:lol :lol
Man, how IMPRESSIVE is Cesaro!
You do know you're in 2001 now, right? You've dated everything 2000.
Also, have fun with the next Nitro, because Jarrett has the actual Sid leg snap played about 30 times in a row.
I was so happy to see Fandango premiere tonight.he didn't. He cut a promo and since Stryker couldn't say his name right he said he wouldn't wrestle. I feel so broken hearted. At least I think it was Stryker. I was mesmerized by Fandango
What the fuck is going here? Was that a plant? Goldberg almost killed him
It's her two-tone hair that gets me.
Seth Rollins and her should team up.
Great rivalry, I remember that one time they executed a move.If AJ is too busy doing absolutely nothing along with Dolph then there is only one option for Kaitlyn at WM:
"You're not a REAL, AMERICAN, JR." *Patriot Lock*
It's really too bad Jack Swagger is the one with this gimmick. This gimmick plus a great talker could make for so much heat and media coverage. Unfortunately, Colter's carrying the whole thing, and it won't really go anywhere.
Good theme, in any case. I can hear the white-hot boos it's getting in a perfect world.
I want too see Cesaro vs Mark Henry asap
thats all miz and his abs
I was so happy to see Fandango premiere tonight.he didn't. He cut a promo and since Stryker couldn't say his name right he said he wouldn't wrestle. I feel so broken hearted. At least I think it was Stryker. I was mesmerized by Fandango
I'm gonna try these Cadbury Creme Eggs that Yuropeans like Bean Breath like so much. We shall see if I consider your continent liars or not.
wwe uploaded the whole CM Punk x Cena match. watching right now. better be good as you guys were saying.
ha! Cena did the 9 count, roll into the ring and collapse move again.
I think Triple H vs Brock will be an Ultimate Fight match or something. Heard Cole mention Brock's "Ultimate Fighting Style" so maybe they'll use that for the match stipulations.
I'm watching old late 1999 episodes of Raw. My god is Lilian terrible at announcing.
Great rivalry, I remember that one time they executed a move.
And it was just electrifying, blew the pants right off half the stadium.
Pristine_Condition said:Here's my recap of Anarchy Championship Wrestling's "An Absence of Law 2013" show, Sunday at the Mohawk in downtown Austin, TX.
June Week 3 2001
WCW Saturday Night #3
8,146 @ Anaheim Convention Center
Dark Match: Jason Jett v Kwee Wee
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Jason Jett defeated Kwee Wee in 8:20 by pinfall. (E+)
Dark Match: Cash v Johnny Swinger
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Johnny Swinger defeated Cash in 8:24 by pinfall with a Swing Thing. (E+)
Dark Match: Yun Yang v Fit Finlay
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Yun Yang defeated Fit Finlay in 9:58 by pinfall after Kimona Wanalaya interfered. (D)
Dark Match: Mike Awesome v Hugh Morrus
In a match that had some good action and average heat, Mike Awesome defeated Hugh Morrus in 12:45 by pinfall with an Awesome Bomb. (C-)
Show Starts
- A new, but familiar, music plays. It's Kevin Nash... he's standing in the ring with a microphone. He explodes into a rant about Eric Bischoff. How he's still the same old Bischoff. Firing people over the phone. (C+)
- Bischoff appears at the top of the ramp with a security team. He tells everyone he fired Nash for the greater good of WCW. He promised no more egos, and this is what he meant. Bischoff says that people shouldn't believe Nash's lies, he's not a WCW worker, Bischoff never invited him and he shouldn't be allowed into the arenas anymore. This is the new WCW, the same mistakes won't be made again. (B-)
- The security team escort Nash out of the building. As Nash is forced past Bischoff, Nash shouts out 'You never invited me here, we'll see what the other guy says about this...' (B-)
Tag Match: Air Raid v Elix Skipper & Kid Romeo
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Air Raid defeated Elix Skipper & Kid Romeo in 8:29 when Air Styles defeated Elix Skipper by pinfall with a Styles Clash. (E+)
- Buff Bagwell is in the ring as the show returns from adverts. He wants to fight Billy Kidman, he thinks the US Title is too big for Kidman. Kidman appears at the top of the ramp and says there's no chance Bagwell will just talk his way into a title shot. If he wants a fight, he has to prove himself; prove himself like all the other wrestlers are trying hard to do. (D)
- Kidman continues talking about the new work ethic in WCW, and how the 'smaller guys' have a chance now. Suddenly the colourful mask of Rey Misterio appears on the screen again, this time with music and a 'soon...' message. (C-)
- Cruiserweight Title Match: Shannon Moore v Kaz Hayashi v Jamie Knoble v Gregory Helms (c)
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Gregory Helms defeated Kaz Hayashi, Jamie Knoble and Shannon Moore in 7:32 when Gregory Helms defeated Kaz Hayashi by pinfall with a Vertebreaker. Gregory Helms makes defence number 3 of his WCW Cruiserweight title.
