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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Why imagine that when you can have Bo?

He looks like a monkey here.

Bo Dallas- the man of many faces



WCW Mayhem 11/26/200

EARLIER TODAY. Booker T arrived and signed some autographs. Scott Steiner arrived to no fan fair and Finlay made him sign in. He busted up the laptops because he don't sign for nobody.


MOMENTS AGO. Nature Boss Ric Flair addressed the live audience promising the best show possible. I have a feeling he will regret saying that.

Kwee Wee vs Mike Sanders WCW Cruiserweight Championship

"Why would a YAK wear a thong and shorts at the same time?" I don't know, Stevie. Mike bitch slaps Angry Allan. Mike bails and all of the Thrillers come out. Mark Jindrak does a flying clothesline that would be impossible for the ref to miss, but he did. Super hip toss into a power slam. Slick may be the NBT ref now that the NWO is gone. Meng and Paisley come out and fight the Thrillers. Paisley is now wearing a giant afro wig.


Ric Flair brings security out to get all the riff raff from ringside. There is a match going on, apparently. Meng having two guys in a Tongan Death grip for 5 minutes was all I saw. Ric ejects everyone besides Paisley. Sanders reverses a sunset flip into a frankensteiner. "It's not called an afro; it's a natural!" Sanders hits the 3.0 and retains.

Gene is with CEO Flair. Unless they are in a match, wrestlers are not allowed at ringside. Boogie Knights talk with Kronik. Disco makes a deal for Alex to team with Kronik against Rey and Kidman. Gene is with Evan and Jamie. They talk about high school football. Apparently, Evan fucked Jamie's sister. And cheated on her. This is the first time Jamie has spoken on television. Crowbar walks in with two Nitro Girls. He's going to fuck those YAKs later. For sure. He has flowers in his locker room.

2 Count vs Evan Karagias/Jamie Knoble vs Jung Dragons

Evan says he drives a Caddy with a stick shift. Stevie has to let everyone know that he's never seen a 67 Cadillac with a stick shift. Suckas gotsta know. Some dancing until 2 Count get back dropped the floor. Sweet German suplex/wheel kick combo from 2 Count on Jamie. Straight jacket German from Shane. Jumping tombstone from Jamie. Big dive sequence ending with some wacky spinny thing from Yang and a cross body from Leia.


Jaime gets a ladder. Shane jumps off the shoulders of Yang, who is on the top rope. There is a double pin, both guys miss the cue to kick out, and the ref just kind of stops. Fans booed. 2 Count win with the X-Plex.

TO THE BACK. Bam Bam had put Awesome through a table. Wall came by and ran Bam Bam off. Paula is with the Boogie Knights and Kronik. The BK could only afford 7:30 of Kronik's time. Gene is with Jimmy Hart. Jimmy is on crutches. Gene says the cast is as real as Gunn's tits. Almost. Jimmy also claimed that his first match with Mancow happens last year. It was in April of 2000. It is now November of 2000. The Thrillers freak out in Sanders' office. Reno's got this shit.

Mancow vs Jimmy Hart


I can't believe WCW is doing this match for a SECOND time. I mean, a shock jock against Jimmy Hart, who really hadn't been relevant in 10 years if I'm being generous. This is something that WCW felt the need to run TWICE on PPV. Jimmy tries to back out of the match. Mancow spits on him. Mancow says he's like George W. Bush and Jimmy is like Al Gore. This is the worst. Mancow is now 2-0 against Jimmy Hart.

TO THE BACK. EMTs are checking on Awesome. Crowbar is worried about his bro. MIA meeting. Flair needs a word with AWALL. Lance is talking to Bam Bam. Paula is with the Animals. Konnan isn't there tonight.

Big Vito vs Reno vs Crowbar WCW Hardcore Championship

This thing with Vito and Reno has been going on for months, somehow involves Vito's sister, and hasn't been explained in any way. Crowbar apparently pulled an ab during the hardcore match on Thunder. Italian Enema! What a terrible name for a move. Double flap jack through a trash can. Crowbar can't do much due to his injury. Stevie is for real better than anyone in WWE has been since JBL's original commentary run. He puts over dudes regardless if they are face or heel, shits on stuff that is stupid without shitting on the wrestler, has fun, says ridiculous shit regularly. He's awesome. It goes to the back. Vito goes through a table. Vito's sister, Marie, prevents Reno from hitting him with a chair. In the confusion, Crowbar hit Reno's chair with a chair of his own and retained his title.

