"God's Beard!"

Live vicariously through the blood, sweat and tears of your favorite GAFfers!
Experience the thrill of victory! The angony of defeat!
Gasp equally in terror and excitement as two of GAF's strugglingest competitors duke it out for your entertainment, free of charge!

This is the beginning of a new series from your friends at gafranbats where we challenge each other and provide a stream or replays to the rest of you guys. Some of us might need more help than others, so we invite and challenge everyone here in the weekly thread to provide as much input as they can offer.
Anybody good at or interested in SF, analysis would be much appreciated. We don't improve by just playing a lot, getting a second and third opinion opens our eyes to new ideas and mistakes we didn't recognize. The hope is to improve the overall quality of GAF as a fighting game community and to invigorate more people into actually playing rather than arguing about news.
For everybody in gafranbats, I hope you enjoy this new content!