I'm gonna Def check out answer. He looks dope
That's the arcade date or...?
Someone changed Ryu's fireball to work like Trish's trap and he was able to stack 3 of them together lol!
Someone changed Ryu's fireball to work like Trish's trap and he was able to stack 3 of them together lol!
would Capcom allow a modded MVC3 to be played at a tourney?
First time hearing of this but there were a ton of Marvel 3 and UMVC3 beta stories.Does anyone remember any old marvel lore about spider Dan getting Shuma gorath nerfed during a beta?
I can't remember which game it was from. Mvc2? Like chaos dimension being 2 meter or something.
I swear I remember hearing a story like this.
specifically what that is is reducing the base speed of the projectile to 0Someone changed Ryu's fireball to work like Trish's trap and he was able to stack 3 of them together lol!
First time hearing of this but there were a ton of Marvel 3 and UMVC3 beta stories.
The best one was Ghost Rider's Pillar attack having insane vertical reach and Justin abused it a lot against PRRog's Wolverine which got Ghost Rider nerfed. Viscant was the oe who exposed this story.
Vergil's Spiral Swords (no extra meter for the secondary formations) were even better as were Phoenix's feather attacks.
Craziest internal rumor I heard was that there actually was a balance patch planned for the game which was the basis for a ton of rumors within the FGCs back then. Notables included stuff like Wolverine's instant overhead nerfed. They were apparently working on something before it got canned.
In 2017
ultra will continue untill they put my boy hugo in SFV!!!
Hugo was lucky to leave 3rd strike thanks to xTekkenultra will continue untill they put my boy hugo in SFV!!!
Hugo was lucky to leave 3rd strike thanks to xTekken
Seeing him again is..
We need Azam first
I like the rumor that the big bodied silhouette is Abigail from Final Fight, which makes me think that Capcom wanted to put Hugo in SFV, but remembered that they were putting in characters that are "new to the SF universe", and decided on putting Abigail in instead.
I'd laugh if Capcom had a Poison-looking silhouette, but it turned out to be Roxy.
From what I remember (and there's no real way to look this up as all of the really old forum posts on SRK from this era got wiped eons ago), it was Shuma in MvC2 that got nerfed, but it was because someone found that Chaos Dimension was doing something like a flat 70% damage in combos, regardless of the damage scaling from the preceding combo. He could basically get easy touch of death combos with enough meter in that loketest build.Yeah it's such an old ass story. I swear it was something with spider Dan and getting someone Hella nerfed during a versus game beta. Maybe I'm mistaken but I'd be every Bison buck I have on this lore. Mshvsf?
This is gonna keep bugging me.
i swear i'll be senior citizen by the time Mike Haggar makes it to a Street Fighter roster
Get outWe have enough characters from a bad beat em up as it is.
The only half-decent Final Fight was 3. The rest have aged like milk.Get out
YES! Lord lupinko
Atleast not this seasonI would throw azam out of a fucking window for Hugo. Andre the giant mother fucka
Abigail wont do it for me.
I need my german son.
#BeefOpinionsWe have enough characters from a bad beat em up as it is.
I see you lupinkoYES! Lord lupinko
Is it true that PAX East banned arcade sticks because of complaints of an "uneven playing field" by a tiny few?
Jesus Christ. Talk about a HUGE drop-off for Street Fighter V.
Last year there were 1021 entrants.
This year it's only 468...less than half...
I realize last year was new game launch fever, but god damn. And it seems it effected the other games as well.
I wonder how SFV will look at EVO. Will more characters and more patches generate more interest and more players?
YES! Lord lupinko
Jesus Christ. Talk about a HUGE drop-off for Street Fighter V.
Last year there were 1021 entrants.
This year it's only 468...less than half...
I realize last year was new game launch fever, but god damn. And it seems it effected the other games as well.
S2 Urien and Guile are doing more to sell SFV for me than anything. They feel like the first SFV characters that can actually do stuff and aren't odd gimps where everything is made awkward in some way.
Maybe they are down because less SF players registered for them? I meab from what I see people rarely sign up for a single game at a tourney.That's a given considering the game has been out more than a year. EVO Will be down this year too. Like you mentioned even the other games are down, which is clearly down to them and not SFV.
Maybe they are down because less SF players registered for them? I meab from what I see people rarely sign up for a single game at a tourney.
Jesus Christ. Talk about a HUGE drop-off for Street Fighter V.
Last year there were 1021 entrants.
This year it's only 468...less than half...
I realize last year was new game launch fever, but god damn. And it seems it effected the other games as well.
I doubt it. If the players are there for a specific game they enjoy they will sign up regardless.
That's more because Final Round was a complete disaster of a tournament last year.
From what I remember (and there's no real way to look this up as all of the really old forum posts on SRK from this era got wiped eons ago), it was Shuma in MvC2 that got nerfed, but it was because someone found that Chaos Dimension was doing something like a flat 70% damage in combos, regardless of the damage scaling from the preceding combo. He could basically get easy touch of death combos with enough meter in that loketest build.
This occurs more than you would think. For another old example, IIRC the reason Yunsung was bottom 1 in SC2 was for similar reasons -- basically due to a top Japanese SC1 player earfing people with him in loketests, to the point where Namco nerfed him into oblivion. I suspect developers nowadays know that players are going to keep anything "good" they find under wraps and that the whole test/feedback cycle has turned into a dumb meta-game of its own. Nowadays we see that for the entire life of the game, as people complain for buffs/nerfs in the next patch on social media.