Buff asks some homeless people for something.


DDP and Nash talk about stuff. DDP says "shit out of luck" and grins at the camera. Gene is with Cat. Gene hits on Ms. Jones, which gets Cat all fired up. Cat says he'll kiss Shane's feet and leave the country for 30 days if he loses tonight. "I could rock your world, sweetheart. A little dose of Vitamin Gene and you'll be up all night!"

Filthy Animals vs Alex Wright/Kronik

This originally was supposed to be the Boogie Knights vs Kidman/Rey/Konnan. Now it's Alex/Kronik vs Rey/Kidman. No one knows where Konnan is. Disco says something about WOW Magazine, which pisses Tony off and makes him ask if Disco has ever thought of putting WCW magazine over. Kronik will only wrestle for 7 minutes and 30 seconds. I expect Kronik to stop their pin because their time ran out and leave the match, leaving Alex to lose. Why, that's exactly what happened.

TO THE BACK. Thrillers meeting. Sanders is going to set it off. Gene is with Steiner. Steiner talks about his chromosomes being mixed and how he's best when he's mad.

Shane Douglas vs The Cat


Cat randomly chokes Mark Madden, which makes Tony and Stevie mark out. YAK FIGHT. Lol. Ms. Jones puts Torrie in a rear naked choke in the middle of a YAK FIGHT. Shane uses the chain, but Cat got his foot on the ropes. Cat wins with a kick with his red shoe on.

TO THE BACK. Jarrett finds his guitars have been destroyed. Paula is with MIA. They have a new shirt and this is the final battle in the war.

A hype video for GLACIER! BLOOD RUNS...COLDER. THE ICE AGE RETURNS TO WCW....AGAIN! Tony and Madden shit all over it.


Bam Bam Big Yellow vs Sgt. AWALL

Remember when they ran Wall vs Bam Bam back in the Spring? I do. At the time, Wall was trying to murder folks and Bam Bam was upset because he didn't teach Wall that kind of behavior. Now, Bam Bam is beating up people and Wall won't stand for it. It's like poetry. I don't give a fuck about this. Bam Bam hit Greetings from Asbury Park for the win. Bam Bam collapses after the match. The ref calls for help, but no one comes because the EMTs left with Mike Awesome. They FINALLY show up. This would be bad if Bam Bam had being dying or something. Bam Bam is dead or something.


. Gene is with Buff. Buff cuts a dick promo about how if anyone knows about neck injuries, it's him, but lets get on to something more important, like making fun of Jeff Jarrett!

Back in the ring, EMTs are still checking on Bammer. Possible concussion, extreme dizziness.

Lance Storm vs General Rection Canadian Championship

They start this match with Bam Bam still out there. They couldn't even get him to the back before starting the entrances? Bam Bam gets up and attacks Hugh! IT WAS A SWERVE! Well, I didn't see it coming, at least. Hugh is back in his Hugh Morris gear. Lance has taped ribs and claimed to have four cracked ribs and a bulging disc. Lance works over the knee the whole match. Despite one leg and having almost no offense, Hugh wins with the moonsault. New champion! The war is over! Finally.


TO THE BACK. Sanders tells Doug Dillinger to send security home.

Jeff Jarrett vs Buff Bagwell

This was actually the first feud of the Russo era in 1999. Buff thought HE was the chosen one, but was forced to job to La Parka. So he did a really sarcastic job (not HBK levels, but much grumpier), asked if he "did his job right" directly into the camera, and then Jeff debuted and laid him out with a guitar. I don't give a fuck about this. I do think it is funny how they pushed Jeff so hard for the first half of the year and then bussed him down to US Championship level, and now he's down to feuding with Buff. Buff crashes and burns on a missed Blockbuster. Could have hurt his shoulder bad on that. Buff hits a tornado DDT after that. No way, a ref bump in a Jarrett match? Jeff gets a chair, but David Flair comes out and DDTs him on it. Don't tell me we're about to get a Jeff Jarrett vs David Flair feud. Jeff had a guitar hidden under the ring and gets the win. So they spent time to build up that Jeff wouldn't have his guitar tonight, only to have the finish be the standard Jeff hits a guy with a guitar finish. Makes sense.


