What the shit, man. I'm playing on Pro and I have no trouble scoring goals. Just went 7-0 against Liverpool actually. And I was Arsenal, so.Kylehimself said:I just can't stop moaning about this game. The absolute perfection that is the cpu's back line makes it virtually impossible to break through and score. And forget about crossing in from the wings, they win every ball in the box.
rvy said:What the shit, man. I'm playing on Pro and I have no trouble scoring goals. Just went 7-0 against Liverpool actually. And I was Arsenal, so.
What setting are you on?
Kylehimself said:I just can't stop moaning about this game. The absolute perfection that is the cpu's back line makes it virtually impossible to break through and score. And forget about crossing in from the wings, they win every ball in the box.
sneaky77 said:patience, midfield build and you can get them out of position and find the holes for well timed thru balls and headers.
Outrunning a defender depends on stats, so I wouldn't go down that route unless you know your player is fast. Just pass the ball around a lot in your midfield and try to break away from the opposition with through balls (not lobbed, those suck) and 1-2s.Toma said:Playing pro as well and I got similar problems as the guy above. How do you score? I cant dribble past defenders, cant outrun them, and they seem to be mostly better in headers when they defend.
Toma said:Do you use manual or assisted?
mxgt said:I haven't been able to finish a single game because of this.
No word on what's causing it either, so stupid.
I was playing on World Class as that's what it was suggesting based on previous saves or achievements or something. Had a few very tight wins but not much success. Turned it down to Pro and still find it ridiculous.rvy said:What the shit, man. I'm playing on Pro and I have no trouble scoring goals. Just went 7-0 against Liverpool actually. And I was Arsenal, so.
What setting are you on?
There are times I've just sat in the mid passing all over and they just don't lose formation.sneaky77 said:patience, midfield build and you can get them out of position and find the holes for well timed thru balls and headers.
That's weird as fuck. Have you messed with the sliders at all? If not, I don't know. Just keep toning the difficulty down to a level where you can play around for a while and get used to the game more.Kylehimself said:I was playing on World Class as that's what it was suggesting based on previous saves or achievements or something. Had a few very tight wins but not much success. Turned it down to Pro and still find it ridiculous.
Controls are a mixture of manual and semi. I only chose manual where there is no option for semi.
Few examples of my problems. Try and dribble around the defenders? Nah, your players movements are too slow and very broken up. By comparison, CPU can turn on a 2 pence piece. They do a full 360, turn your player and away they go. I'm sure you've all seen it since it seems to be the CPU's main move.
CPU's back line is virtually always in perfect formation. Hold LB to prompt a run and a player tracks my run making it useless, every god damn time. My back line is a mess and every player is pulled out of position trying to tackle (I do generally keep clean sheets or concede few so that's not a big issue).
When I do get space between the back four they catch up to me every time. Hardly matters how much distance I have on them they always track back on time. When they do the same, they leave my defenders in their dust. Sprint as I might I rarely catch up.
There are times I've just sat in the mid passing all over and they just don't lose formation.
I did mess with the sliders, I used the same ones somebody posted on the last page. Though the one they had set to 80 I only put up to 60.rvy said:That's weird as fuck. Have you messed with the sliders at all? If not, I don't know. Just keep toning the difficulty down to a level where you can play around for a while and get used to the game more.
I guess I'll try that, I don't really have a favorite team. I'll probably go with some MLS team.JWong said:You could just play normal kick off matches, but if you got a favourite team, Career Mode is the way to go if you want to learn that team.
QVT said:I'm trending towards the biggest FIFA 12 issue being the rubber band speed of defenders instead of the tactical defending. You literally can't knock a ball past a guy, he will just outrun you to it. Theo Walcott can't beat Acrington's backup goalkeeper for pace. Fucked up.
Preaching to the choir.QVT said:I'm trending towards the biggest FIFA 12 issue being the rubber band speed of defenders instead of the tactical defending. You literally can't knock a ball past a guy, he will just outrun you to it. Theo Walcott can't beat Acrington's backup goalkeeper for pace. Fucked up.
QVT said:I'm trending towards the biggest FIFA 12 issue being the rubber band speed of defenders instead of the tactical defending. You literally can't knock a ball past a guy, he will just outrun you to it. Theo Walcott can't beat Acrington's backup goalkeeper for pace. Fucked up.
Fry8 said:Is this true?
Because on the demo I could outrun Pique with Pato. Actually I outran almost every player with him.
HixxSAFC said:Dependent on difficulty. On higher ones, yeah, pace is close to being nullified when its your player.
That's Madden-type warping bullshit, quite frankly. And it doesn't sound good.HixxSAFC said:Dependent on difficulty. On higher ones, yeah, pace is close to being nullified when its your player.
Fry8 said:What about online?
HixxSAFC said:More I play, the more I dislike it.
