I've only played a few games so far, but I've noticed this as well. If I go up the wing with the full back, I often end up getting too close to the winger in front. I could have sworn they will usually make runs up the wing automatically in previous versions. Perhaps I need to alter a tactic somewhere.ElyrionX said:One of the things they often do is get in your way when you're dribbling. I found myself running into my teammates a lot while dribbling.
Fredescu said:I've only played a few games so far, but I've noticed this as well. If I go up the wing with the full back, I often end up getting too close to the winger in front. I could have sworn they will usually make runs up the wing automatically in previous versions. Perhaps I need to alter a tactic somewhere.
Proc said:I won't be playing it too seriously as most of my time goes to nhl.
MMaRsu said:Man Real is a fucking BULLSHIT piece of shitteam to play against. Too fucking good which is nonsense. Can't get a ball away from Ronaldo either. BULLSHIT
Did you try pressing the LB button so they run into space for you? Or tinker around in custom tactics for a more freeform play? I managed to get players do amazing diagonal runs after setting up some of the options in there...ElyrionX said:It's not just that. Many times the deliberate runs the AI makes would cross your path for no good reason at all. Instead of running into space and waiting for a pass, they will run into or alongside you and get in your way.
i'll have to catch ya next time! was playing one last game with sneaksMMaRsu said:Hey Astrolad we need to get some games in too man.. it's been too long since you got rid of Fifa10.
Cornballer you home yet?![]()
wat u sureMMaRsu said:Fuck this game. It has some of the most retarded AI I ever witnessed in a footie. :<
AstroLad said:Is there a guide somewhere to how Pro Passing works? Totally forgot it even existed until I noticed the weird brackets on the passing meter.
That's the indicator for optimal passing power to reach your intended target; anywhere outside that indicator will most likely cause you to over/under hit your passesAstroLad said:Is there a guide somewhere to how Pro Passing works? Totally forgot it even existed until I noticed the weird brackets on the passing meter.
:lol sorry I was messing around that entire game. Holland-Boca so I figured I wouldn't take it too seriously. Red Bulls acquitted themselves well though!MMaRsu said:Hey dude totally sorry I gave you a little whoopass
What the hell happened with that own goal tho??? O_O
And what's with all the fouling Astrolad?![]()
Yeah but it doesn't seem to come up all the time, so when I'm passing do I have to be basically staring at my kick meter too? Or is there some other indicator to look for. Well thank goodness this is all covered in such wonderful detail in the gorgeous and comprehensive manual.adelante said:That's the indicator for optimal passing power to reach your intended target; anywhere outside that indicator will most likely cause you to over/under hit your passes
:lolAstroLad said:Yeah but it doesn't seem to come up all the time, so when I'm passing do I have to be basically staring at my kick meter too? Or is there some other indicator to look for. Well thank goodness this is all covered in such wonderful detail in the gorgeous and comprehensive manual.
k0ji-wd said:Wait, wtf, I wasn't aware EA were doing the play CPU if your opponent quits online thing this year?
I was playing a friend and towards the 90th minute the game stuttered like it would lag out and then continued on fine. At that point it was 2-2 so it goes to ET and I ended up winning 5-4 in a nicely action packed last 30 mins.
Now the weird thing is, he always celebrates with that violin move EVERY time he scores, but for the two he scored in ET, it was just a normal run to hug your teammates.
So I called him up and was like "yo good game, I g2g" and he was like "yeah can't believe I scored that last minute winner!" and i was like "yo I won 5-4 man. . .' he was like 'nah dude, i won 3-2!'
He took a screenshot of his results screen and it was 3-2.
LMAO alternate dimension online play confirmed!k0ji-wd said:Wait, wtf, I wasn't aware EA were doing the play CPU if your opponent quits online thing this year?
I was playing a friend and towards the 90th minute the game stuttered like it would lag out and then continued on fine. At that point it was 2-2 so it goes to ET and I ended up winning 5-4 in a nicely action packed last 30 mins.
Now the weird thing is, he always celebrates with that violin move EVERY time he scores, but for the two he scored in ET, it was just a normal run to hug your teammates.
So I called him up and was like "yo good game, I g2g" and he was like "yeah can't believe I scored that last minute winner!" and i was like "yo I won 5-4 man. . .' he was like 'nah dude, i won 3-2!'
He took a screenshot of his results screen and it was 3-2.
Yeah, I noticed that the player stops if he's sprinting and you try to get him into skilled dribbling. If you want to avoid this, release the sprint button and immediately hold L2>left stick to desired direction>hold R2 -- respectively and quickly.Jamesearlcash said:I regard myself as a decent fifa player online, i win more than i lose, however i suck this year. I'm really struglling to dribble round players, skilled dribble (l2+r2) doesn't seem to work, if i'm sprinting the player just basically stops, and the skill moves don't seem to work either. I'm also fininding that i get tackled really easily if i'm the striker around the edge of the box and i have my back to goal, i just can't seem to turn the defenders. Tips would be appreciated. Last night I scraped a win on penalties, the other guy was poor and I had all the possesion, but just couldn't beat the final defender.
agaru said:Yeah, I noticed that the player stops if he's sprinting and you try to get him into skilled dribbling. If you want to avoid this, release the sprint button and immediately hold L2>left stick to desired direction>hold R2 -- respectively and quickly.