Perfect Event vs The Insiders WCW Tag Team Championships

Sanders is out for color. The NBT are now security. Chuck has the best punches. Some of the best of all time. Nash and DDP fight off "security" when Ric Flair and the real security comes out to remove them. Sanders shows Ric his managerial card, I believe. He's allowed to stay at ringside. DDP has ridiculously large elbow pads. We get to see some of Meat's meaty ass. He does squats for sure.


DDP is the FIP for this and it is dangerously boring. He's been off for 4 months and you can ell. Nash is FIIIIIIIRRRRRRRREEEEEEDDDDDD UUUUUPPPPPPPP, though. Kanyon Cutter! Jackknife! Sanders pulls the ref out. Kanyon Cutter on the floor! Nash and DDP win. New champs! For real, Kanyon did the Diamond Cutter better, at least at this period of time.


TO THE BACK. Paula talks to Lex. Lex says he is the Michael Jordan of WCW. You gotta be shitting me.

Goldberg vs Lex Luger

Goldberg will be fired if he loses a match before he surpasses his previous streak of 176 matches in a row. Stevie says it will take Goldberg 2-3 years to reach that, even though he's at like 24 wins in a month. It should take him about 7 1/2 months, depending on how many handicap matches or double duty nights he has. Crowd just completely dies as soon as Lex goes on offense. Lex pulls Mickie Jay in between he and the spear. Double spear. Jackhammer! A ref immediately hits the ring and makes the count. So, why was there a ref bump at all if it didn't have anything to do with the finish? This was like, 4 minutes. Barely longer than the handicap match that was the main event of Halloween Havoc. I feel like Goldberg was really past the point of having 2-3 minute squash matches again and seeing him completely revert back to a one dimensional squash monster was really uninteresting.

Scott Steiner vs Booker T WCW Championship Caged Heat Straight Jacket Match


Steiner attacks Booker right as he enters the cage. There is a lot of time left for a WCW match. Midajah is inside the cage. Doesn't that kind of negate the point of a giant cage match? I think the straight jacket is actually on top of the cage. It's also not necessary to use in the match at all. This is the most worthless cage match. It's just a regular match. Outside of the very start, it's been entirely in the ring and just a normal match. The straight jacket was hanging from the roof. Scott got it down, but ate an Electric Chair for his efforts. Steiner is out enough for Booker to try to put the straight jacket on him for 2 minutes, so Booker doesn't even bother to make a god damn pin during any of this. Stevie yells over and over to fucking pin the guy. Booker finally gets the straight jacket on, but doesn't tie the arms back or anything. Then he goes Royal Rumble 99 and hits some gross chair shots. Scott rips the sleeves off the straight jacket. It would have been way more impressive if it had been put on properly. Book gets out of the Recliner in the same way Goldberg did at Fall Brawl, but not nearly as awesomely.


Book End, but Booker couldn't make the pin right away. Steiner hits a wicked chair shot and a really awkward Bubba Bomb type move before locking on the Recliner. New champion! It's amazing that WCW took until November of 2000 to put the title on Scott Steiner. He was easily over enough and legit enough in early 1999. Mid 1998 if Goldberg wasn't around. They really pushed Jeff Jarrett in that spot for 6 months over Scott Steiner. Scott beat up Booker and the refs with a chair to end the show.


