Ok, somebody pleasee tell how to defend a fucking corner. or a set piece for that matter. I've lost too many matches at the last minute because my defenders just simply decided not to jump 
Also the menus in career mode are diabolical on my mates ps3 it takes a good few seconds to register a button press making team selection a nightmare
Ok, somebody pleasee tell how to defend a fucking corner. or a set piece for that matter. I've lost too many matches at the last minute because my defenders just simply decided not to jump![]()
Both impressed and not impressed so far
The gameplay tweaks are good enough and make for a good game I just hope the commentary gets a complete overhaul next time around
Career mode I'm not sure about the new scouting player system is a bit odd and I don't like that you can't just look at the transfer market and see how good people are
Also the menus in career mode are diabolical on my mates ps3 it takes a good few seconds to register a button press making team selection a nightmare
I don't whether to laugh or cry at the reports that the menus have somehow become even less responsive.
This is a great game to play in the same room with friends, but the online is broken, mainly because of a poor community who are happy to lag cheat and exploit anything they can to get the upper hand, that's no different to other years, but the changes to momentum and ball physics mean playing with a laggy connection is near impossible.
i havent played a football game in years and after watching giant bombs quick look for some reason i want to jump in again, i dont really want to spend 40 quid on the new one so are any of the recent ones nearly as good? i'm guessing 13 is the next best one but are there any real stand outs in the series? thanks
Yeah, your best bet is 13. Cheap second hand right now - everyone's trading theirs in for 14. People just love throwing their money at EA.
My god what have they done to the gameplay. I can't do shit in matches with this game. I admit I'm not amazing like some but i know how to handle myself on World Class in previous games and on Legendary in UT.
Defenders are way too quick at chasing me down when I'm full sprinting with fast players like Ronaldo or Bale.
The computer for every team acts like bloody Barcelona with passing. I played as Barcelona against Celtic on Professional and at the end it was 0-0 but with a possession % to Celtic of 75%.
I know how to play the game but christ I couldn't even get the ball from them to actually attack. The times I did get the ball with Neymar or Messi BAM I was dragged back by some shitty defender and the ball taken from me.
Also another thing is fouls. The most minor foul I do the ref gives a card or a free-kick to the other team but when it happens to me nothing. I've played over 30 games and not had one free-kick given yet or a play on.
I also feel that the A.I for my team is completely retarded in terms of pushing forward. When the ball is loose my players never seem to run for it to push forward but just run back into position and let the opponents get it.
Gah had it with this shitty upgrade already I'm going back to 13.
The menus have somehow gotten even slower this year, which i did not think was even possible
You wouldnt think menu speed would really impact a game so badly, but i just have no motivation to play it. A sense of dread always dawns on you any time you are fuddling around with the menu in this game, it looks nice but the speed and delay of it all is just back breaking.
My god what have they done to the gameplay. I can't do shit in matches with this game. I admit I'm not amazing like some but i know how to handle myself on World Class in previous games and on Legendary in UT.
Defenders are way too quick at chasing me down when I'm full sprinting with fast players like Ronaldo or Bale.
The computer for every team acts like bloody Barcelona with passing. I played as Barcelona against Celtic on Professional and at the end it was 0-0 but with a possession % to Celtic of 75%.
I know how to play the game but christ I couldn't even get the ball from them to actually attack. The times I did get the ball with Neymar or Messi BAM I was dragged back by some shitty defender and the ball taken from me.
Also another thing is fouls. The most minor foul I do the ref gives a card or a free-kick to the other team but when it happens to me nothing. I've played over 30 games and not had one free-kick given yet or a play on.
I also feel that the A.I for my team is completely retarded in terms of pushing forward. When the ball is loose my players never seem to run for it to push forward but just run back into position and let the opponents get it.
Gah had it with this shitty upgrade already I'm going back to 13.
Jesus christ how OP is that AI pressure thing. They always make perfect tackles to nick the ball of you. Every game now consists of people using high pressure tactic, sitting back defensively, and holding down the AI pressure Button (B when not in possession I think). Its really starting to grate on me, as you never get a chance outside an opponents box anymore, its just a flood of defenders running at you and they nearly always make perfect tackles.
Anyone knows if you are gonna be able to transfer your fut team from the xbox 360 version to the xbox one version?
Have they given a general idea for when they will reveal the first gameplay footage of the new engine/PS4/One versions of the game? Going to wait on that and maybe grab PES when it comes to steam if it does so before November.
Is the commentary 100% recycled from Fifa 13?
Same with the menu's and consequent bugs they bring ... After five fucking years ...
Is the commentary 100% recycled from Fifa 13?
Is the commentary 100% recycled from Fifa 13?
How balanced in 1v1 online in 14? Does one player still host the session (and get all the touch, speed, response and AI advantages) as in FIFA 13? I just came off a session of 13 and my players were brain-dead zombies wading through treacle whereas my opponent had turbo-charged psychics with lightning reflexes and unbelievable close control. It's incredibly unbalanced. No wonder so many people quit - you often feel you are fighting the game as well as your opponent.
Will PS4 or Xbone have dedicated servers for FIFA 14?
Yep. If you're thinking about buying this game, don't. It's utter garbage. Believe me when I say you will regret it. Literally nothing has made me rage harder than Fifa. I'll wait for a patch or two but then I'll sell this shit as fast as I can.
It's a damn shame they have this monopoly on football licenses.
Same with the menu's and consequent bugs they bring ... After five fucking years ...