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What are the odds of the gameplay shown in the SFV trailer not being representative of the final product?
This is true; I'm pretty sure everyone is in agreement that the system is a bit fucked and approaching guilty but proven innocent.As a contractual/freelance video production employee, I have the contacts to make things work. The big issue with things like this are some of the smaller channels that only have medium-small exposure and have zero resources to regain control of their channel. Sadly, the majority of the time, Strike system usage like this comes from Japanese companies, who don't have PR reps that even understand what is going on.
Why are you judging gut, hyperbolic reactions for being anything other than that? I assure you, the developers know paying attention to that isn't useful or indicative of much.Based on posts on this site, I've read and seen what people's expectations are for graphics. In the Tekken 7 thread, there were literally "opinions" and "gut reactions" that really were extremely hilarious at best. Like the one person asking why the game doesn't look like Blood Vengeance CG. I cannot take that seriously. I can only laugh.
All of these "shit" posts combined together can reflect really badly for the devs. These devs ARE readings forums like neogaf. And it was especially annoying for Tekken 7 because they said the game was at 50% capacity with graphics.
As for SFV, could it look better? Yes. Could the character models be improved? Yes. Is it ugly? NOPE.
I already said it's fine to criticize and give your "gut" reaction. However, do it in a way that doesn't come off as displeasing and doesn't provide any talking points other than "it looks like shit." A drive by post saying the game looks like "shit" doesn't help the developer that's working hard to make this game.
I'm sure Ono had to go through a lot of hurdles to get SFV made. If you want to criticize early footage, do it in a constructive way.
Pretty low.What are the odds of the gameplay shown in the SFV trailer not being representative of the final product? I can can totally foresee Capcom using a rehashed SFIV engine and warmed-over graphics for a new game, but what if Capcopcom was forced to throw something together at the last minute for the conference. Knowing the Japanese, it would probably take a couple years to put together a new SF engine and graphics, so maybe for the sake of timeliness they decided to use the old engine.
This Sony deal does sound like it's relatively early in development.
NEC 15 MvC2 Stream, Sanford vs Yipes ATM
EDIT: Yipes just hurt his hand(or something) and they left, some other people are going to play![]()
Why are you judging gut, hyperbolic reactions for being anything other than that? I assure you, the developers know paying attention to that isn't useful or indicative of much.
man that SF5 thread is a mess lol. people saying it looks exactly like Ultra, looks like Ultra on PC, looks like a remaster, dang.
I mean, its like night and day for me
Same people saying Tekken 7 looks like 6, MKX looks like 9, etc. These people are just saying things because they already made up their mind about the games. They aren't going to play it, watch streams of it, etc, so it all looks the same to them.
The models, which I think look good enough, are probably a safe representation of how they'd end up in the final game. Lighting, special effects, shaders and other engine side tech could see a lot of improvements before release.What are the odds of the gameplay shown in the SFV trailer not being representative of the final product?
Nope..You guys think Capcom will switch up what is shown tomorrow? Perhaps an extended/alternate cut?
You guys think Capcom will switch up what is shown tomorrow? Perhaps an extended/alternate cut?
Not switch it, but might have other trailers. What we saw looked like a teaser targeted at FGs enthusiasts, with heavy concentration on the community and competition side. They need something with more flash for those who aren't interested in fighting games much.You guys think Capcom will switch up what is shown tomorrow? Perhaps an extended/alternate cut?
These trailers take a lot of time to make. The only way we'll see something different tomorrow is if this was an intentional leak, and they already had another video planned.You guys think Capcom will switch up what is shown tomorrow? Perhaps an extended/alternate cut?
These trailers take a lot of time to make. The only way we'll see something different tomorrow is if this was an intentional leak, and they already had another video planned.
I just figure they'd have a lot of B-Roll of the gameplay sitting around and they could chop it in last minute within a day, if they wanted to. Though it seems like they were just using PSX to set up for Capcom Cup's full reveal anyways (or PSX gave them a chance to tease it early).These trailers take a lot of time to make. The only way we'll see something different tomorrow is if this was an intentional leak, and they already had another video planned.
This post is dedicated to Dahbomb
Do not avert your eyes.
Hopefully they'll show us a small glimpse SF5 gameplay at Capcom Cup. We saw very early gameplay of SFxT so it might happen again.
So about SFV model, I don't think it's good to go with the KI model from the get go, SF is a much bigger series and can probably sell north of 2 millions as a full $60 game. The best way in my opinion is to release the game with enough features to justify a retail release at full price, then switch to KI's model for the updates while still releasing late full retail versions with some extras like USF4 with all the DLC stuff.
So about SFV model, I don't think it's good to go with the KI model from the get go, SF is a much bigger series and can probably sell north of 2 millions as a full $60 game. The best way in my opinion is to release the game with enough features to justify a retail release at full price, then switch to KI's model for the updates while still releasing late full retail versions with some extras like USF4 with all the DLC stuff.
This is what I'm hoping for as well. Ono said there was going to be a special announcement and invited the press to attend Capcom Cup. It'd be pointless to make a fuss out of showing the same exact thing they're going to show this weekend at the PS Experience.
So hopefully it's more than that. Maybe an actual match(something like Jin vs Ryu when SFxT was first shown) and even a target date. Personally I'm hoping for Spring 2016. That's probably wishful thinking but GG Xrd was shown in May 2013 and came out this month. About a year and a half later, I'd love it if Capcom can do the same for SFV and get it out right before EVO. That would be a amazing EVO to watch as everybody is grinding like crazy to figure the game out as much as possible with only a month or so to spare.
Dahbomb thinks differently about Destiny than I do re: Best Online Experience. Opinions, etc.
This is also a good way to go, but I think the key thing moving forward is finding ways to improve the game and monetize part of the userbase to fund development and increase value for consumers.So about SFV model, I don't think it's good to go with the KI model from the get go, SF is a much bigger series and can probably sell north of 2 millions as a full $60 game. The best way in my opinion is to release the game with enough features to justify a retail release at full price, then switch to KI's model for the updates while still releasing late full retail versions with some extras like USF4 with all the DLC stuff.
How does arcade software typically update? How are they keeping up with USFIV's patches? Can it not be more frequent?I don't trust the Japanese to implement a F2P model for a fighting game well because of the lack of a PC culture there.
Besides, that would never fly at arcades- it'll have to be a full game.