This show was so BORING. Completely unengaged. The only noteworthy things to come from the show were Steiner winning the title and the return of Glacier.
Woo, got PWG's DDT4 2013 - watched the first two matches, Inner City Machine Guns vs The Young Bucks is an awesome opener, although those who aren't fans of YB matches will surely despise it. Superkick count; 13. 2nd match was The Unbreakable F'n Machines vs The Super Smash Brothers and this one was going great, right up until Uno unfortunately separated his shoulder on a dive and they had to wrap things up fairly quickly. Loved the stuff at the start with Dos getting the better of Elgin & Cage, before they demolished him in typically impressive fashion - at one point they have Dos in a vertical suplex for a whole minute, passing him off between each other three times before Elgin hit the suplex, crazy. Here's a few gifs;

The Inner City Machine Guns;


Player Uno gets some assistance from the ref;


Michael Elgin's freaky, Canadian strength;


Next up, FutureShock vs Dojo Bros. I'm expecting this one to be rather kicky.

Is it just me or do his boots look like sad cows?

Lol, now I can't un-see it.
This reminds me. What happened with Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin? I remember they got injured at one point or that they were going to WWE.

Also, the belt has grown on me. Looks weird but better than the spinner. Those that want a gold background instead of black will make the belt look like the spinner belt way too much, which I want nothing to do with. Black is awesome.
Bootaaay, there are no such things as YB fans!

I love to hate the Young Bucks, does that count?

This reminds me. What happened with Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin? I remember they got injured at one point or that they were going to WWE.

There was talk of Shelley going to WWE, but nothing ever came of it. Sabin is unfortunately still injured - he came back in May 2012 after tearing his ACL & MCL, then in his first match back he tore his other ACL. Awful luck. Meanwhile, Shelley is currently one half of the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Champions in New Japan - here's their title defence from the last PPV;

Time Splitters (Alex Shelley & KUSHIDA) (c) vs Forever Hooligans (Rocky Romero & Alex Koslov) - (NJPW 02/10/13)


These WCW recaps make me realize I stopped watching WCW long before the company died. I don't remember anything in any of these recaps ever happening, but I was watching wrestling all the same.



Maryse Twitter sure is something...

edit: also


lol, an apology today
WWE has a long history of creating fictional characters that serve as either protagonists or antagonists, no different than other television shows or feature films. To create compelling and relevant content for our audience, it is important to incorporate current events into our storylines.

WWE is creating drama centered on a topical subject that has varying points of view to develop a rivalry between two characters. This storyline in no way represents WWE’s political point of view. One should not confuse WWE’s storytelling with what WWE stands for, similar to other entertainment companies such as Warner Bros., Universal Studios or Viacom.

You know what parody is good?

Really enjoyed both FutureShock vs Dojo Bros and The Briscoes vs Steen & Generico from PWG's DDT4 2013 - all four first-round matches were good, but I definitely enjoyed the Briscoes/Steenerico match the most. Loved seeing Steen & Generico's interactions, having not teamed together for so long, and The Briscoes are awesome here. Out of all the guys contracted to ROH, The Briscoes are the ones who could most benefit from a permanent change of environment. Also, Roderick Strong chopping Adam Cole in the dick was pretty hilarious.

Roderick Strong's crazy sheer drop vertical suplex backbreaker;


Eddie Edwards and Kyle O'Reilly suplex themselves to the outside;


Mark Briscoe, master of Redneck Kung-Fu;


FallingEdge said:
What happened to the Cutler Bros?

They retired, which is why The Young Bucks now do the Cutlers' Tandem Tombstone Piledriver.
It really is sad when WWE feels the need to apologise for stuff like this.

It's kind of disgusting really. Of the pantheon of homphobic/racist/misogynistic shit they've done this is the only time they've ever felt they needed to defend themselves. In more hilariousness, Alex Jones has responded to the gimmick as well:

Which is especially funny because Uncle Zeb seems pretty moderate in comparison with Jones


I think the sad part is that they're remotely hinting at an apologetic tone for a rather accurate portrayal of a far-right, white, conservative political group, given the lazy stereotyping bordering on racism that's relatively common in wrestling.

Now, I don't have a problem with the latter. It's a damn TV show. It's for entertainment. Sometimes its amusing, other times its crap. I just find it funny and unsurprising that the villain being a white racist draws the criticism of "racism" (rofl), as opposed to, you know, anything else they've done.


So since they made that statement does that mean Swagger keeps going the way he has? Or is El Generico going to debut and teach Swagger that illegal immigrants are people too and he just wants money to help out his poor orphans?


