choked on the Extermination but still got the Overkillneoism is teh hype![]()
:lolchoked on the Extermination but still got the Overkill
I'd never gotten a metroidvania impression, just seemed like a really neat puzzle platformer.
Hope the slowdown/loading isn't too egregious :-/. Ugh.
Can't fucking wait. Now I want a release date for Indie Movie damn it!
Got an early copy of this; cant say much due to embargo but I think I'm allowed to say that I'm having a lot of fun!
choked on the Extermination but still got the Overkill
How similar is the game to Sideway, a game that came out a while ago on PSN and PC? It looks like it uses the same world turning mechanic, but the aesthetics are undeniably better here.
Jesus there is so much port begging going on in this thread. Im getting so tired of XBLA threads like this. If its not bitching about how there are no xbox eclusives, then its bitching about how an xbox exclusive is not on their system.
Im skeptical of the game itself. I'm looking forward to it but definitely gonna try the trail version before dipping.
Can you elaborate on some? Seems too short to be a print lead.For some, it's Wednesday. For others, it's Friday.
Wow drama really follows that guy around.Phil Fish has definitely talked about it. It had something to do with him not actually do the work he said he was or something similar. There was falling out.
Your taste is your taste, but I can definitely say that Disasterpiece makes amazing music (from his albums and other games), and that the songs in FEZ are amazing. Hopefully once you play the game you'll get a better idea about how you feel about them.![]()
Can you elaborate on some? Seems too short to be a print lead.
ITT : 80% of port begging, 10% of haters, 10% of people who are actually interested in the game and talking about it.
Oh okay, I was curious if it was guaranteed scores first, or friends and family reviews first which would throw it off. Hopefully nothing too malicious there.Some websites will have exclusives - big sites - maybe an IGN or a GameSpot or even a Game Informer website. Maybe even a few other AAA sites. Then on Friday is the rest of the group... I'm a Friday![]()
Wow drama really follows that guy around.
Seems that way doesn't it lol. I could have sworn the 360 is a pretty popular console out in the real world though.Well, duh. No one owns a 360 on gaf.
Seems that way doesn't it lol. I could have sworn the 360 is a pretty popular console out in the real world though.
Portbegging is also because a lot of times MS doesn't get complete exclusivity. Journey will not come to 360 and PC. Yet we don't know if FEZ will say on 360.
But seriously, 7 years in, people still don't have a 360? On GAF? Come on.
Oh okay, I was curious if it was guaranteed scores first, or friends and family reviews first which would throw it off. Hopefully nothing too malicious there.
But seriously, 7 years in, people still don't have a 360? On GAF? Come on.
Me while doing some of the puzzles in this game:
I don't want to get too into it because it's a different topic, but the only time when embargoes seem fair to me is to allow the print press a lead against online. Or to prevent writers rushing out shit sensationalist stories without finishing the game, just to be first.Honestly, outside of maybe one case, I can't say I've ever run into a PR person or anyone with bad motivations with embargoes. Maybe I'm the exception to the rule, but that's been my experience.
Sometimes embargoes are there to prevent a crappy game from getting bashed before it has a chance to sell a few copies.
Other times it's to control messaging.
But mostly embargoes and exclusives are given to sites with wide reach. People bash IGN or GameSpot for getting exclusive reviews and they believe it's because a game is given a guaranteed score. I'm sure that happens, but mostly those sites run first because they have the greatest reach. It's a quid pro quo type of thing. The publisher gives an exclusive to a big site guaranteeing front page placement. The site gets exclusive content that they want to promote, the publisher gets a highly visible spot.
There's definitely no ulterior motives on FEZ.
I had one and I sold it because I don't have the money for console gaming. I'm patiently awaiting the inevitable PC release, because it will happen.
I'll be buying this day one, thanks T-mobile.
Are you willing to take a ban-bet until such time?
Concerning that achievement:Soundtrack is getting uploaded on YT as we speak because the album leaked already :/
I know GAF doesn't give a F about pirated YT-songs (they get posted here all the time), but I seriously suggest buying the album, judging from the bandcamp tracks and various other media that has been released.
Also, the GAF Achieve Trophies thread of this month has one of Fez' achievements prominently featured
Anyone already got it? Do you just input it at the start screen or is there a special trick to it?
Concerning that achievement:
I inputted the trigger code in the beginning at one of the houses, gives you one of the rarer dark cubes that gives an achievement as well. Was pretty funny.
ITT : 80% of port begging, 10% of haters, 10% of people who are actually interested in the game and talking about it.
I had one and I sold it because I don't have the money for console gaming. I'm patiently awaiting the inevitable PC release, because it will happen.