- The show returns from a break and Lex Luger has a microphone. Oh no. He's calling out Scott Steiner, he's had enough of being slammed into the Steiner Recleiner whenever his back is turned. Rick Steiner appears instead and there's no chance anyone fights his brother without getting through Rick Steiner first. (C-)
- As Luger and Rick Steiner prepare to fight, Scott Steiner makes his way to the commentary team and starts to shout at Stevie Ray. Steiner takes Stevie Ray's place on the commentary team. (B-)
- Main Event: Rick Steiner v Lex Luger
In a match that had some good action and average heat, Lex Luger defeated Rick Steiner in 11:56 by submission with a Torture Rack. (D+)
- As Luger locks on the Torture Rack, Scott Steiner has made his way from the commentary table. Steiner enters the ring and attacks Luger to save Rick Steiner. It's a brutal attack that ends with Luger locked into the Steiner Recliner. (C+)
- The crowd starts to buzz, as a light shines up above onto Sting who has been watching the action below the whole time! (B)
Show Ends (C-)
TV Rating: 0.27 (same as last week)
Popularity in 10 regions.
Mike Tenay and Stevie Ray have developed a great chemistry on the commentary team.
Starting to see the issue with the WCW roster. There's no one who's actually 'over'. The biggest names on the roster at the moment are Scott Steiner and Bill Goldberg, and Goldberg is injured. The next teir of stars... Booker T, DDP, Kevin Nash, Ric Flair, Sid Vicious & Sting (all old guys!). After that it's slim pickings, with most of the roster being 'Regional Stars' or below. So I have to find a balance between pushing new stars, while making sure ratings are good on the TV show.
Think I might have had a 'good' show if the Main Event wasn't Rick Steiner v Lex Luger...
Bischoff again has mentioned a new WCW. He seems keen, but can he be trusted?
Nash mentioned 'the other guy'. Who is this other guy?
Sting was spotted again, back in his old haunt of the rafters, this time watching the Steiners and Luger.
It's nice to hear that from a crazy Aussie like yourself.I had some Shepard's Pie the other night, and I liked it. Nocturnowl and his fellow Canadians in the thread are good in my book.
This is awesome dude, I'm really enjoying it.
Three people who never won the WWE title because Vince is an asshole.and Owen and Pillman are the coolest bros since Rude and Perfect
Well I'll be a son of a bitch, it's Bobby Lashley!
So are you better than ever?
Make it Hell In A Cell, play up the fact that Lesnar could beat Taker in that match while Hunter couldn't.
And now you're back in time for the greatest prediction time of the year with the most predictable match ups, hype?To be honest, after spending a couple of days crying about the loss of WrassleGAF, not being able to do prediction time for EC (thanks for picking up the slack btw) and not being able to complain about various things and ranting on how Swagger is an asshole and should be fired for driving under the influince I do feel I have grown as a poster.
I never wish to be banned again, it's awful!
I guess Mondo was on the board, but moved at the last second only the camera crew never catch it, so all we see is Johnny Kashmere diving into some barbedwire for no reason, lol. After the match Justice Pain hits Mondo with a guitar covered in light-bulbs, before hitting a fucking nasty DDT on Kasai. I hate this guy. Jun Kasai needed over 100 stitches after the match.
Kashmere's dive;
Even with the story behind the gif I can only see someone flipping off the turnbuckle to their doom for no reason, incredible.