remember anything about the feud besides Kurt Angle trying for the most ridiculous heel heat possible and the fans cheering him anyway. But they had good matches because of the contrast in styles.
The IWC community hasn't really liked the Rock since last time he went HEEL.
Talent wasn't being put over before he came back. Why is it all of a sudden an issue?I'll entertain this since I'm bored.
Why is a wrestling fan glad that a part timer who cuts awful, pointless promos is the champion? He's not putting over anyy talent except Cena, the guy who doesn't need the push.
Put your Punk "hate" aside. What has he done worth noting? A 15 minute story about buying a car? A concert? Calling Heyman fat? AMAZING!
Was that during the same feud as Angle being managed by Davari and saying things like he hates America and doesn't support the troops because the crowds just wouldn't boo him no matter what he said?
Last week we got Show-izedWhich had a brief GWF match.
Maybe I can do 2 before Mania, the big wrap-up and final card as a pre-mania show.
Yeah, just making sure I didn't confuse anything else with the Showrumble.