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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle

I'm more interested in the side logos they'd come up with for any future champions. Eventually one champion is going to get a pretty lame design that he'd have to carry around for his title reign.


The belt is bronze and not gold?

Also, I don't know why they chose to show so much of the leather on the front, but it makes it look like they ran out of money and all they could afford was a WWE logo and not the background.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm more interested in the side logos they'd come up with for any future champions. Eventually one champion is going to get a pretty lame design that he'd have to carry around for his title reign.

Ensures no knee-jerk belt decisions, too! Good stuff.
Honestly I hate the Rock. Not only is he burying the people I care about but also unveiled the new title.

Vince, step down please. Your lips have Rock's butt hairs all over them.

He is about to immortalize Cena, so I hope you are a Cena lover, because Cena will be champ until next year.


Ensures no knee-jerk belt decisions, too! Good stuff.

Not necessarily, you'd have to assume they'd have the default plates (pictured below) lying around for anyone who doesn't get custom plates:


BTW, am I the only one who thinks the belt would look so, so much better if the default sideplate was the main plate and the main plate became the two side plates?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Not necessarily, you'd have to assume they'd have the default plates (pictured below) lying around for anyone who doesn't get custom plates:

BTW, am I the only one who thinks the belt would look so, so much better if the default sideplate was the main plate and the main plate became the two side plates?

Ah, that's true. In case of emergency they could slap on defaults. I still think the belt looks like an enormous ring for your fanga.

Speaking of the World Heritage Heritage Heritage Tag Team Titles of World Heritrage, when does GWF next air?

I'm looking for a mega blowout around Mania. Not sure how before Mania would work out though. What's everyones' preference to when GWF airs?


I'm looking for a mega blowout around Mania. Not sure how before Mania would work out though. What's everyones' preference to when GWF airs?

Just to make sure, it hasn't aired in 2-3 weeks right? I want to make sure I haven't missed anything. I don't think I have, though.

I also do not care. Whenever is best for you. I'll make sure to be there either way.
Honestly I hate the Rock. Not only is he burying the people I care about but also unveiled the new title.

Vince, step down please. Your lips have Rock's butt hairs all over them.

Yes...yes! Please, give me all your salt. It fuels me. How buried is Punk? Let me know, please. Because The Rock needs to shove him further down the ladder.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Just to make sure, it hasn't aired in 2-3 weeks right? I want to make sure I haven't missed anything. I don't think I have, though.

I also do not care. Whenever is best for you. I'll make sure to be there either way.

Last week we got Show-ized :p Which had a brief GWF match.

Maybe I can do 2 before Mania, the big wrap-up and final card as a pre-mania show.
Yes...yes! Please, give me all your salt. It fuels me. How buried is Punk? Let me know, please. Because The Rock needs to shove him further down the ladder.

Punk is so buried, when he met with McMahon after Raw, McMahon (blanked) him.

♫ bwam boop, boo doo doo doo do do, bwam boop, boo doo doo doo do do ♫
People complaining about the Rock being champion and CM Punk getting buried. Nothing but negative nancies running around this place. Are you guys sure you want to do this?

Is it me or is it fricken hot in here?
I love everything about Rock being champion. New non-spinner belt (even if the belt itself is "eh"), people being salty about him being champ/Punk being "buried," and of course Rock being back, even if it's only for a little while.


I love everything about Rock being champion. New non-spinner belt (even if the belt itself is "eh"), people being salty about him being champ/Punk being "buried," and of course Rock being back, even if it's only for a little while.
You really need to step your trolling game up.

It's almost as bad as Samoan Cena


it sure seems like they are building up for a 3 way WM match. Which I would love because I really don't need to see cena vs rock part 2. need something to spice it up. Screw it we do it live, bring back the wcw triple decker cage.


What else should we call him? Samoan Cena sounds better than Black Cena plus Rock apparently hates being black. In all of his movies where he has a kid they're white
Honestly I hate the Rock. Not only is he burying the people I care about but also unveiled the new title.

Vince, step down please. Your lips have Rock's butt hairs all over them.

This is great coming from your posts back in December where you believed that Rocky would save your wavering interest.

But it seems Wrasslegaf were expecting Hollywood Rock and not Face Rock doing the face things he always does.
That said I did not expect super gassed Rock, that has been a big disappointment to myself.
Still felt like WWE was trying to stall the Punk/Cena stuff while waiting for a final decision from Undertaker about WM 29. I can't see any other reason for that first segment as I don't see why they needed to postpone the Cena/Punk match til next week.


