What's the next area I should improve here?
I reckon I sometimes get caught out at the back because I have 2 high/high CMs so maybe I should get a more defensive CM in, who would you go for? Will it make a tangible difference?
Anyone have experience with De Rossi or Pirlo? Who's going to be most likely to stop counter attacks tearing me apart?
Or maybe I should go for Yaya Toure to compliment Bale on the left there.
I was originally going to get Pato, Buffon or Di Natale next but my scorelines have been so insane that I might adopt a more defensive strategy, I don't exactly struggle to score goals.
Thoughts appreciated.
What's the next area I should improve here?
I reckon I sometimes get caught out at the back because I have 2 high/high CMs so maybe I should get a more defensive CM in, who would you go for? Will it make a tangible difference?
Anyone have experience with De Rossi or Pirlo? Who's going to be most likely to stop counter attacks tearing me apart?
Or maybe I should go for Yaya Toure to compliment Bale on the left there.
I was originally going to get Pato, Buffon or Di Natale next but my scorelines have been so insane that I might adopt a more defensive strategy, I don't exactly struggle to score goals.
Thoughts appreciated.
Also, having tried most of the Serie A GKs, I find Abbiati to be the most consistent but that's up to you.
Samuel is really slow so maybe a better defender? CDM hmm maybe Biscuits? He's pretty cheap too since everyone hates him lol
Nice team though. Can't believe the Pace rating they gave Hamsik. THESE PEOPLE DONT WATCH GAMES
What's the next area I should improve here?
I reckon I sometimes get caught out at the back because I have 2 high/high CMs so maybe I should get a more defensive CM in, who would you go for? Will it make a tangible difference?
Anyone have experience with De Rossi or Pirlo? Who's going to be most likely to stop counter attacks tearing me apart?
Or maybe I should go for Yaya Toure to compliment Bale on the left there.
I was originally going to get Pato, Buffon or Di Natale next but my scorelines have been so insane that I might adopt a more defensive strategy, I don't exactly struggle to score goals.
Thoughts appreciated.
You don't have a holding midfielder at all, especially in an open formation like 3412 Marchisio and Boateng are going to be really exposed. Your best options are Vidal/De Rossi (Vidal box to box, De Rossi stays back) or for a cheaper option, Zanetti/Gonzalez (Lazio). You can also switch Boateng up to the CF spot and replace Hamsik.
Also, get Bale outta there and replace him with Zuniga, his got high defensive work rates so will provide cover on the left and he's from Serie A so you'll get 9 chemistry.
Replace Samuel with Gamberini from Napoli, awesome defender and put him in the centre, get Chiellini on the side to provide a bit more pace there.
Gamberini is good I use him as CB in my 4-3-3. He has 78 pace and is 90 in defending.
What kind of packs do you guys buy? I just buy the premium gold packs but I wonder if I can get any other players via Rare Packs. I just want Iniesta tbh. It'll be a bitch moving him to CM but I'll do it.
Damn, Marchisio's ratings are as good as his face. Had to pick him up since he was less than 8k
My new XI:
The Dutch RW is killing my Chem but 97 is good and his pace is 94
Made 3000 coins selling CDM -> CM consumable. Almost more than any player I've sold, lol. I've got such shit in my gold packs and GameStop pre-order bonus packs. Ridiculous.
Tried Biabiany? 96 pace I think, RM/RW in serie a. You not like Palacio as a RW?
I buy premium packs though I should really stop. Will probably keep going til I get that packs achievement and tell myself I'm swapping out a few drinks.
Just got De Rossi as a CM for 7.5klove bargains.
I'll have to look what the fitness cards are going for on PS3, I have plenty of those and don't really use them at all.I'm selling fitness cards for like 2k. That is a good option too. My packs have been garbage too the only player of note I got was Torres who I sold for 43k to pay for Falcao. Contracts are an easy 300 or 400.
I'll have to look what the fitness cards are going for on PS3, I have plenty of those and don't really use them at all.
Contract cards I use myself since I've had so many disconnects from EA servers screwing me over.
edit: just saw a team fitness card go for 2700 so I'll get rid of some of those bad boys. Thanks for making me aware.
The + attributes cards are good too. People think they are permanent lol
They only last for the following match iirc
I got a +10 attributes card I put up for 150 already at 1900. With 2 hours left lulz
Was getting bored with my EPL team and I had like 16000 coins in the bank and decided to throw together a Russian League squad. Only spent about 14,000.
I'm saving up for Emenike, Welliton and a LB. But until then i've been pairing up Martins with Chicharito, which is working out great. Both have 90 pace and Martins has a 5 star weak foot.
Also have Dzagoev and Danny on the bench. Not bad for 14000. Think i'm building a Mexican league squad next.
I just landed Cech and another rare player card (that ain't worth much) in the same back.
At least that will fetch semi-decent coins.
Why do they always do maintenance during US peak time? It's barely 10 pm here and they always do maintenance at this time. smfh
Shiiiit, I've just used up all my squad slots including the last EASFC bought ones. . .time to sell some dudes![]()
Can one player be in multiple squads? Would be nice to make a rotate squad and bring in my subs but I only have about 23 players so there would be some overlap. Save me swapping guys manually all the time!
Can one player be in multiple squads? Would be nice to make a rotate squad and bring in my subs but I only have about 23 players so there would be some overlap. Save me swapping guys manually all the time!
I have two squads for Gold, so for Oktoberfest, my Brazilian squad is on the bench so they get the 'rest' and their fitness goes back up, and then my Brazilian squad has all my German players on the bench so their fitness goes up.
oh they have to be benched to get fitness back, ok.
Anyone tried Pato? He's so expensive for his ratings comparative to similarly rated strikers. Should I take the plunge on him or save up for Di Natale?
They should block Real Madrid from Seasons online. I'm up against them 60% of the time.
The different of playing Falcao with 7 and 9 chemistry is massive. He's a goal machine now. Running for space trying to get a header, etc.
My 3-4-3 team, FUT gonna need some work, Cuenca doesn't seem to cut it. Might really save up for Navas.
Who should I replace Song with though? Right now he's out of position and once I switch Cuenca for Navas, he wont get 9 chemistry anyway.
So the only way to get 9 chemistry is either to
1. Have a player from the same team and get 3 boost.
2. Have two links between league or nationality(1.5 each)?
It's just strange that if I replace Ben Arfa(RW) with Pablo Hernandez(RM) both has 4 chemistry but the overall move up from 96 to 97 for no reason.
It's been wonky all week. I had a stack of 20 sold cards sitting in my trade pile that I couldn't remove via the web app, so I had to go on XBL to take care of them.Is FUT having an issue? I show a shitload of cards as sold but I haven't gotten any money for them..
It's been wonky all week. I had a stack of 20 sold cards sitting in my trade pile that I couldn't remove via the web app, so I had to go on XBL to take care of them.
I'm pretty sure that I got paid for everything. It was just an issue of what was showing up in the trade pile.Interesting. Did you get your coins then at that point? I don't really follow all of the cards I have but I know for sure this Bayern kit that sold for 550 is new.
I have a bunch of wingers that can fly but they can't shoot for shit, lol
I have Narsingh, Tello, Biayinbi, Atsu.
I'd go back to Palacio and James but they're too slow. I may just convert Muriel to RF then RW.
Any suggestions? I'd love Robben but he costs too much. Really need serie a or la liga wingers.
How is Ultimate Team?
And is there a mode where one can play with its own custom team against others? Like buying players.