Wow. The guy doesn't mention that he had any technical difficulties at all. The 1UP review talked about how sometimes the world map would just disappear.
Hyped for this!
At what time does XBLA games usually go live?
This should help you sleep:, I have time to sleep! Thank you.![]()
This should help you sleep:
Wow. The guy doesn't mention that he had any technical difficulties at all. The 1UP review talked about how sometimes the world map would just disappear.
This should help you sleep:
That's cool. I'm just reading more reviews than I have for a game in a long time mostly trying to pick out technical details. I've been waiting for this, like most of gaf, for a while but wanted to see the problems other people were running into.I'm not saying it cant happen, but this sure never happened to me, and I'm at150%
looks a little bit too easy for a puzzler/platformer which I know will turn me off, but I'll probably keep fez in the back of my mind. Not sure if I'ma check out the demo or not.
From some posters in this thread, the game is supposed to get pretty devilish with its puzzles.looks a little bit too easy for a puzzler/platformer which I know will turn me off, but I'll probably keep fez in the back of my mind. Not sure if I'ma check out the demo or not.
if this didn't have the gamestop rabbit, the slow pace, and the super easy everyones a champion setup i might have some interest.
Eh? Wrong game.
fuck this game.
steam release plz. take my money!
Limbo seems like it would match up well with whatever deal was possibly struck with Fez.
4 months to wait - if that same deal was struck (and if Phil has a PC version ready to go).
That's not too lame. I might sit down with a glass of merlot myself.Sorry for the lame post but I can't wait. A Captain Morgan and Fez Friday night.
So are Metroid and Castlevania. The distinction is primarily used to separate that style of gameplay from level based, linear sidescrollers.You may well enjoy it, but I wouldnt call Mario 64, Sunshine, or Galaxy a 'Metroidvania' in any respect. Its a complete misuse of the buzzword because people (rightfully) associate it with genius 2d level design that brings you back on yourself but to new areas keeping the game feeling like a journey of discovery.
Yknow, if little Gomez returns back to the first area of the game with a Hyper-Run ability smashing through previously indestructable walls, turns into a bat to gain access to higher levels and so forth, or equivalents of ability progression affecting world traversal: it can enjoy that descriptor. Until then it is an interconnected platformer with hubworld and collectables.
If you have no interest in discussing the game, don't enter the thread
Just watched the GB Quicklook. Looks kinda messy from a technical point of view. And it looks like the novelty factor might wear off really quick and the puzzles not requiring much thought other than a couple of spins. Has this been addressed in any of the reviews? Anyway, it's only 800 MSP, right?
Same here except that the quicklook took any small desire I had to play the game away. Honestly not sure why this is anymore special than any of random steam indie puzzle platformers that come out every week or so.
That would be the overzealous hype train in full motion.
if this didn't have the gamestop rabbit, the slow pace, and the super easy everyones a champion setup i might have some interest.
Or, SHOCK HORROR, it's a good game worth waiting for.
Too bad about not appearing on the PC. I would have liked to at least demo the game.
The game looks cute enough though at it's heart a bland endeavor.
Damn you still got some of those points?
I'm not throwing flowers at it's feet, I'm just not writing it off because some people are excited about a game that has been years in the making for a platform I don't own.
So much bitterness in this thread...Can't wait til the game is out and all the people who actually own a 360 can discuss the actual game.
9/10, but Goldeneye isn't a platformer.15 hours.
Guys im scared. im shaking. I am cold.
it hurts all over my body. the reason why I got a 360 has come to this day. the reason why I started playing the early platformars like pitfall and mario and sonic and bc and goldeneye... it was all because of this day. because of this game.
this game that will not only be the last significant game of all time. but also the game that will counter-attack and kill Trials and all the other "Omg digital download phenomenon". fez on white dude on this... its going to be... I cant write anymore. I cant. I have to hide under my desk.
I just cant. I just cant....
At no point did I write off the game. As stated in what you quoted, I think it looks cute (and in my previous comment) and nifty. In the same vein, from the screenshots, write ups and videos I've seen of the game, it looks somewhat bland at heart. No where did I say that the game is going to be bad.