What do you guys do when you run into those all pace squads that just keep doing over the top through balls and have their striker just outrun your defenders.
What do you guys do when you run into those all pace squads that just keep doing over the top through balls and have their striker just outrun your defenders.
What do you guys do when you run into those all pace squads that just keep doing over the top through balls and have their striker just outrun your defenders.
What do you guys do when you run into those all pace squads that just keep doing over the top through balls and have their striker just outrun your defenders.
When is the patch??? This legacy defending bullshit in clubs can piss off!
Lost my first UT game in like 12 games before, was furious cos I bossed it and bloody Darren bent just speeds past my defenders twice on the break and wins the game. Speedy players piss me off.
Feels like every pro on clubs is a fast little fucker as well.
But seriously how do you guys do headers? I swear there is a secret to it cos sometimes you come up against guys who know how to head and they win every single header in midfield, in defence, attack, everything. How does it work? Do you hold it? Mash it? Time it? Hold and release? Tap at the perfect moment., what is the fucking secret??
When is the patch??? This legacy defending bullshit in clubs can piss off!
Lost my first UT game in like 12 games before, was furious cos I bossed it and bloody Darren bent just speeds past my defenders twice on the break and wins the game. Speedy players piss me off.
Feels like every pro on clubs is a fast little fucker as well.
But seriously how do you guys do headers? I swear there is a secret to it cos sometimes you come up against guys who know how to head and they win every single header in midfield, in defence, attack, everything. How does it work? Do you hold it? Mash it? Time it? Hold and release? Tap at the perfect moment., what is the fucking secret??
i dont think the fifa 12 playtime is accurate but still, help me
i dont think the fifa 12 playtime is accurate but still, help me
I just started UT for the first time today. Played online. Bottom league and I have all shit players. Matched against a dude with all gold players as my first match?! Wft. Haven't read through this thread or anything else UT related but it seems pay2win to me...
I just started UT for the first time today. Played online. Bottom league and I have all shit players. Matched against a dude with all gold players as my first match?! Wft. Haven't read through this thread or anything else UT related but it seems pay2win to me...
What do you guys do when you run into those all pace squads that just keep doing over the top through balls and have their striker just outrun your defenders.
Wish I could have played 13 more. EA and the damn bugs to blame.
Have they even acknowledged the loading bug where the game hangs up at the arena?
Need some opinion, Kaka or Isco in 4-1-2-1-2? I'm looking for CF with a good long range shot and great passer. Isco has been phenomenal with his pass but he seems to be very easily pushed away when trying to side stepping pass somebody. Will Kaka fix this?
I'm making La Liga side with 4-1-2-1-2 formation (before I realised the formation card is so damn expensive). Most of the defenders are still place holder though.
I tend to have a bit of a problem in front of the back four, so I wanted to put strong and quick CDM in. That's Song, should I switch to Toulalan for better chemistry? Sanchez is great for a placeholder to be honest but I don't like pairing Godin with Demichelis. I'm looking for a CB with either high pace or interception to replace Demichelis tho. The choice in LB/RB/LM/RM are really limited to me as I want a good crosser. Overall, I'm quite happy with Simao and Joaquin but looking to see if I can improve the team in these positions.
My La Liga knowledge is pretty limited, I have trouble fitting the team into place. It's as if 4-1-2-1-2 isn't really fit with La Liga side unless I'm prepared to pay. What are the good options without chucking over 15K for a player? I don't like paying loads for a player. I got Falcao from pack and nib Higuain for around 11K. So unless I get them from pack, most Barca or Real Madrid is not really my option.
Need some opinion, Kaka or Isco in 4-1-2-1-2? I'm looking for CF with a good long range shot and great passer. Isco has been phenomenal with his pass but he seems to be very easily pushed away when trying to side stepping pass somebody. Will Kaka fix this?
I'm making La Liga side with 4-1-2-1-2 formation (before I realised the formation card is so damn expensive). Most of the defenders are still place holder though.
I tend to have a bit of a problem in front of the back four, so I wanted to put strong and quick CDM in. That's Song, should I switch to Toulalan for better chemistry? Sanchez is great for a placeholder to be honest but I don't like pairing Godin with Demichelis. I'm looking for a CB with either high pace or interception to replace Demichelis tho. The choice in LB/RB/LM/RM are really limited to me as I want a good crosser. Overall, I'm quite happy with Simao and Joaquin but looking to see if I can improve the team in these positions.
My La Liga knowledge is pretty limited, I have trouble fitting the team into place. It's as if 4-1-2-1-2 isn't really fit with La Liga side unless I'm prepared to pay. What are the good options without chucking over 15K for a player? I don't like paying loads for a player. I got Falcao from pack and nib Higuain for around 11K. So unless I get them from pack, most Barca or Real Madrid is not really my option.
Console patch delayed. FFS!
They probably found more bugs... Shocking. This game isn't worth any where near retail as it is now... FUCK EA. No one wants to beta test retail games.
On the plus side I was able to download the squads finally but surprisingly I encountered a bug in game that completely eliminated the Hud all together.
Fifa 14 will be anything but a day one purchase...