What else should we call him? Samoan Cena sounds better than Black Cena plus Rock apparently hates being black. In all of his movies where he has a kid they're white
Just call him Dwayne. That's what I do.
Dwayne who's back to promote movies until he goes back to making movies in 2 months so Cena can be champ for a year and a half.
(Or they give the belt to Brock, Trips, Taker or some other part-timer.)

The only non-part timers I can see even tasting the belt again any time soon are Punk and Miz. That's it. Until Reigns gets his Batista push. Then, maybe him.


I'm actually being completely honest. People complaining about Rock being champion legitimately warms my heart.
I'll entertain this since I'm bored.

Why is a wrestling fan glad that a part timer who cuts awful, pointless promos is the champion? He's not putting over anyy talent except Cena, the guy who doesn't need the push.

Put your Punk "hate" aside. What has he done worth noting? A 15 minute story about buying a car? A concert? Calling Heyman fat? AMAZING!


Rock/Cena is boring because they're pretty much the same character. Very, very rarely do two guys that are basically exactly the same put on good matches unless they are super technical guys. All of Cena and Rock's best matches and feuds are against guys opposite in nearly every way.

The contrasts in character and style is what made Rock/Foley, Rock/Austin, Cena/Angle, Cena/Edge so good. They're too similar, especially when both are faces.


The contrasts in character and style is what made Rock/Foley, Rock/Austin, Cena/Angle, Cena/Edge so good. They're too similar, especially when both are faces.
Please remind me when Cena/Angle was good. I'm sincerely drawing a blank on this one. I'm sure you're right... I just can't remember it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
they should have K-1 style belts, go nuts:


They'll never do that as Triple H would cut his gut against one of those.

I'll entertain this since I'm bored.

Why is a wrestling fan glad that a part timer who cuts awful, pointless promos is the champion? He's not putting over anyy talent except Cena, the guy who doesn't need the push.

Put your Punk "hate" aside. What has he done worth noting? A 15 minute story about buying a car? A concert? Calling Heyman fat? AMAZING!

I can only speak for myself but it's fun to see people get butthurt in general, I'm a bad person and I embrace my inner douche.


Please remind me when Cena/Angle was good. I'm sincerely drawing a blank on this one. I'm sure you're right... I just can't remember it.

i dont think cena/angle had a proper feud

They had good matches. I don't really remember anything about the feud besides Kurt Angle trying for the most ridiculous heel heat possible and the fans cheering him anyway. But they had good matches because of the contrast in styles.
They had good matches. I don't really remember anything about the feud besides Kurt Angle trying for the most ridiculous heel heat possible and the fans cheering him anyway. But they had good matches because of the contrast in styles.

Angle dressed Cena-style and rapped.

The IWC community hasn't really liked the Rock since last time he went HEEL.

the Hollywood Rock phase? it was his best work.


I'll entertain this since I'm bored.

Why is a wrestling fan glad that a part timer who cuts awful, pointless promos is the champion? He's not putting over anyy talent except Cena, the guy who doesn't need the push.

Put your Punk "hate" aside. What has he done worth noting? A 15 minute story about buying a car? A concert? Calling Heyman fat? AMAZING!
Talent wasn't being put over before he came back. Why is it all of a sudden an issue?


Was that during the same feud as Angle being managed by Davari and saying things like he hates America and doesn't support the troops because the crowds just wouldn't boo him no matter what he said?


No One Remembers
I'm not gonna lie, the Rock is what drew me back into wrestling 2 years ago. I watched the Raw when it was announced he was coming back and I've been watching since. The WWE won.

Now I watch the product for other wrestlers like Big Show, Bo Dallas, Yoshi Tatsu, Primetime Players and Brodus CLay.
The best Angle/Cena stuff was back when Cena was a grouchy rapping midcarder and Angle busted out his amazing counter rap, I think that was around No Mercy 2003.


To me The Rock himself has just been a great platform to make Punk look really good. Even if he lost his championship, he shined the whole way through.


I agree with Pav. 2 months of promos and matches with Rock has done more for Cena than his entire title reign. Especially the EC match, which put Punk at a level that I think only Austin hit, which was kicking out of a Rock Bottom and People's Elbow AND getting a clear visual win over Rock in the same match.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What's the best video-to-gif converter out there? I'm doing a...project...

Gonna masquerade GT5 footage as GT6 footage tomorrow and see if anyone notices
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