you lot fucking suck
I promised Quiche id play this weekend but I have a virus which fucking sucks, fear not though, I plan on returning come st swithin's day
Winning 4-0.
Get beat 5-4.
I am retiring
why hixx? thats such a dudebro thing to do
you're not a dudebro are you? HUH"!?
bah MK is up to £25 again
So I finally pre ordered FIFA 14. It was on for £23 with a voucher (GOONCAVE). That will do.
That's not too bad. 14 on PC is a gimped version though isn't it?
everyone left. im just sitting here eating my tear soaked subway club. you cunts
yeah i got it ordered from with that voucher (£23 i think)
we're getting fucked but not getting a PS4 this year so there is no other option
Im officially on break till 14, its official and shit
Also the new thread will be up around the 17th Officially
And shit
i played a few games today and it felt bad man, just uninstalled it
total playtime: 895 hours