They're going to do the same thing with him they've done with Tensai. Pull him back, make him goofy, and let him dance. I can't wait to see his Moves Like Swagger.
Did they apologize for the Sgt. Slaughter stuff during the gulf war? If they did I sure as heck don't remember.

Those two characters are completely different. There weren't people cheering for Slaugther's character as far as I know.

Swagger's character has supporters, a lot of people who believe what he says.
Thew belt is growing on me a little. The Champion font looks really ugly. The spinner design really isn't that bad. Decrease the bling by 50%, don't spin (which they fixed), and make it say Champion, not champ (douch chills).

I wonder how much went into the original spinner, 100k?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If I made the title belt it would be made completely with black coral and silver, would feature chains and tribal tattoo imagery. It'd be tizzight

that sounds pretty neat but

mine would have some neon colors, maybe a cool EKG heartbeat pulse across the front that said WWE. bright pink line, with a perrywinkle background. lots of triangles and cylinders on the sides too, a bunch of bodacious shapes. maybe a footprint or two on it also. some yellows and greens.
WWE 2K logo


“We looked at a lot of different leaders in the industry and talked to all of the big guys, and for us, we had been with THQ for so many years, it was nice to finally go out and date a few other companies and see what kind of thought process they had about the video game industry going forward,” Collins told ESPN Tuesday in an exclusive interview. “As we look at the next-gen systems coming out, whether that’s this holiday or next holiday, we want to make sure we align our property with who we thought would be a leader going forward on these next-gen systems.”


Can someone shop the belt so that the side plate is the main middle plate and the middle plate is on the sides? I don't have photoshop on this computer :(


I can't wait until Swagger turns and starts loving taxes and illegal immigrants. I hope they do it in the south so it turns into the MMA fight from Brüno.


I hope that the writers raid these comment sections to pull talking points for Zeb's future promos.

It's be...well, it'd be something if the WWE had the balls to go full on anti-Semitic with the character. In the "Oh dear lord in heaven what a trainwreck the social carnage will never end I never thought wrestling would die like this" way.

Old racist people on the Internet are crazy.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I want Zeb to get even crazier. Controversy creates cash!


The comments to the news articles here are amazing.

Have You Heard the WWE’s Wildly Racist ‘Tea Party’ Wrestling Character Named Jack Swagger?

warning: lots of bullshit pop up ads.

The entire scenario leaves many wondering why the WWE would choose to create such a character. The WWE is typically thought of as having a greater viewership on the right than the left, though that’s not backed up by any statistics, and the family that started the network has a longstanding connection to the Republican Party.

Dear idiot republican blogger,

Vince isn't going to make this character ridiculous. He's going to make their complaints about America rational, and give us reasons to by sympathetic to them(Del Rio will probably cheat to beat him at some point). Also Swagger will probably go over in the feud.

You are right about them being racist and behind the times however.

I want Zeb to get even crazier. Controversy creates cash!

That is not going to happen. Vince isn't going to mock crazy Republicans, he's going to make them look sympathetic. That slimy mexican is not going to defeat Swagger fair and square, He's going to cheat to do it all while getting free healthcare!


These WCW recaps make me realize I stopped watching WCW long before the company died. I don't remember anything in any of these recaps ever happening, but I was watching wrestling all the same.

I know. I feel like anything I've seen of these shows post NBR were either on WWE stuff or just the PPVs that I watched a few years ago.


The Swagger/Colter duo is tame, which is the funniest part. Just look at the reactions for a good comparison! The PG era, being publicly traded, and fear of losing sponsors has the WWE keeping this character relatively mild.

Indirectly, this self-imposed restraint has turned what would have been a cartoonish (and hilarious) racist hick gimmick into an eerily accurate portrayal of reality.

If this were the Attitude Era, Colter would be saying the shit said in these comments sections, which is far more extreme than what they're currently saying on TV, which is what these people consider to be offensive and inaccurate...

It's like a maelstrom of cognitive dissonance, utter lack of self awareness, irony, and stupidity. SMELL THE CONTROVERSY.
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