I'm out of the loop on ASW illuminati info atm, but last I heard they were done withrequiring full disc upgrades. I'm willing to bet that they'll do the "upgrade package DLC" thing that they did with Rev 2 that comes with Jubei + whatever content and rebalance.
That's similar to what I saw elsewhere so good to know.
Supposedly the update itself will be free this time while the content will be DLC locked?
Makes sense. Only one descended from the Belmonts would have the strength to dent the NLBC concrete floor.So in Castlevania salt kills demons, that means Sanford would be the strongest human.
The King of Fighters is the soccer of fighting games. It has a reach that touches every part of the globe. Most fighting games have two or three key countries that make up the vast majority of its players, but KOF is not one of them. Granted, it's mostly known for its massive followings in China and Mexico, but it's a series that sees the most varied country representation every time it shows up at Evo. To prove this point, let's look at the countries represented in this year's top 8 for KOFXIV: China, Taiwan, United States, Japan, Mexico, and United Arab Emirates. Eight players from six different countries. This has only happened three times before: for Super Street Fighter IV in 2012, King of Fighters XIII in 2013, and King of Fighters XIII again in 2014. Three out of the four times this amount of global diversity has occurred, it was thanks to KOF, demonstrating that it is indeed the world's fighting game.
This past weekend, at Evo 2017, The King of Fighters XIV had the lowest turnout of all games in the event's lineup, with only 374 entrants. The game drew some criticism for this, with some bemoaning the number as the reason for the game not ”deserving" to be at Evo. However, these cries did not stir any of the people who did sign up for the tournament. Instead, they showed up, played their hearts out, and despite the turnout, put on what many consider the best top 8 of the whole weekend. Aside from the variety of countries represented, there was also a variety of characters and no shortage of upsets, drama, emotion, passion, and unrelenting hype. If anything, the small amount of entrants actually helped guarantee a high density of top players in pools, making the tournament worth watching from morning to night for the entirety of Evo's first day.
So it seems that Street Fighter V will be introduced into the S.H. Figuarts toy line. I like that all the characters are using their default SF V design except for Akuma. They knew that fans didn't want that ��
As someone who loves Destiny to death, d2 is sfv to d1 sfiv. Hopefully they won't stick with the garbage that is in the beta.
Lol they're gonna retcon sunflower Akuma for sure.
Whens Laura tho?
As someone who loves Destiny to death, d2 is sfv to d1 sfiv. Hopefully they won't stick with the garbage that is in the beta.
Movement and aiming feel off and sluggish/not very smooth. Cooldowns seem to take forever too, it's just not as agile.what have they done? D1 was really solid once Taken King hit.
More than likely what you see now is what'll you get.
Movement and aiming feel off and sluggish/not very smooth. Cooldowns seem to take forever too, it's just not as agile..
it sort of depends on what the issues are. In part Vanilla Destiny was disappointing b/c the beta gave the feel that the game was going to be much more than vanilla delivered. it's possible the reverse is happening here, again depending what the issues are.
So in Castlevania salt kills demons, that means Sanford would be the strongest human.
So when is Sanford going to team up with DSP and LTG to take down Dracula?
I wish that unentertaining imbecile would just go away.
Looks like Ono's flight to SDCC got in a bit of a snag.
Dsp is fake salt though.
That's how he makes it convincing! JkNo way, the dude is an ego maniac and can't take losing or even wrong. It's not some act, his closest friends and even his girl abandoned him because he's unbearable.
JohnRambo left him? 🤣No way, the dude is an ego maniac and can't take losing or even being wrong. It's not some act, his closest friends and even his girl abandoned him because he's unbearable.
who's making the sequel to this thread (DBFZ vs MvCI)?
Too bad Tekken 7 disappeared from the steam chart. I hope one day they will understand that cross play is necessary for a fighter releasing on PC...
Similar to SFV it reached 200k pretty quickly on Steam but since then it has sowed down a lot. Eventhough it's cheaper and has gotten much better reviews.Too bad Tekken 7 disappeared from the steam chart. I hope one day they will understand that cross play is necessary for a fighter releasing on PC...
fg renaissance!
who's making the sequel to this thread (DBFZ vs MvCI)?
FGC gonna get new ideas of pride and stuff
Don't forget people play right on garbage cans
i understand why Cammy has to wear her CPT outfit, but is Chun's default too lewd?Watching street fighter on disney xd right now is pretty surreal.
Except Destiny 2 will probably outsell Destiny 1, unlike SFV.
What's with the Kermit pictures? Some new stoner meme?