10k is the norm for skytube stuff. I assume its licensing. I mean almost every figure before the price jump was around 9-10k for skytube. Nothing has changed.
Oh, I know I own a couple of Skytube/Tony Taka figures, and they're well worth the asking price. As you said, it's normal for them.
I was just explaining why I felt it personally demands the higher-price tag, since the last couple of pages had several mentions of PVC figure prices going up. I didn't want people thinking that Skytube was doing the same when, in actuality, they've remained very consistent with their pricing [for Tony Taka-related figures].
what are you doing. you passed up shiro for her?!
No Game No Life is a popular anime, so the possibility that more manufacturers [GSC, Alter, etc.] will release sculpts of her during this upcoming hobby event is decent, and Kotobukiya prices generally fall after release and/or are usually easy to find on third-party sites for/around MSRP, oftentimes cheaper.
The Skytube/Tony Taka stuff, on the other hand...good luck. I mean, some you might be able to find for at MSRP [if you're lucky], but they have a tendency to increase in-price pretty rapidly, just look at the first two Fault! figures released by them.
Basically, I like both [and haven't said a permanent "no" to Shiro], but if I'm going to pre-order one of them, it will be Sugie San. Shiro I'll try to find for a bargain post-release, assuming GSC/Alter/etc. don't release one that looks even better.