No thanks. This is one of those things where it's cool for a minute before you figure out every time you do a cr. HK you pre-emptively cringe as you await the announcer saying GOING FOR THE SWEEP!
It's not corny, annoying, unnecessary, or disengaging from the fight, it's all of the above. Sounds like World of World of Warcraft too.
No thanks. This is one of those things where it's cool for a minute before you figure out every time you do a cr. HK you pre-emptively cringe as you await the announcer saying GOING FOR THE SWEEP!
It's not corny, annoying, unnecessary, or disengaging from the fight, it's all of the above. Sounds like World of World of Warcraft too.
My issue is you're not watching a commercialized sporting event in the context of the game or replicating reality like a sports game. You're watching fights on streets. If anyone is commentating, best case scenario it should be this person:yeah, your vision of this is completely different from mine. I'm thinking less NBA Jam and more NBA Live. Reference our current streams - no one commentates like that.
My issue is you're not watching a commercialized sporting event in the context of the game or replicating reality like a sports game. You're watching fights on streets. If anyone is commentating, best case scenario it should be this person:
Did they take this move away from Chun-Li? I can't find it in any of the gameplay footage from yesterday. @ 2:02
Yatagarasu's commentary got kinda repetitive too.
Obviously the announcer hasn't been added yet.
It'd be cool to get some real play by play commentary from a Fighting Game just to do something different. I don't think a Japanese developer could pull that off, though.
But imagine if we had casters in the community talented enough to play by play for a SF game similar to how Marv Albert and co. do play by play for the Live/2K series etc. I think it could not only be hype as hell, but provide much needed insight for newcomers.
Only in SF1-3. I have little doubt they won't continue the direction in IV with random fights with plot interspersed/infodumped at the end. Then again who knows with them pushing eSports and stuff (and the very digital presentation of the UI).That's true - so you adjust the presentation accordingly. Despite SF being "Fights on streets" they are organized sporting events in the context the story. You present them as televised events. The current HUD works, all you'd have to add is a network logo, authentic or fabricated.
As someone who used to play wrestling games I knew that this gimmick would get annoying in Yatagarasu fast. Nothing like JR and The King saying the exact same shit over and over to make you hate a bad game even more. After those experiences I knew it wouldn't fly in any genre. No matter how much you record the banter always gets old.
Case in point too many dialogue parts in Persona 4 and in some Marvel characters when they do combos.
God the memories of Nova/Spencer teams.
"Eat eat eat You like You like You like that Human rocket Eat like that you like eat like human lets bring it Powah of da Nova force!"
Stick to just combat sounds please. No more catch phrase combos. ;_;
In game commentary would probably get in the way of real commentary, unless there was an option to turn it off.
It would just be a waste of money, most people would turn it off for sure.
Daigo will probably play Ryu. And Ryu has a parry. Imagine GAF....just imagine...
Ken isnt gonna be in the game. Count on it.
I am going to Ryu the FUCK out of Street Fighter 5, btw
Ken isnt gonna be in the game. Count on it.
We'll see
I hope if adon is in the game he gets no purple colors
I am going to Ryu the FUCK out of Street Fighter 5, btw
I want to say Ryu being the only shoto is a real possibility if it wasn't for Akuma being such shoe in. Not that I mind though.
Yatagarasu's commentary got kinda repetitive too.
Are we really wondering if ken will be in the game or is this some kind of commentary on the lame drip feed of info marketing that every fighter has been doing for ages now?
If Ken is not in then I highly doubt Akuma will be.
White Bison looks like Urien.
If Ken is not in then I highly doubt Akuma will be.
Did they take this move away from Chun-Li? I can't find it in any of the gameplay footage from yesterday. @ 2:02
Having a rumour that Ken isn't in SF5 makes me almost convinced they're going to reveal him next week. And then I can watch people be amazed that Ken is in SF5... Probably the most popular character in SF4... So that will be exciting.
Is it possible to upgrade Ken's appearance from SF4 though?
Is it possible to upgrade Ken's appearance from SF4 though?
Having a rumour that Ken isn't in SF5 makes me almost convinced they're going to reveal him next week. And then I can watch people be amazed that Ken is in SF5... Probably the most popular character in SF4... So that will be exciting.
Yatagarasu's commentary got kinda repetitive too.
Can start by not giving him He-Man hair.
Wonder if Justin will main Chun Li.
no Blanka, no Rufus