I got to the New Game+ and have no idea what to do.I just "beat" the game with something like 25 cubes and 7 anti-cubes. The New Game Plus reward is pretty neat! Does anybody know if it was in the 360 version as well? I am afraid of googling anything about the game until I have explored as much as I can on my own.
Curious about another area. There's an area connected to the area with aa single tree on it with a door that you come out of. The area has a ? signifying a secret, andbell tower that consists of a pyramid poking out of the water withCan anyone hint me on what to do here? Or if I can do it yet?an area on one side that when you go underwater enough a sound plays. This area is connected to another small area that I can't get to yet until I solve the puzzle.
Thanks for the hint. Wish me luck. I think I know exactly where you mean.You need to go tothe area with the crying statue/waterfall from eyes. I'll leave it at that because the process is pretty amazing ;o
Guys, I just "beat" the game and find myself more confused than ever.
What does 1st person view really change? I've been looking around the starting village in the rooms that still have secrets, but nothing seems of note still. Is the goal now just to get everything I missed first time around? Is 1st person just supposed to be something neat, or is it really a game changer? I'm terribly confused on pretty much every level at this point.
Edit: Also, I cheated in the multiple door room. Fucked around for a solid 15 minutes and then said "Fuck it" and looked up the answer. I feel kinda guilty, but I'd have never figured that out with only 3 of the treasure maps.
It's required for a handful of anti-cubes. Try poking around in unsolved areas that have some depth, use it in different spots - you'll eventually come across what you're looking for and it'll click. It's not the be all end all of NG+ puzzles, though.
Ah, thanks. So the point of NG+ is basically to get the rest of the cubes, and at certain points you have to decode really complicated codes? I always figured the game would have a big moment where it all opens up, so to speak, but it seems more subtle than that.
You need to go tothe area with the crying statue/waterfall from eyes. I'll leave it at that because the process is pretty amazing ;o
Hmm. Not sure what to do still.Thanks for the hint. Wish me luck. I think I know exactly where you mean.
The next block puzzle I ran across didn't have AS frustrating controls, but then I randomly got an anti-cube while spinning the world?
Spoiler for early block puzzle like 2 hours in:
What was the "correct" way to solve this?Is it just that only one of those patterns solves it and I accidentally did the right pattern the first time, or is spinning the world a glitch?
Care to elaborate on "computer can't do" part? Performance counters have been in every CPU since at least P3.Chev said:and if your computer can't do those it'll use the windows timer.
No, looking at the achievement list feels kind of like cheating since I might not have gotten that anti-cube otherwise. However since you point that out, I checked the list, and got that one, and no, I got the anti-cube from the puzzle picture in some other way, so if someone could spoil exactly what the correct solution is I would appreciate it. I literally put cubesDid you already get the anti-cube that's listed in the achievement list? If you haven't, then that's why you got one.
For the puzzle you're actually trying to do, here's a hint:have you noticed the common theme with the symbols? If you haven't, it's kind of hard to say anything else about it that won't give it away as well, but there's a very specific purpose that those symbols serve in relation to the solution you need to come up with.
No, looking at the achievement list feels kind of like cheating since I might not have gotten that anti-cube otherwise. However since you point that out, I checked the list, and got that one, and no, I got the anti-cube from the puzzle picture in some other way, so if someone could spoil exactly what the correct solution is I would appreciate it. I literally put cubesnearly in the stair-step shape, but with one off since I realized I could not make one hover in the air, and then while rotating it just gave me the anti-cube after they fused.
Huh. I REALLY don't think IThe solution is this shape (the dashes are for spacing purposes):
The reason why that's the solution is because if you didn't notice it, you're looking at 10 of the 11 possible patterns of a flattened cube, and you have to figure out how to make the 11th.
Is there a reason that the map from the 360 version allows you to see what each section looks like but the map from the pc version just shows each area as a white or gold cube. Just watched the Giant Bomb quicklook and the map for the 360 version has a picture of each area inside the cubes on the map and my pc version does not.
Huh. I REALLY don't think I made that shape, more something likeMaybe it just plain gave me an anti-cube due to a glitch. =( Pity I can't reset it and try again or something.the left shape on the second row from the bottom.
Is there a reason that the map from the 360 version allows you to see what each section looks like but the map from the pc version just shows each area as a white or gold cube. Just watched the Giant Bomb quicklook and the map for the 360 version has a picture of each area inside the cubes on the map and my pc version does not.
I give up on this game. I have 27 normal cubes, 5 anti-cubes and 3 mini cubes. Already on New Game+, can't solve the rooms marked with an S, don't know what to do with, don't know where else to go.the first person view
I thought I'd be able to make an acceptable progress on this game without having to ask for help. I was wrong. And it REALLY makes me feel stupid.
Try verifying steam cache integrity. Or maybe update your videocard drivers?yeah this is what my map has looked like the whole time
I saw the quicklook and instantly thought "Holy shit that looks so helpful!", haha.
yeah this is what my map has looked like the whole time
I saw the quicklook and instantly thought "Holy shit that looks so helpful!", haha.
I'm still having trouble trying to figure out what to do with thatOkay so kinda stuck at NG+, not sure exactly how you work thegolden door that shows up at night by the waterfall.
I suspect it has something to do with theI'm still having trouble trying to figure out what to do with thatto get to the doorwaterfallunder the water on that underwater pyramid with the single tree.
I don't know. TheI suspect it has something to do with thepattern on the door, which is slightly different from the pattern drawn on the purple monolith on the same stage.
Also, the spot where you 'learn' what does what tetris symbol has a secret but I can't figure that one out either. The pattern is written there but I can't seem to duplicate it, or not sure exactly where to stand if it is.
I'm a bit perplexed as to how translation of codes works for this game. I've heard so much about people using physical notes to keep track of things. Does the game ever give you an actual key to translate things in the game, or is it just entirely up to the community to figure shit out?
there are two rooms that are useful to understand the vertically written symbols. One is a cave and one is a classroom. The cave teaches you the buttons, the classroom how to read the vertically aligned symbols correctly.
ONE thing left to figure out