Online is still a laggy POS & Kylehimself's post is essentially my experience with the CPU too.
Massive step backwards.
Toma said:Online is fair and super fun for me. Still thinking what to do about my offline play but the mp online will be easily worth the money for me.
You son of a bitch. I got Kenwyn Jones and Arda Turan though. Jones is balls (ST without pace is useless) but I'm stoked with Turan. 88 dribbling and a 4-3-3 LW. But he needs Falcao in front of him. Saw an in form Falcao for 200k. Only 190k to go!mxgt said:Just bought 3 gold premium packs and got Lopez (Lyon, 84 OVR), Mata and Higuain in a row![]()
Lucky me
I notice that it's good to settle the ball before shooting. Also, sharp turn shots won't be as accurate.SD-Ness said:FIFA 12 is so much better than 10 and 11. I cannot believe how different it feels. But the gameplay is amazingly smooth and fluid. The new containment defense and B button strike is really fun.
I'm going out on a limb here but I feel this game is a little bit faster than FIFA 10 (which I remember more than 11). It's almost more like PES in its pace but still retains that FIFA complexity.
I've also noticed that I'm doing a lot better online than I did while playing 10 and 11. Is this version easier or did I just get better?
Last but not least. I need some advice on shooting. I just have this terrible habit of shooting right at the goalie on fast breaks. It's my nerves, I know. The game really gets me on edge. But I just have major problems with this kind of shot. More often than not I'll score on the rebound with the same player or an adjacent one.
Menelaus said:Trick with finesse shots? Just run across goal outside the box (anywhere in the 20-30 yard range) and shot a finesse shot. Instant goal.
Sometimes if player is being pressured or is dribbling the ball at a fast pace, the finesse shot isn't curved enough and goes straight to the keeper.Menelaus said:Trick with finesse shots? Just run across goal outside the box (anywhere in the 20-30 yard range) and shot a finesse shot. Instant goal.
sun-drop said:is any one else having connection issues with local mates?
i have a mate accross town, same ISp ... and we just can't play each other head to head ..connection always times out right at the 1st team select screen.
same in madden 12.
and we can both play randoms JUSt FINE.
what is this shit? ..
yellow submarine said:Firewall settings? What does it say when you "hover" over H2H, it should have a little graphic that shows firewall status.
I finally got my game today, much earlier than expected, so I'm very happy. I was going crazy earlier today because they turned off FUT web access, and so I wasn't able to renew my auctions.
I'm taking the slow and steady approach right now. Buying bronze packs and reselling through those. I bought a couple of silver, but it is MUCH harder to get even w.r.t pack purchase price versus bronze packs.
The only problem with my master plan is that there are only 30 sell/auction slots. So all that useless bronze shit clogs up my auction slots to make me money, and I can't buy any extra bronze to really dig for shiny bronze players. So it's a major limiting factor in my little bronze factory. I only have about 10k, so I can't really make the switch to silver players just yet.
I did play a few UT matches with my 100 chemistry bronze squads. These are players I've picked up exclusively at 150/200 coins. So it's not like I have a squad of 80 pace bronzes. Just decent players in the right formation and league/country to up their chemistry.
One of the first games went well for me. Seemed fun, I played against a guy who was obviously on his starter bronze pack. I went up 2-0 early, and I had quite a few 1-on-1s with his goalie which I couldn't bury (lack of skill or luck, take your pick, both are probably true). He then equalized 2-2 before the first half was up. I got a header off in the second half, and so ended up winning 3-2. I think the 100 chem probably propped up my absolute lack of skill. He knew what he was doing with 1-2s and triangles all over the place. My guys were just dominating him though.
Already got a couple of injuries, and it seems that if you select a different squad, those matches don't count as "healing" time in the injured player's squad. I might have to move him over to each squad that plays, just so that he can heal himself on the bench.
UT is addicting, but I am starting to see how much bloody maintenance it requires too. Already I've had to crack open and use some of my consumables. I'm good since they're bronze and cheap; but if it was gold contracts or even silver consumables, I'd "feel" less good about using them. Strange psychological effect, considering coins aren't "real".
Another of my gripes I forgot to mention earlier.SHarris78 said:This is the most unenjoyable footy game i've played. Its nigh on impossible to get through the CPUs back line, canned animations resulting in balls always bouncing back to the CPU team, nearly always come off second best in ariel and ground challenges.
And it appears WBA are just as good as Barca after their last performance against me.
The 3ds version is better than this, and thats not saying much.
sun-drop said:yeh my ps3 is in a dmz, so all port fwding is irrelevant.
not the first time i've seen this issue either ... can't be sure if it's an issue with EA's sw, or my ISP ...
but sucks.
but yeah UT ...one of the best online modes, i'm constantly surprised how US based media seem to pass over it's importance. it's kinda the perfect pay model .... how much does EA make on it each year?
Nicely done. 5* rated.WJD said: