He seen you dealing that booger sugar to those FGC members. He wrote that down with crayola on a chef boyardee wrapper.
So good
guys, i cant stop laughing. this is too much.
What the hell is going on? Feels like I stepped into some fuckery
This tweet has been, given the comments in this thread it seems rightfully so, deleted. What did it say?
What the hell is going on? Feels like I stepped into some fuckery
This tweet has been, given the comments in this thread it seems rightfully so, deleted. What did it say?
This is funny, but honestly the trolling does nothing to prove to anyone new to the FGC that Triforce is a bad dude. Honestly.
Everytime I see Triforce on stream it makes me feel for this crazy ass dude rather than think hes a straight scumbag
Zero army in full force at EVO. :/
Q (Gaf member) is going to EVO. The avatars are for support.
Oh, nice!
I remember getting destroyed by that gentlemen back in Blazblue vanilla. GL to him for sure!
my thread experienceThis thread was doing so well
Zero army in full force at EVO. :/
My request would be Q's hat on Seth's head
He's probably not going to win EVO but he's going to make life hell for all the competitors and viewers.I'm not there and when I'm not there it doesn't matter.
Therefor Zero can't win EVO.
OBS is just fucking ridiculous right now.
violence is great guys, it stopped slavery
damn nonfightenest motherfuckers
I forgot everyone on OBS are killers.
DeadWhen keeping it real goes wrong.
I forgot everyone on OBS are killers.
OMG what just went down on the stream lol
Triforce fan-fiction.