Maybe I should learn Seth on PS4 since I always thought he was broken.
You need a Vita for such dire situations. So many fighting games...a great version of UMVC3, and Skullgirls coming soon!
Is the Vita Port still the only version of UMVC3 with a hitbox viewer?
I believe so. I think it might be the only version with the full intro cutscene as well.
My wife and I share a car. She gets out at 7PM tonight. My work said "leave whenever you want, and enjoy your summer!" (teacher) So...yeah. I got myself some food from 7-11 to eat while I post on GAF. I'll start writing some scripts for the FG training video series.What is that? I have to go home and be a family man so I get only a couple of moments in the evening to game. I rarely get play games in the daytime especially on the weekends.
I got PS4 version with the thought of if people wanted to play a couple of rounds for fun. Jeebies.
Glad you are okay Anne.
That's kind of what I was thinking, thanks for confirming that. I will try her out next time I play USFIV at locals.She isn't as tough Juicebox is making out. Go for it, man. She's kind of a total control, dominating type of character when she has her zoning or pressure on point, so you'll like her if you like Zato.
Edit: Glad to hear you are okay, Anne! wb
I need my fight stick. :-(You need a Vita for such dire situations. So many fighting games...a great version of UMVC3, and Skullgirls coming soon!
wow, didn't know the MK Kommunity was so divided on MKX.
It's seems like a contingent believe that footsies in MK is dead and that the game is brain-dead and revolves around 50/50... I feel like this conversation always comes up at a start of a games life.
I need my fight stick. :-(
Did you ever get Smash Wii U?
for some reason i get the feeling that a lot of people in that thread don't actually know what footsies are
maybe it's the usual paranoia but the way they're splitting characters into the types of 'footsies, zoning and 50/50' is absolutely fucking bizarre and goes against what i understand to be footsies in the first place. like they're not exclusive to each other at all...?
wow, didn't know the MK Kommunity was so divided on MKX.
It's seems like a contingent believe that footsies in MK is dead and that the game is brain-dead and revolves around 50/50... I feel like this conversation always comes up at a start of a games life.
It's a very good version, and possibly the more responsive than any console version since it's playing off the Vita's low-lag screen. The online play is actually pretty decent most of the time, though it's prone to random disconnects which is really aggravating. On the system there's also Divekick, Street Fighter X Tekken, BlazBlue (both CS and CP I think), MK9, Injustice, and who knows what else. Also old PS1 fighters are compatible with the Vita.
Hmm. Interesting, but I feel like people will think this name is too weird.
MvC4 is so random.The no footsies thing is left over from Injustice, which also had "no footsies". Same dudes, same talking points.
wow, didn't know the MK Kommunity was so divided on MKX.
It's seems like a contingent believe that footsies in MK is dead and that the game is brain-dead and revolves around 50/50... I feel like this conversation always comes up at a start of a games life.
Hmm. Interesting, but I feel like people will think this name is too weird.
What do others here think?
MvC4 is so random.
MvC4 is so random.
Good to see that Anne is ok
I find it amusing how biased the poll is
"Yes you agree with me"
"No you have an extremely opposite opinion"
"You don't agree with me but you agree with me anyways"
I think Lyceum sounds cool
It's like a GFAQs poll. Half the time my opinion isn't on the list.Good to see that Anne is ok
I find it amusing how biased the poll is
"Yes you agree with me"
"No you have an extremely opposite opinion"
"You don't agree with me but you agree with me anyways"
I think Lyceum sounds cool
Fix that ish!I'm not sure how I managed to play so much on the Vita after being a long-time stick player, but eventually it just clicked. I can even play Zero on Vita now.
I did get a WiiU but I still don't have Smash. Sadly the 3DS version never really clicked. I still don't "get" Smash. I don't have a proper feel for the core gameplay, even though I really like the mechanics and characters. I will probably get the WiiU version eventually though.
Hmm. Interesting, but I feel like people will think this name is too weird.
What do others here think?
wow, didn't know the MK Kommunity was so divided on MKX.
It's seems like a contingent believe that footsies in MK is dead and that the game is brain-dead and revolves around 50/50... I feel like this conversation always comes up at a start of a games life.
People barely mastered singular characters in BB,, having to learn 2 or more characters for a single team is going to be a huge investment... assuming they don't greatly dumb down the characters and mechanics.
My Makoto is so bad. I can't do anything with her online![]()
please don't brainshameor you could just make a title that doesn't require a dictionary
or you could just make a title that doesn't require a dictionary
Yeah, Kars. What he said.
Learn words. Bad.
"Fighting Game Class".
Beef, likey.
essentially the Greek analog to "Ludus".
Neither can Mike Ross. So you're not alone.
Well he is a T-hawk player
People barely mastered singular characters in BB,, having to learn 2 or more characters for a single team is going to be a huge investment... assuming they don't greatly dumb down the characters and mechanics.
I think it's a good name. But fancy schools are still sometimes called Lyceum over here so perhaps i'm just used to it.
Exactly why I suck. But I don't give two fucks bout the rest of the cast. I'm t3h d00m3d.How to play Juri against divekick characters and Akuma:
1) Charge HK fireball
2) Hold HK fireball
3) Stay at a range where HK fireball will catch neutral or forward jumps
4) Release on reaction to a jump
5)... all while playing footsies with HK, crMK, and LK fireball
Juri is actually tough. Mandatory tough links for her BnBs, 950 life, need strong footsie knowledge when HK and fireballs aren't enough. Too much work for most people in a game like SF4.
Ultra 1 is cool but if you can't back it up with strong footsies it's irrelevant. Just helps you win her even or good matchups more.
I don't disagree with you. I will think on this more.Know your audience, is all I'm saying. Simple shit like "lab" and "tech" go a long way, but stuff like "lupis" or "symposium" are gonna make people scratch their heads.
Know your audience, is all I'm saying. Simple shit like "lab" and "tech" go a long way, but stuff like "lupis" or "symposium" are gonna make people scratch their heads.
FGW so savage
You have the air of someone too sophisticated to bother with fighting games, let alone their communities![]()
Well there's still Capcom Cup... I think there's also a good chance CC2016 has SFIV as a game, albeit not the headliner.Maybe this is a sign that the FGC should finally let SFIV go. This will be it's last big year. EVO is all or nothing.
I honestly don't even like the term "lab" for training mode, but I'm amazed at how far it has spread. I surprised myself when I noticed I was using it a few times.