Wuhu got banned because of some weird insta-death thing, I forget what it was.
A glitch that is very character specifc (only Ness and Lucario can do it iirc and in Ness' case it's matchup specific) and really easy to avoid
Wuhu got banned because of some weird insta-death thing, I forget what it was.
If what was explained to me was correct not even that lol I'm curious to see what happens with him if it turns out to be all applicable.
You can glitch through one of Pokemon Stadium 1's transformations too (and everyone can trigger it), so whatWuhu got banned because of some weird insta-death thing, I forget what it was.
I really should do that one of these days, but ugh ripping the game myself =.=
And yes, yes I do miss Polimar. Honestly, the Yatterman Casshern Sins style reboot/sequel only makes the absense of a TvC2 hurt me more D:
Wuhu's not banned because of the glitch, its banned because some of the transformations allow camping or are sudden enough to kill you.
Its the same thing with Skyloft.
That said, I'd be for the stages to be legal as well, but I understand why they're banned.
Edit: Watch this match in order to see some of the potential issues Wuhu Island would have in a competitive setting. Tourney Locator did have the stage banned, but the two players had an gentleman agreement to go to Wuhu.
Not better,but he was never there for money. Look at his record and see how often he stalled matches just to use u2. He played for fun. He's being nice. Could just said hop off my d***,Cuz he doesn't have to entertain you people.
Wuhu's not banned because of the glitch, its banned because some of the transformations allow camping or are sudden enough to kill you.
Its the same thing with Skyloft.
That said, I'd be for the stages to be legal as well, but I understand why they're banned.
Edit: Watch this match in order to see some of the potential issues Wuhu Island would have in a competitive setting. Tourney Locator did have the stage banned, but the two players had an gentleman agreement to go to Wuhu.
Can we all agree that transforming stages are stupid in general
Pokemon Stadium still does it best, the transformations happen without moving the stage at play.
You can glitch through one of Pokemon Stadium 1's transformations too (and everyone can trigger it), so what
Can we all agree that transforming stages are stupid in general
Can we all agree that transforming stages are stupid in general
AquaSilk ‏@AquaSilk529 6m
I might have to make a video. Some of the comments I read are ridiculous...where do some of you come up with this stuff lol
I've been out celebrating my birthday this weekend (I'm 28 yo today yaaay me), so..
Congrats Karst!
And holy shit the Tekken went full anime with that intro video
The next Canada cup event in Oct will be in Toronto or surrounding area. We will also be a capcom premier event.
Tekken was always anime...
NA getting all the cc events bruh
fuck you japan
I'd rather have the Fire Emblem stage that isn't Castle Seige get some good music.
not sure how i feel about this new one
the face shes making is such a turn off
EDIT: uh oh he deleted the tweet you are really something special.
Mind you most music on Castle Siege is godlike.
Currently playing it on my Wii U using the disc. Haven't ripped my own disc to put it up on Dolphin and enjoy those sweet ass servers and texture mods. If it were just easier to get people setup to play this online I'd definitely be running weeklies.
I remember the game slowing down on Dolphin when using specials for the first time, but that was a while ago. No idea whether that was fixed eventually.
They lost the license. Shame too. Man I miss things like Yatterman 1, Polymar, and Cashern's incredible movesets.
Game looked great and oozed style.
aqua might want to make a state of the union address video on what actually happened
EDIT: uh oh he deleted the tweet
I've been out celebrating my birthday this weekend (I'm 28 yo today yaaay me), so..
I remember the game slowing down on Dolphin when using specials for the first time, but that was a while ago. No idea whether that was fixed eventually.
From the stuff on the facebook page it seems fine. Theres a lot of info their now for folks who ask to help folks tweak their settings for their computers. If they can do Doronjo mirrors then their aint no slowdown on the right settings lol.
Speaking of Doronjo I had forgotten that feeling of seeing her use her super and juuuuuuust missing Booyaki and he hits the button. At this point you know the giant boulder is coming soon and you feel the "oh shit" moment building inside you. That moment when you done fucked up...been awhile. Beware the boulder.
And those people wouldn't be worth listening to.I would recommend against it, knowing how hungry people can be in the East Coast. They will tear him a new one for whatever reason he states and demand refunds.
What I have to do is run a round and use all the moves, and then restart. After that, it's fine, and it's gorgeous.
If you find a post with settings that eliminate the need to do that, please post them. Every build I've tried, you get slowdown for a character until all the major moves have been done once.
Happy Birthday Horseress! Remember, don't drink and GAF.
NA getting all the cc events bruh
fuck you japan
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Noel Brown
So Justin and I talked about this yesterday and we've come to the conclusion that Smug is the best street fighter player in America atm.
State of the Silk?
Sounds kinda naughty though...
Happy Birthday Horseress!I've been out celebrating my birthday this weekend (I'm 28 yo today yaaay me), so..
Ranking events will probably be more important than before considering the prize pool for the CPT this year.
Still there.
I hope they remove gaming conventions from the ranking events. It was such an easy way for top playersto get points.EG