Where the fuck was Ziggs!?
It's because it's the three overpushed super faces. It's too typical that only Cena and his partners can run off the strongest heels.
I'd like some NEW people to step up to be the Shield's rivals. Not just the Vince-sponsored super faces that win everything.
People are being too down on the ending. Shield are entertaining as a Trish Stratus fuck (albeit in far different ways...unless you factor in Maddox--you know what, I'm rambling) and they're doing a slowish (or for WWE, fucking glacial) build to a final showdown payoff before April. Because you can't have a main event guerrilla ambush squad lurking around come Wrestlemania. It doesn't work.
They've pissed off a ton of people, they still have some mystery about them (are they just Heyman's blowhard mercs or do they actually have some sense of justice and no, I really do think creative has something in mind with them), they're being presented as a legitimate threat and have at least one decisive victory over the faces. It's a good storyline with a meaty build and it's dumb to get mad because they lost once.
Pass the popcorn.
If I remember, he went to Australia after the SD tapings for promotional stuff. So he's probably not back, and AJ and Big E only appear if Ziggler appears.
How about some discussion for tonight. We obviously don't like the current 3 being used to take on Shield, so who do you guys suggest?
How about some discussion for tonight. We obviously don't like the current 3 being used to take on Shield, so who do you guys suggest?
Any three guys who legitimately need time in the spotlight. Problem is, almost all their best young guys are heels right now. You've got very few good faces that need those pushes.
It's the same way the Rock's first and only WWE title in ten years, and also the ending of CM Punk's super reign, irks me how it's just being used as fodder to push Cena yet again. I don't want the Shield used as fodder for Cena at the Elimination Chamber, it's a fresh, good story, all of the Shield are fresh, let's have them go against someone new to the main event.
How about some discussion for tonight. We obviously don't like the current 3 being used to take on Shield, so who do you guys suggest?
Da Juggernaut is back WrassleGAF!
Shield vs Bo Dallas it is.
If WWE does it right the shield can be the next NWO. Or maybe a Heyman(The shield, Brock and Punk) vs Vince(WWE) feud that could last for two years with Heyman taking over Smackdown and ranaming it ECW or some shit like that. It will be cool as fuck
Also, way to let Maddox be crippled before hitting the ring, faces.
Where's Big E with his jamaican colors?
Why would they help Maddox? He's a heel.
Mark Henry, Big E, Kofi and PTP should form a stable, and call themselves J.A.C for "Just A Coincidence".
He's still a heel, though. When was the last time any big face helped out a heel in today's WWE?He's a helpless guy getting the shit kicked out of him because he called the Shield out alone. Doesn't matter if he's a bit of a weasel, Cena does his "most heroic hero of all heros" routine, he ought to be backing it up. Sure, Sheamus is just a fight-loving guy, and Ryback some kind of robot, but it's always a dissonance with Cena.
What about him?Hilarious. What about JTG though?
dat ass
EV 2.0 it is.
I don't hate the idea on paper. It would signify a brand split along substantial lines instead of the frankly imaginary Red versus Blue BS we originally got. Different styles, different approaches to stories, hell, maybe different audiences. But the piggyback logic kills it:
"It's called ECW, we need to bring back Raven, Rhyno, Al Snow, Tommy Dreamer and pull Taz away from TNA, or else, why bother at all?! And have Teddy Long book/GM it, he's got experience!"
Maybe when Mr. HH's in charge, we can have nice things.
he gonna kick it
He's still with the company?!?!Hilarious. What about JTG though?
If HHH had his claws in this, he would be the one out there beating up the Shield, by himself.I can really feel HHH's claws in the Shield's segments. Even with the three super faces of WWE, and a load of faces on the ramp, all they did was make the Shield retreat, really. I really can't see anything but a Summerslam 2010 ending if it were down to Vince only.
If HHH had his claws in this, he would be the one out there beating up the Shield, by himself.
So many asses..."And I'm gonna stick it!"
I hope we get a video of that Bo Dallas promo. Stuff of legends.
So little time...
A little tight one could stop me on a dime.
I didn't watch Raw. I was watching Nitro. But I was reading the thread. "F5 the couch!" was the funniest thing I've read in here for a while. I don't know why, but I thought that was hilarious.
Brock don't play around.
Brock don't play around.
It's fun having some monster heels back on the roster, the type of guys where the viewer fully expects the person in the ring to die whenever the music hits.
Mark Henry and Brock Lesnar have dat presence.
brock lost his fear factor with ufc.
henry legitimately looks like someone you don't want to fuck with.
HHH will take on Henry and Lesnar in a handicap match at WM, and beat them both.Brock Lesnar's WWE fear factor is x2 given the UFC experience now.
Most everyone in the company is seen by the viewing audience as a pro wrestler. Brock Lesnar, given the UFC run + smart booking, gets set apart as the fighter. The Real One. The guy who might legit put someone in the hospital because he's real.