Anne I know you are super involved in the anime community but do you play fgs outside of that genre? This is also kinda a question for everbody else ie nrs fans or 3d fans. I can't imagine only playing one subset of fighting games even if that subset is pretty diverse.
Why was Samurai Shodown V Special never ported to anything.
Plenty of chars don't have complex inputs in SSVSP. Folks seem to tolerate 1f links and they're almost as clunky at that.
And doesn't Gato have frame advantage on every normal in XI? That's how busted he was, and the low tiers in XI were bad by KOF low tier standards.
Am I being unreasonable in thinking we may not even get a real update to Xrd due to the game's reportedly abysmal sales?
Like, absymal in general or abysmal by abysmal ASW standards?
An ASW guy was in here a few weeks ago saying the game was exceeding expectations in the west.
Tekken and GG live off the arcades more than any other franchise.
I really think you see different approaches between the arcade-centric games (Tekken/GG) and the console-centric games (NRS games, DOA, Skullgirls, SoulCal)
I think the games that live and die in the arcade tend to aim for harder execution/stuff you have to practice and chug quarters in, whereas the console games try to aim for reducing barriers and easier entry.
SF4 tries to have it both ways.
SF4 tries to have it both ways.
And they don't have a choice to be honest, BB is slowly aging, Persona 4 will be over in a few months when Persona 5 is out.
SF4 is the security guard watching Marlo steal chupachups right in front of him!SF4 wants it to be one way... but it's the other way.
You think they don't have a choice? Really?
You think they don't have a choice? Really?
Also, I wouldn't really play up the death of console gaming with your post. The end of the fighting game genre will probably coincide with that death. Mobile gaming is taking over, but it'll sooner kill off arcade gaming before consoles. It isn't some indication that xrd sales aren't meant to be payed attention to.
One button guile just destroyed some dude to get into top 4 at Abuget Cup.
Actually not sure where p4 is placed right now
Yes you are. There will be a next iteration and they will continue to work on the game as the arcade system is simple: you take a % of each coin put in the arcade cab so you HAVE to keep improving your game.
Japanese sales are bad and Xrd disappeared quickly from the famitsu charts. Here are the sales for all majors GG games in japan :
I think half of SF4 GAF could have gotten points at this tourney(assuming we entered alone and not with everybody else). I mean I saw Camera Man's Hawk and he looked like crap and got top 16. Outside of probably top 5 or whatever, these points seem pretty free. 8 through 16 seem like your typical 2,000-3,000pp players.
I think half of SF4 GAF could have gotten points at this tourney(assuming we entered alone and not with everybody else). I mean I saw Camera Man's Hawk and he looked like crap and got top 16. Outside of probably top 5 or whatever, these points seem pretty free. 8 through 16 seem like your typical 2,000-3,000pp players.
Last I heard P4 was still more popular than Xrd over there.
Take a look at when the games were released -- the statements people are making about the older GG games being way more popular are true, but they're also from 10-15 years ago. For the last five years or so, you would be right -- BB has been their most popular game and GG is a total non-factor.I don't know much about arksys games. But doesn't a lot of the fanbase that follow their games like BB more than GG? If that is true, i can kind of understand. Especially for an aesthetic point of view.
The biggest issue with the move to Games as a Service is that the per-game fees are just destroying operators, especially independent ones. Networks like Nesica,, e-amuse etc. lead to better profit margins for the network owners and developers, but I think it's been accelerating the closure of arcades over there as more and more. There have been hundreds of arcades closing every year, and at an accelerating rate -- I wouldn't expect there to be much of anything left in a few years, and I really hope that developers are pivoting in response (and there is some evidence of that... but will it be enough? Can it be?)Arc shifted his business model with BBCS a few years ago. Instead of doing a game and selling it a few thousands dollars they went with Taito on the Nesica X Live to do a kind of Steam for arcades. This way they were able to keep track of the games played, earn a % of each coin and study with data why the game is enjoyed/not enjoyed. It's not anymore a situation where your investment of doing the game is refunded 2 weeks after launch. They recover their investment very slowly but this system permits them to be in more arcades and if the games are successful, they are less stressed by money management.
BlazBlue is a very successful series and Persona 4 arena is the same. Those two games combined with the arcade system gives Arc a continuous flow a money and Xrd has the same system even if they used the Sega hardware (AC+R too).
But BB is coming to an end, Mori is saying it himself and it means that even if the game continues to be played, they will stop support one day or another once paying for support costs more than money earned. It's the same for P4A: they can't support the game forever if he drops in popularity, a thing that could happen now that Atlus is going with Persona 5.
This is a long shot, but has there ever been interest expressed in porting P4AU over to PS4...? Or is this something where we'll most likely wait for P5A... (if that ends up being a thing)
BlazBlue has so many little spin-offs that I can't imagine they'll kill it off. Especially if it's as successful as you say. Maybe they'll resolve the main story line, but then they'll choose a new direction with it. ASW already said they want to try and bring it up to Xrd's graphical style, and there's no way they would invest all that just to drop it after one more major title.Arc shifted his business model with BBCS a few years ago. Instead of doing a game and selling it a few thousands dollars they went with Taito on the Nesica X Live to do a kind of Steam for arcades. This way they were able to keep track of the games played, earn a % of each coin and study with data why the game is enjoyed/not enjoyed. It's not anymore a situation where your investment of doing the game is refunded 2 weeks after launch. They recover their investment very slowly but this system permits them to be in more arcades and if the games are successful, they are less stressed by money management.
BlazBlue is a very successful series and Persona 4 arena is the same. Those two games combined with the arcade system gives Arc a continuous flow a money and Xrd has the same system even if they used the Sega hardware (AC+R too).
But BB is coming to an end, Mori is saying it himself and it means that even if the game continues to be played, they will stop support one day or another once paying for support costs more than money earned. It's the same for P4A: they can't support the game forever if he drops in popularity, a thing that could happen now that Atlus is going with Persona 5.
So now they have to make Xrd a success in arcades to be sustainable. I think they still have time and a lot of ways to be successful to be honest. BB is not gonna die tomorrow, they kept good characters for new iteration of GG, they will probably change a few things on the gameplay, make new characters to please the new audience like they did with Elphelt/Ram/Leo.
But at some point GGXrd needs to be sustainable like BB is. Meanwhile they will continue to make crappy games on the Nintendo eshop, outsourcing work like the DBZ 3DS game, etc... Kidooka explained it's one of the ways to keep the company afloat and they need to do that so I suppose the company is never rolling in money.
They're making 3D models of all the P4 characters, the P5 characters are already 3D, and I bet P4D will get some P3 characters as well. I bet we'll get a full 3D-ized title for the PS4 after P5 is out, and then they can add the P5 characters.This is a long shot, but has there ever been interest expressed in porting P4AU over to PS4...? Or is this something where we'll most likely wait for P5A... (if that ends up being a thing)
Surely you jest jetman. Plus, I play Wolverine, I'm gonna break that magnificent piece of hardware in half.
They're making 3D models of all the P4 characters, the P5 characters are already 3D, and I bet P4D will get some P3 characters as well. I bet we'll get a full 3D-ized title for the PS4 after P5 is out, and then they can add the P5 characters.
I have a question for folks...what 5 fighting games did you have the most fun with?
Considering P4U2 2.0 literally adds no new content outside of what is already on console I highly doubt we're going to see a rerelease with that update.
Doing a retail release of it that included all/most of the dlc while at the same time offering the balance changes as a patch would be the best thing to happen
Of course, it's so not gonna happen :/
Project Justice
Melty Blood
I'm very deliberate with my versions here btw
Take a look at when the games were released -- the statements people are making about the older GG games being way more popular are true, but they're also from 10-15 years ago. For the last five years or so, you would be right -- BB has been their most popular game and GG is a total non-factor.
The biggest issue with the move to Games as a Service is that the per-game fees are just destroying operators, especially independent ones. Networks like Nesica,, e-amuse etc. lead to better profit margins for the network owners and developers, but I think it's been accelerating the closure of arcades over there as more and more. There have been hundreds of arcades closing every year, and at an accelerating rate -- I wouldn't expect there to be much of anything left in a few years, and I really hope that developers are pivoting in response (and there is some evidence of that... but will it be enough? Can it be?)
I do think they have some time to figure out what to do with Guilty Gear, but I don't know if the game can survive in an arcade-only environment at this rate, especially if you assume that the odds of a significant increase in coindrop rate is very slim at best.
BlazBlue has so many little spin-offs that I can't imagine they'll kill it off. Especially if it's as successful as you say. Maybe they'll resolve the main story line, but then they'll choose a new direction with it. ASW already said they want to try and bring it up to Xrd's graphical style, and there's no way they would invest all that just to drop it after one more major title.
Project Justice is a fun game. The only game where I can swim on fools
I have a question for folks...what 5 fighting games did you have the most fun with?
I'm not asking which was the best or the most balanced fighters or what fighting games had the biggest scenes...just which 5 fighting games you've ever played did you have the most fun with
*yes Smash Bros counts*
Just idly trying to get an idea about something that I keep wondering about.
In no particular order.
1. Guilty Gear XX AC
2. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma
3. Capcom vs SNK 2
4. Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
5. Street Fighter x Tekken 2012
4. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3(I'm going to get lynched I know)
:-(Anyone wanna play SFxT on Xbox?
Looks like I'm not fun to playI was real tempted to slide that one onto the list, but then I started having flashbacks to playing you lol
list stuff again? slow news day for the FGC i guess...
This was posted in the P4U2 thread, and I thought "I know Beef hates ASW, but this looks just like his kind of character".
Looks like I'm not fun to play
Community died too fast, so I sold it for PS3 at least..Anyone wanna play SFxT on Xbox?