And we were pretty much right on the money.
And we were pretty much right on the money.
Another quick question. I found a classroom with nothing in it, but the map says it has a secret. I've done all angles and clicked on everything and gotten nowhere. Am I on the right track? Or do the secrets mean something else?
Secrets are puzzles. Usually there will be signs in the room that once deciphered will tell you how to get the secret.
Hmm, so maybe I can't do it now. Not sure what any of the stuff on the wall means.
I think it is possible to do all puzzles in the first time through if you know what the symbols mean but when playing on NG+ you get something that helps you see things better. I didn't bother with the puzzle stuff until NG+.
In NG+ you get to keep all of the stuff you've collected, right? I've been putting off going through the 32 cube door just in case I lose all my stuff.
Yup. You just need to climb to the top of the village and then things are just as you left them, all items and map as they were.
For those that have finished the game:how do you AVOID getting 33 anti-cubes?
The 33rd one that fucked me out of my better ending? I hate that anti-cube![]()
Justavoid it. Once you're at 32, don't bother hunting. By that time, it'll be pretty cryptic, so don't worry about accidentally finding it. People only went off getting this 33rd one because one person stumbled across one from probably mashing buttons in the observatory -- although if you find a red one in there with a piece missing, don't worry. That's part of a THIRD set (of 3).
Going to start playing tonight at work. Link, Mario, and Mega Man approve![]()
I just want to point out that the whole "is a mistake" thing is probably bullshit.33 anticubes
Okay... another stupid question...monolith input for the waterfall doesn't seem to be working... am I standing in the wrong spot? I've got UP RT DOWN LT RIGHT A LEFT LT LT
You can use a digital camera + this.Somebody transcribe the button combinations for the QR code rooms yet?
Loving the game, but those things' inclusion is straight bullshit. Total hipster dick move on behalf of the devs to assume everyone has a smartphone.
It's possible, but unlikely...why the relative frequency matching English, then? Just to throw us off?Regarding the black monolith:
Maybe a long shot, but my first thought when seeing the tome is that it may be the key in a book cipher.
Way a book cipher works (at least in pop-culture representations) is that you give me a triplet of numbers, say 5-8-2, and then I go look up that letter on page 5, line 8, column 2.
In our case, the input to the system could be anything, but I wonder if anyone has a seen a bunch of numbers somewhere that could be mapped to page numbers (maybe via the letter on the opposite pages?) and column+letter.
You've beaten the game once already, yeah?Try using your "new found powers" and referring back to the burned map you have.
MilesDM misunderstood your question...............
Laymans terms! I've tried standing on it, next to it, under the waterfall, on top of the waterfall, etc etc... unless I have the code wrong, but I've run through it twice.
Game is succeeding in making me feel stupid!
MilesDM misunderstood your question.
There's a classroom in the day/night flicker city that might help you out. You don't need to be standing on a specific spot in the waterfall place.
Laymans terms! I've tried standing on it, next to it, under the waterfall, on top of the waterfall, etc etc... unless I have the code wrong, but I've run through it twice.
Game is succeeding in making me feel stupid!
It's possible, but unlikely...why the relative frequency matching English, then? Just to throw us off?
Also, while U, D, L, R, and A could mean buttons, LT and RT would be, U, D, L, R, and A were never used in the game to indicate button presses.
I feel like each page is a button...most button sequences in the game are eight long, and there are eight pages. According to the big letters, there are a couple repeats...
Oh wait, whups. Read that as for theitself. If you want to know,monoliththe entrance is actually in the warp gate room -- where the tide lowers after you've got certain amount of anti-cubes.
Edit: Beaten by Feep. My fault for being up this late.
Just have fun's likely you'll pick up a few things on the way.I feel like there's a level to this game I'm just not understanding. My floating cube companion has told me more times than I can count that he wonders what X is - and so do I! I don't know what the treasure maps are; what all those symbols are on the walls; what the telescope is trying to tell me; what the totems are that cube-friend says he can't remember; what I'm supposed to do with this stack of a half dozen blocks; and so on. Is this stuff explained at some point? Because I'm decently far in - 13 cubes - and I have absolutely no idea what any of it means.
Cubes open doors, the rest is a mystery to me and I've got 32 of 'em. It does expect you to work for it I think. I do think we're suffering some sort of.. symptom where we've had it too easy, games have given us everything on a silver platter. When a game provides genuine mystery, and requires some complex thinking we're coming out with a rash.I feel like there's a level to this game I'm just not understanding. My floating cube companion has told me more times than I can count that he wonders what X is - and so do I! I don't know what the treasure maps are; what all those symbols are on the walls; what the telescope is trying to tell me; what the totems are that cube-friend says he can't remember; what I'm supposed to do with this stack of a half dozen blocks; and so on. Is this stuff explained at some point? Because I'm decently far in - 13 cubes - and I have absolutely no idea what any of it means.
I went afk and found that the bell disappears after a while, might be related?Just have fun's likely you'll pick up a few things on the way.
The guy with the 300+% found an infinite anticube glitch at the belltower, apparently.