Here you go:EDIT: Beaten like an Arsenal left back.
is origin doing that update automarically?
edit: oh, i have to do it manually. okay, got it
Here you go:EDIT: Beaten like an Arsenal left back.
Ever since yesterday's patch (360) I can't play online. The connection is lost before the other player even appears in the team selection screen.
Anyone else?
Thanks mate I'll give it a whirlYou can delete it, its on the far right tab at the bottom corner. Depending on how good your team is that may not be the best option. You could easily sell 2 or 3 gold players for 300c minimum and then buy 2 bronze packs to make up the player deficit and possibly make a profit too.
I believe this game is straight from hell, it must be. The amount of pure anger and rage it causes is incredible.
Won division 1 with 8 consecutive wins.
Just recently started Ultimate Team, quick question on coaches. If I buy a head coach for something like +10% shooting, does that effect only kick in if I buy a player enhancement card? If so, seems like a waste of coins.
I am glad this happened to me when I was 4-0 up or I would have raged so fucking hard!
Only problem I've had is EA's servers. I thinks it's locked up on the main menu once, but right after it said disconnected from EA servers, lol.So, I'm about to get the PS3 version. Any bugs or connection issues I should worry about on that version?
Struggling to get into UT this time around, playing tournaments feels like a grindI've played a lot of Clubs though, really enjoying it!
I've got the game on 360/PS3/PC, bought it for Vita on day 1 but was disappointed to load up FIFA Football with updated squads.... Hopefully next year they'll have some Vita/PS3 crossover.
Here's my current team anyway[img][/QUOTE]
lol that team is ridiculous how much did it cost?
My team is decent I just want to add Reus
lol that team is ridiculous how much did it cost?
My team is decent I just want to add Reus
Struggling to get into UT this time around, playing tournaments feels like a grindI've played a lot of Clubs though, really enjoying it!
I've got the game on 360/PS3/PC, bought it for Vita on day 1 but was disappointed to load up FIFA Football with updated squads.... Hopefully next year they'll have some Vita/PS3 crossover.
Here's my current team anyway
You bought it 4 times? Damn manMay I ask why?
I only have the PS3 version.
Btw great squad.
These are my teams.
What is the best way to earn lots of coins?
I play seasons offline mostly or tournaments.
I'm still struggling online.
Can't keep a winningstreak on, it's so random at the moment.
Online is so damn smooth on the PC. I dont know about u guys but i always had problems on the PS3. but here... it's awesome.
Works fine on 360. Ps3 lol
Trying to start my second season in career mode and it freezes the console every time I try :*-(
Previous years I had it on both 360 and PS3....both systems the game would stutter on. I didn't have Fifa 12, but this year I only have it on PS3 and I haven't had any problems. It plays really well.
yeah I've had it on both systems before and its usually good but if the other person has a shit connection it wont work regardless of console.
cable internet master race here, lol
I think there was a glitch in the game in previous iterations. Even offline you would get that occasional second where everything on screen freezes and you just had to hold your controller in the same direction and hope you weren't in the process of passing/shooting.
Was in every version from Fifa World Cup/Fifa10/Fifa11. Glad it's finally gone. May have fixed it last year, but again, didn't play it.
The stuttering just started happening again for me in Fifa13 - used to happen in 10 and 11 for me as well. Starts with the crowd chants and eventually the game play stutters intermittent for about a minute and then seems to clear up. The crowd chants continue to stutter though
Ridiculous that this is still happening and only started happening to me in the last few days after the latest patch. Been searching online and many are saying it might be a HDD issue as in fifa is corrupting their HDDs. A few have replaced theirs and had the problem dissipate however, this does not seem like fix but rather a bandaid since the game could potentially do the same to the new HDD eventually
Online is so damn smooth on the PC. I dont know about u guys but i always had problems on the PS3. but here... it's awesome.