input lag like the 360 version now?
Hows the netcode?
Why? Curious if you know something we don't? I'm also digging the serious tone and would be very disappointed if the game became more tame like SF4.
I feel like the game doesn't have enough meters. How about a guard break gauge next?
Yeah, those sounds are really bad right now, hopefully they're placeholders.The more footage I watch, the more I dislike the hit sounds in SF5.
Blanka soon.
I think the implication is that you can cancel a DP and make it safe with V trigger.
I wonder if the remaining V-triggers are going to bring completely new things into SF mechanics-wise, on par with like anime fighters
if we assume that all v-triggers will actually be unique, they'll have to come up with some interesting/crazy shit for some of the folks.
Like a banana peel?
im streaming so..
you know how that shit go
you know how that shit go
3 matchs in a 10 minutes video with combos and stuff : (if the video doesn't work, deactivate adblock)
Get your ass off dat stream shit son
Also, you gonna be runnin through the six for HQ bbq on Saturday?
I agree, sfv has too much of that gem sounding bullshit atm.Look how much better SF4 sounds.
When Dudley or Guile hit you, it feels like they hit you.
Input Shortcuts are still in
This seems to be a universal problem in other fighters as well, even those without input shortcuts. KOFXIII and 3S, for example have that same problem. It comes from holding forward and then immediately going into xx fireball without going back to neutral on your stick/pad first.
Uh, if you're inputting the DF DF shortcut during that string your execution is really sloppy. If anything that should only happen after walking forward because of the normal DP motion.
The input is :
d/f, d, d/f, f
This will give you a DP because of the short cut. You walk forward and do cr.MK (as d/f+MK) into Fireball then you get DP.
To avoid this you have to walk forward, hold d/b then go to forward from there to make sure you don't get the DP.
It doesn't happen in Omega mode (which doesn't have the d/f shortcut) and it doesn't happen in GGXrd. In non SF4 games, you shouldn't be able to get a DP from a crouching position unless they have a shortcut like that.
*ahem* No one askin about MY attendance ?
Welp. Can we please kill the goddamn shortcuts? There's nothing more frustrating than doing a series of moves cleanly and the game refusing to obey you. Bet the shortcut isn't 323 like it's in 3S but [3/6/9],[1/2/3],[3/6/9] like it's in SF4. That is, a crime against humanity.
KOF13 and 3S have input shortcuts. KOF13 accepts 623 and 626 as DP and has a long buffer, which drives me insane. At least it has an override so you can do 2369+P to force the fireball out. It's still godawful and should die in a fire. Slowly.
Checked 3S and yup, 6236 = dp. Thought it was just a 3,3 shortcut but no. God fucking dammit.
It's doing that after walking that is the problem. It's not [df], [df]. SF4 accepts [any forward], [any down], [any forward] as a DP. So you can do upforward dowback upforward and get a DP. You can do 360 and get a DP. hcb~f? You betcha. EVERYTHING EVER IS A DP AND I FUCKING HATE IT.
This is not due to the shortcut. You'd get a dp going to downback as well. You're just clearing the buffer for longer with downback but don't notice it.
The issue is present in Xrd.
Tested ST, it's there. So it's an input buffer problem where the game checks, on button press, to see if inputs XYZ are in the buffer, but doesn't check if a proper direction was held down at the moment of the button press (which should solve it). Barring that, just kill the two year long buffers in modern games. Makes the games less likely to do silly things and actually obey inputs.
Get your ass off dat stream shit son
Also, you gonna be runnin through the six for HQ bbq on Saturday?
Just gonna post the daily fuck blanka here.
I'm hyped as fuck for Monday. I hope they show a new character, and if the ice girl is a thing then I'm even more hype.
I miss being this excited for upcoming titles, thirsty for tidbits on small but significant changes, cropping out potentially meaningless fanservice in stage backgrounds to try and guess who's in and who isn't.
A lot of these previews sound a bit jaded that it isn't as fresh as when SFIV hit like a meteorite but it's just that exciting for me.
I'm hyped as fuck for Monday. I hope they show a new character, and if the ice girl is a thing then I'm even more hype.
I miss being this excited for upcoming titles, thirsty for tidbits on small but significant changes, cropping out potentially meaningless fanservice in stage backgrounds to try and guess who's in and who isn't.
A lot of these previews sound a bit jaded that it isn't as fresh as when SFIV hit like a meteorite but it's just that exciting for me.
SFV should go back to SF1 inputs, where getting QCF was fuckin' impossible and fireballs do 30% damage
A V-trigger letting someone go full Sub-Zero would be really really interesting.I'm hyped as fuck for Monday. I hope they show a new character, and if the ice girl is a thing then I'm even more hype.
I miss being this excited for upcoming titles, thirsty for tidbits on small but significant changes, cropping out potentially meaningless fanservice in stage backgrounds to try and guess who's in and who isn't.
A lot of these previews sound a bit jaded that it isn't as fresh as when SFIV hit like a meteorite but it's just that exciting for me.
Where is the lie?
Marvel is entering its twilight years that means Money Matches.
Some fighters are on sale for steam.
Marvel is entering its twilight years that means Money Matches.
fchamp said:Im bringing 3 Marvel setups at EVO my room is gonna be the SALTIEST OF ALL SUITES
Fchamp vs Dual Kevin FT15 for 1K - Confirmed
GoldenboyNeo vs CTRL.Unknown - FT15 for 500 - PZpoy confirmed
Marvelo vs Cloud805 FT10 - $50 - Confirmed
Quackbot vs Marvelo Ft 7 50$ - Confirmed
Fchamp vs Dietcoke420 - FT10 - $50 - confirmed
Fchamp vs Fullschedule - Need more info -
Fchamp vs Nemo 3 - I might be down
fchamp said:I got this new tech im saving muhahahahaha thats why im not streaming i cant wait to try it on Angelic / Flux and rayray
DisplayLag reporting lag of 5.3 frames for PS4 compared to Xbox 360's 5.1.
Lighting legs as qc is stupid. Learn to piano pad players.
Checking my wish listAny names?