I really can't stand Nomura. I think the last straw was when I saw his redesigned Musashi. Who isn't even Musashi. It's just Sora in bondage pants and fuck-me boots.
Er, i dont think this has anything to do with the nintendo ff connection.
As for representing amanos artwork in 3d. it has to be cell shaded to look like watercolor. Amano is a master at watercolor and i know none(living) who are better with it. The guys not just a game character designer you know.
I really can't stand Nomura. I think the last straw was when I saw his redesigned Musashi. Who isn't even Musashi. It's just Sora in bondage pants and fuck-me boots.
It's worth stating that Amano didn't design the Final Fantasy IX characters, even though you'll see his renditions of characters on places like the instruction booklet. FFIX character design was the threesome Toshiyuki Itahana, Shukou Murase, and Shin Nagasawa.
The original main character designs were by Murase (Gundam Wing, FFTSW, Witch Hunter Robin). I haven't managed to find any of his original work either for FF9 or FFTSW.
There's a book full of it actually, though I don't know where you could see some online.
Does anyone know where the images from GIA's FF IX scoop can be seen? That may count. I found the pages themselves at the GIA mirror at http://terror.snm-hgkz.ch/mirrors/www.thegia.com , but the images themselves for those stories aren't there.
Hey Joshua, I still have some on my computer, the Bahamut & Leviathan Knight and some of the classes artwork and the weird 'we-go-through-all-types-off-material' fish thingies. But I have no idea who did design them. This Murase that Bizarro mentions?