Shining Sunshine
Custom club sleeve available for download here (limited teams):
Eden Hazard on the cover with a generic face in the game. 8(
Custom club sleeve available for download here (limited teams):
Eden Hazard on the cover with a generic face in the game. 8(
Just popping in to note that my local gamestop (in Ireland) had people queuing out the door for this, this afternoon. Never saw that with any previous game release. This was mid-afternoon too, they hadn't been waiting for the shop to open or anything. Perhaps it was an after-school rush...
We've had some problems with the AI, as well. We don't use an ANY, and sometimes the goalie or backline make mystifying decisions when passing out of the back or defending that leads to goals. It's much easier with one player in the backline or someone that'll drop back and request the ball when necessary.Some great pro club action, one major complain in 2 games the ai has given the other team goals with completely nonsensical defending, comical defending, own goal defending. Other than that the pc club record is 1 win, 4 draw, 2 losses and alot of fun. 2 points needed from the last 3 games for promotion!
We've had some problems with the AI, as well. We don't use an ANY, and sometimes the goalie or backline make mystifying decisions when passing out of the back or defending that leads to goals. It's much easier with one player in the backline or someone that'll drop back and request the ball when necessary.
PS3 club GAF here, we'll never play again without an ANY. Not relying on the AI makes this way, way better. We have a rather shit win/loss ratio too, but hey, at least we already managed to get the promotion to league 9.
That sounds like inter console banter to me, well get promoted too damnit!!!!!
But yeah, ai defending sucks the biggest balls ever, last game 3 goals to the other team all from the ai just screwing around or giving an own goal.
We've had some problems with the AI, as well. We don't use an ANY, and sometimes the goalie or backline make mystifying decisions when passing out of the back or defending that leads to goals. It's much easier with one player in the backline or someone that'll drop back and request the ball when necessary.
When we have more than four people on, it's usually not a problem. It's just difficult when everyone's playing across the top and you can't get the ball out of the back. Obviously, having a human defender back there helps even more. We might experiment with an ANY at some point, but we're still winning games and climbing the table right now (up to league 6 last I checked), so we'll worry about that once the competition gets better. So far FIFA13 has been playing a lot better than 12, and we're having a good time with Clubs aside from the occasional loss. It's a great feature of the game - lots to think about and teamwork & chemistry are key.PS3 club GAF here, we'll never play again without an ANY. Not relying on the AI makes this way, way better. We have a rather shit win/loss ratio too, but hey, at least we already managed to get the promotion to league 9.
Yup. We've been able to avoid that for the most part. It comes up when we're losing sometimes, and we're pressing for an equalizer.When playing without an any if various players are smashing the pass button when the AI has the ball it will give an errant pass or it will give a pass while off balance leading to a intercepted pass.
Haha, all GAF clubs should have had the same name across all platform versions ;p
2 points from 3 remaining games doesnt sound all to difficult, good luck!
So what is the contraversy with The Wii version of this?
As a returning FUT member, you get 4 packs free, plus daily gifts, etc.
so take the money you get out of those packs and you buy high rated players REAL early, like when the FUT Web App releases and nobody has any coins. For example I had about 20,000 coins from selling everything I got in those packs plus daily gifts, I bought 2 David Silvas at 9K each, I sold them both for 45k the day the game came out in the US.
I took that 90k, bought 3 Kelvins (Porto 5* RW Silver) at about 30k each, sold them for about 70-80k each.
So 20,000 -> 240k roughly.
I then bought 4 IF Buttners (Man Utd Silver) for about 60k each. His now worth 100K plus.
and remember to join our club, i believe we have an OT going up some point tonight, i hope we can use the gaf mumble too
I think we have scored thrice in 7 games lol ;D
Funnily enough, we had the same issue scoring goals. Still managed to scratch enough draws though.
i like that scoring is hard, makes those half chances all the more exciting, i expect after improvement both with the pro and the game itll become easier. For reference i think all of our goals have come from headers.
i like that scoring is hard, makes those half chances all the more exciting, i expect after improvement both with the pro and the game itll become easier. For reference i think all of our goals have come from headers.
Is scoring harder than 12? I noticed shots seem to more accurate/strong, but then again the lack of magnetized boots could mean that you're fighting for available space more often.
We tend to pick based on who's available to play. We'll use a formation that lets almost everyone play what position they prefer.What formation do you guys usually use?
Is PSN down? I keep getting signed off.
If you're interested in snagging this for PC, Gamefly has the download version for only $39.99.
Great deal!
Coming from FIFA11 on PS3, which bored me rather quickly, this game is mind blowing. Was FIFA 12 closer to 13 or to 11? Wii U features tempt me but I'm afraid I've been spoiled with 13 already.
Coming from FIFA11 on PS3, which bored me rather quickly, this game is mind blowing. Was FIFA 12 closer to 13 or to 11? Wii U features tempt me but I'm afraid I've been spoiled with 13 already.
Coming from FIFA11 on PS3, which bored me rather quickly, this game is mind blowing. Was FIFA 12 closer to 13 or to 11? Wii U features tempt me but I'm afraid I've been spoiled with 13 already.
FIFA 11 and FIFA 12 are almost the same, the only difference is less leagues (in 12) and the tactical defending. FIFA 13 is the first 'big' change in a long time.
Goddamn my virtual pro has a broken ankle for 3 months
Why does the PES have a dude wearing a hood on their display?
pes is edgyWhy does the PES have a dude wearing a hood on their display?
Why does the PES have a dude wearing a hood on their display?
Goddamn my virtual pro has a broken ankle for 3 months