Also, simple turning with the left stick do wonders in dribbling, thanks to the reduced reactions of pressing players. When you have the ball, watch the direction your opponent player is running to to press you, and then turn to the opposite space. Unlike previous FIFAs, the opponent will take more time to react to this turn you made, which is realistic.
Personally, in a situation like this I try to pass the ball back to a teammate, or dribble my way back until support arrives. But, if you wanna go the risky way to show your opponent some flare you can do this: juggle the ball (hold L2, tap R1) then quickly hold the left stick to your player's left or right and then bang do a volley, OR juggle the ball and hold the left stick to the back of your player and the ball will travel in the air past the defender and your player will run after it. It looks awesome when executed perfectly. A final suggestion is if your player has 3/4/5 stars rating for skill moves, then juggle the ball and hold the left stick to the front direction of your player; he'll flick the ball high above his head, when this happens press the shooting button. Result? He'll do a bicycle acrobatic kick!Jamesearlcash said:Cheers man, i'll give it a whirl, any tips for when your back is to goal and there is a defender behind you ?![]()
agaru said:Personally, in a situation like this I try to pass the ball back to a teammate, or dribble my way back until support arrives. But, if you wanna go the risky way to show your opponent some flare you can do this: juggle the ball (hold L2, tap R1) then quickly hold the left stick to your player's left or right and then bang do a volley, OR juggle the ball and hold the left stick to the back of your player and the ball will travel in the air past the defender and your player will run after it. It looks awesome when executed perfectly. A final suggestion is if your player has 5 stars rating for skill moves, then juggle the ball and hold the left stick to the front direction of your player; he'll flick the ball high above his head, when this happens press the shooting button. Result? He'll do a bicycle acrobatic kick!(your back must be facing the goal in this last suggestion). You can practice all this in the arena against GK-only.
...but who was the goal?k0ji-wd said:Wait, wtf, I wasn't aware EA were doing the play CPU if your opponent quits online thing this year?
I was playing a friend and towards the 90th minute the game stuttered like it would lag out and then continued on fine. At that point it was 2-2 so it goes to ET and I ended up winning 5-4 in a nicely action packed last 30 mins.
Now the weird thing is, he always celebrates with that violin move EVERY time he scores, but for the two he scored in ET, it was just a normal run to hug your teammates.
So I called him up and was like "yo good game, I g2g" and he was like "yeah can't believe I scored that last minute winner!" and i was like "yo I won 5-4 man. . .' he was like 'nah dude, i won 3-2!'
He took a screenshot of his results screen and it was 3-2.
Oh, if your covered-from-behind player doesn't have the ball but rather is receiving a pass from a teammate, then that's a different story! :lol Yeah, dummy sometimes works even though it slows your player down a bit. Also, the right stick flick (first touch) works well if you try to aim it at the open space behind you and not at the the defender. It requires some delicacy to flick the ball slightly away from your opponent.Jamesearlcash said:Whoa, i think i'll try the running away or passing back lol ! In previous fifa's i've had a bit of luck with spinning the defender with my first touch, but the door seems firmly shut now. I might look into dummying it through my legs and hoping it tricks him, i've seen that a few times in fifa 11. Anyway, cheers bud.
speedpop said:Starting to get sick of how sluggish this game feels for any team below 4 stars. I've just had 3 consecutive 0-0 draws (one of which was against Chelsea) and it's all a load of shit because my strikers absolutely stink at one-on-one situations with the keeper. Any goal I have scored at all this season is due to crosses or where the ball pops up in my position due to an animated "collapse" by a defender or teammate. Played 9 games in the season so far and 6 of them have been draws.
I also like how lazy EA are when it came to "training" and dictating how a player's growth ability goes. Last year was a joke because it was too overpowered; get the best trainers and such and even your shitty B-class defender could be worth millions within the year. This time they've simply taken all of that shit out because they can't code it correctly, so now it relies upon an automated system where even I can't predict how it works. I've figured it relied upon player ratings at the end of each game, but one of my young defensive midfielders has had consistent 8's and a few man-of-the-match's and he hasn't budged a single way even though several others have.
I'll give the game a full season and see how it goes but at the moment I'm simply tired of slogging through an entire match and having zero goals to show for it.
Jamesearlcash said:Whoa, i think i'll try the running away or passing back lol ! In previous fifa's i've had a bit of luck with spinning the defender with my first touch, but the door seems firmly shut now. I might look into dummying it through my legs and hoping it tricks him, i've seen that a few times in fifa 11. Anyway, cheers bud.
Jamesearlcash said:I regard myself as a decent fifa player online, i win more than i lose, however i suck this year. I'm really struglling to dribble round players, skilled dribble (l2+r2) doesn't seem to work, if i'm sprinting the player just basically stops, and the skill moves don't seem to work either. I'm also fininding that i get tackled really easily if i'm the striker around the edge of the box and i have my back to goal, i just can't seem to turn the defenders. Tips would be appreciated. Last night I scraped a win on penalties, the other guy was poor and I had all the possesion, but just couldn't beat the final defender.
carvasd said:THIS.
Current streak online: -6... wtf...
OH! and BTW... what the hell happened with Headers this year??.. I've lost games with +2 goal difference scored only with headers... My players just forgot how to defend those this years