Here's my team. I think I messed up on the formation part. I naturally chose that formation as most players were in it so it meant less changes. I think the way I play suits 2 strikers. I'm not sure who to get but would think RB is my most needed area to improve. Looking at M.Richards and Ivanovic. What can I do to improve my team? It's hilarious that Downing is one of my most prolific scorers
Able to download the latest squads to use offline and in unranked online matches is that?
Lads my HUDs disappeared. What do?
Is anyone making a Serie A team? My first real UT team and its doing well. Successive promotions to div 3 and I've only lost about 2 or 3 games in that whole run.
Plenty of areas to improve though, haven't made any big money signings or anything. Anyone got any tips for who to sign? Hidden gems?
One major problem, my teams finishing is atrocious, it's literally the worst finishing I have ever seen or experienced. I absolutely dominate teams and my strikers are hitting the post from 2 yards out, heading it wide, hitting the keeper all the time, it's bizarre. I'm the best striker at my club, I am usually very clinical in front of goal but I swear my strikers have worse finishing than my pro did just starting out.
I have jovetic, Milito, vucinic, Muriel, as STs and Hamsik and Bojan as CFs. They all play like they're cursed, apart from Hamsik who seems to score/miss at a natural rate, the others seem like the game has something against them. The all round play is fine, but scoring is crazy bad. One game the Gk made 10 saves from one on ones or point blank blasts, with another 2 shots hitting the post from inside the box and another 4 missing completely.
It's the most frustrating thing ever, the shit strikers I had before with no chemistry and shit stats were more clinical. It's gotten so bad that I have had to adjust my game, I never finish the way I do regularly in Seasons or clubs now, I basically have to walk the ball in the goal by passing it round and doing cut backs so I can just slot it into an open goal, even then they miss or hit the keeper quite regularly.
Chemistry and morale doesn't seem to be a problem as they play well and they're usually maxed and fitness never drops below 90. Bloody annoying!
This weeks pre-order bonus Gold pack was terrible for me. All i got was a rare silver contract card. Are you kidding me? fuck.![]()
Why do I STILL need to tell the game my nationality every time I load the game? It's daft.
Why does the opening 'EA Sports' cinematic skip and pause like it's buffering?
Anyone experiencing night and day differences in how their squad plays in certain games? I go from a super-responsive, fast-moving team that can win headers, complete accurate, sharp passes, and actually play proper football in some games, to a sluggish, almost unplayable struggle in others. Passes missing their mark, players making bad touches or letting the ball hit them in the back (!), losing the ball when the opposition comes anywhere near my players, but unable to get the ball off them when they have it, etc. I try to control my CDMs to force the ball out wide, but they always over commit in one direction and leave too much space, no matter how careful I am, and it's a chore to wrestle them back on track. I feel like I have zero control of the game, despite having the foresight to make what would be smart passes when I have the ball, and trying to build up play through midfield. I feel like almost every online FUT game I play, the opposition has that super-responsiveness that I rarely have, even if I have better chemistry, and similar or better players. I'm just getting worked from start to finish, and feel like I'm at an unfair disadvantage.
I'd happily accept that I'm just bad at the game, but the fact that my team plays on a completely different level every now and again leads me to feel like there's something changing my team's behaviour behind the scenes.
If you are talking about online matches, then this could well be a connection issue. As I understand it from threads on the EA forums, FIFA does its best to balance the p2p connection, but occasionally (frequently?) the algorithms collapse and one player has massive host advantage, with a game experience as fast, snappy and responsive as playing offline. The other player (you in this case) is crippled with all the symptoms you have listed, ie a team of lobotomised zombies, chasing shadows while wading through treacle, always a split second behind the play.
It also seems that you can get 'locked' into hosting or having a shitty connection, hence good players complaining about sudden unexpected losing streaks. Seems the only course of action is to turn off your hardware and reset your router. On the flip side, when you are locked into hosting matches you are pretty much untouchable. I recently went on an eleven match winning streak in ranked matches on FIFA 11, demolishing much better players and using weaker teams. It was obvious that my players were better in all departments.
I was hoping EA would have improved their net code by now, but it seems this age-old problem remains.
To make matters worse, it doesn't always manifest itself as jerkiness or stuttering, so isn't easily detected until after five minutes of game time (and the associated penalties for quitting). Other symptoms are blasting the ball over the bar with the quickest of shot button taps, goalkeepers failing to save shots close to their bodies, passes just missing by inches, generally sluggish controls and player responses... It's horrible. My Internet isn't the best so I often find myself on the arse-end of connections, and it's a most frustrating experience. You can see exactly what your opponent is going to do 5-6 moves ahead but are utterly powerless to do anything about it. Opponents seem to have a force field around them as well, making tackles impossible while they walk the ball into your net.Thanks for that explanation, I had begun to figure as much. I've been playing almost exclusively offline to earn coins and build up my squad. The last online game I played was exactly as you described. Although I was fielding an 81 rated, 100 chemistry squad, a 50 chemistry bronze squad was proving incredibly hard to beat. I managed to win it, but only because I was forced to make simple movements that were more predictable for me to control. Any finesse was out of the question. The network issues in that game were particularly obvious though; constant jerkiness/stuttering when I got the ball.
Cross post from Amazon DD thread.
How does the PC community fare with PS3/X360. I would imagine consoles have to be stronger for this particular series but is it still easy enough to find a match?
Tempted to pick this up for PC but after reading just this page I am getting the feeling I should wait.