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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle

What about wrestling rings int he middle of water



It's the fully white goatee and baldness that makes Taker look so old. If he colored his beard and wasn't wearing an old man hat, he'd look pretty much the same as he did in 2006, but if he stopped working out.

Also, the triple cage is NOT awesome. It wasn't awesome in the 80s when they did it originally, it wasn't awesome either time they did it in 2000.


Also, the triple cage is NOT awesome. It wasn't awesome in the 80s when they did it originally, it wasn't awesome either time they did it in 2000.

While the triple cage was not awesome, you have to admit that it was an interesting concept that at least showed they were trying to make things different.
Pope wasn't a Nazi. As someone who grew up in a dictatorship, I always resent it when people start judging what you had to go through during it. Razinger was a young child at the time, who likely had no idea what was going on, and had to swear allegiance to survive. Punk is an idiot.

Cm Punk Should thank GOD that the Pope is a forgiving Man. Because Even the Pope Could Whip Punk's skinny ass


Oh snap.

I for one am not surprised that Kurt Angle and Soulplaya are defending a man who protects child molesters.


more money than God
I for one am not surprised that Kurt Angle and Soulplaya are defending a man who protects child molesters.
I know we joke around a lot, but you're going a bit too far here, seriously. I didn't "defend" him, and I'm only trying to bring a bit of perspective into what it's like to grow up in a dictatorship.

I don't know if you have a legitimate problem with me, Persp, or whatever it is, but if you do, then just say so, man. No reason to be passive aggressive about it.
Just joking about you, you weren't actually defending the man at all and I'm aware of that.

Kurt Angle doesn't get the same pass as people who genuinely defend that piece of shit suck.


Is Kurt even Catholic? Do non-Catholics give the slightest shit about the pope? Do most Catholics even give a shit about the pope?
God help me, I'm watching the worst indy deathmatch sleaze I've ever seen. High Impact Wrestling's 'Art of the Deathmatch', seriously the fucking worst. Here's a few highlights so far;

Fat dude gets darts thrown into him; http://i.minus.com/iCIpnLKHU8MZ8.gif

Skinny dude gets suplexed on a running weed whacker; http://i.minus.com/icl71huKQ3bwJ.gif

Portly Mexican dude 'hits' the WORST Canadian Destroyer you will ever fucking see; http://i.minus.com/iQMtYnboDId5n.gif

The first match is Cris Anarchy vs Chaos vs Outrage vs VK Grimes in a 'Double Hell No-Rope Barbedwire & Weed Wacker Deathmatch', AKA a Juggalo vs Portly Mexican vs Skinny White Dude #1 vs Skinny White Dude #2. All these guys are worthless and the match is clearly over gimmicked. A minute in one of these dudes (whichever one is the portly Mexican) grabs a light-tube and gets the crowd clapping for him, only to stumble backwards and fall ass-backwards out of the ring, getting his leg caught up in the barbedwire in the process, lol. Oh shit, here come the weed whackers. Skinny White Dude puts another Skinny White Dude in the corner, places light-tubes against his face and then smashes them with the running weed whacker blade. Sounds better than it looked. Skinny White Dude then actually hits a wrestling move! Sit-down scoop slam on the jugallo, but he doesn't go for the cover, opting to instead carve his back up with some broken light-tube pieces. Skinny White Dude then goes for a springboard elbow drop off the barbedwire ropes and SOMEHOW DOESN'T DIE! That was half impressive. The Skinny White Dudes are now teaming up and hit the Portly Mexican with a double team suplex into yet more light-tubes. But the Skinny White Dude alliance doesn't last long, as SWD #1 clocks SWD #2 before suplexing him on a running weed whacker! The 50 or so people in the crowd are going mildly impressed! Portly Mexican interrupts the pin and then hits THE FUCKING WORST Canadian Destroyer you or I will ever see. It's so bad, the ref seems stunned and refuses to count the pin, lol. Skinny White Dudes are teaming again and produce wire cutters, cutting up the barbedwire to wrap around Juggalo and Portly Mexican, but again SWD #1 turns on SWD #2. Portly Mexican & Juggalo break free and Juggalo scores with...something off the apron on SWD #1, while Portly Mexican tries to hit his finisher on SWD #2. However, some security dude rushes the ring and does some awful-ass chokeslam/push on Portly Mexican, who goes crashing to the outside through some contraption of light-tubes and chairs. SWD #2 makes the count and this shit-fest is over. Fuck, that was so bad.

1 match in, I think I've had enough.


If Bootaaay taps out. it must be horrible.

Edit: Oh god, that Canadian Destroyer.....lmao.

You must watch more, and review it......and gif it. This is wrestling so bad we must have gifs.


I went to the Vatican when I visited Rome a few years ago. That place is LUDICROUS. It's so gaudy and tacky. It looks like a rapper designed that place.

bart jr

Neo Member
I don't get to post here much anymore, let alone lurk, since I started my new job. I did enter into the Gaf Rumble though, and I hope you all are ready to accept your new WrassleGAF Overlord once I win -



Paul Heyman has an announcement to make, and I think it is opening RAW.

Also, Dragon Gate USA pretty much confirmed Shingo for Wrestlecon weekend.
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