I need help with Sorceress. What's the best way of getting the staff on her hand without breaking the fingers/thumb?
How hard was it to get glass doors for them? o_o
Very nice!
Where did you get the lights and risers from? Brand? Cost? I'd like to do the same for my Nendos.
I need help with Sorceress. What's the best way of getting the staff on her hand without breaking the fingers/thumb?
How hard was it to get glass doors for them? o_o
Eclair:Kiddy Grade?
Got some Billy bookcases a while ago. Added lights, glass doors, risers. Still in the process of filling them up. Tempted to add more lights.
I just did this last weekend. You have to kind of pry her fingers open and slide the grip in there. PVC has some give to it, so as long as you're careful, you can bend them a bit without breaking them off.
Just bend her fingers back a little and wedge it in there. They're not going to break. Try starting from a diagonal and lever it in.
Got some Billy bookcases a while ago. Added lights, glass doors, risers. Still in the process of filling them up. Tempted to add more lights.
Wow. I'm getting that Elin. Hot damn.
That looks really good, man. I like how the Billy w/lights setup looks but I didn't even know they had glass doors as an option. I might have to switch to those if I could find someone who would take DETOLFs off my hands. Hmmm. How much did that setup cost you with lights and doors?
Full-height Billy bookcase is 60.
2x Full-height Morliden doors is 2x 50.
3x Dioder lights (non-RGB) is 3x 20.
2x Montera cable management is 2x 5.
Not pictured:
Half-height Bill bookcase is 50.
2x Half-height Morliden doors is 2x 30.
2x Synas display boxes is 2x 30.
I'm waiting for dat price before I commit. This new label that Alter is trying out reeks of "WONDERFUL HOBBY SELECTION".![]()
I highly recommend anchoring the bookcase. With both glass doors open it wants to fall over immediately.
New elin coming from a new company. Looking at the logo they must be related to Alter somehow.
Looks alright though I'm not feeling the pose at certain angles in that picture.
I'm pretty sure it was a GK first, because this isn't the first time I've seen that Elin. As for Flare, it would seem that it's a new company, but the head of Flare is also the head of Alter. At least that's what I gather based on MFC comments.
Thanks for the breakdown. There's no Ikea store where I live but I've actually got two business trips next month to somewhere where there is one, so I'm hoping to have time to go by and look at some things. I might just stick with DETOLF since I have 2 already, but the reflective property of the white shelving in the Billy is really nice when you add lights. I'm just not sure they'd fit in my car (while I know that DETOLF will).
I don't have a car, so I had it delivered. I'm glad I also have the option nowadays to order online, rather than head over there and gather stuff and then hand it over for delivery.
Delivery was €45, but I figure it saved me time and the hassle of carrying everything up a floor.
Nearest Ikea to me is 4 hours away by car. I'm not sure they'd even deliver that far and if they did it would probably be the same price for me to just spend money on gas to drive there myself. :| Making a note to myself to call and ask them on Monday...
New elin coming from a new company. Looking at the logo they must be related to Alter somehow.
Takashi Mikami is listed as the president on both sites.
miku announced at miku expo by MF
miku announced at miku expo by MF
I think we've hit peak Miku.
I think we've hit peak Miku.
Haha, you're funny. Next you'll be saying we hit peak Saber and Sonico.
We hit peak Saber and Sonico ages ago though.
We hit peak Saber and Sonico ages ago though.
Not yet we haven't, we still need a Master Saber after all
Wish they'd make more of the other servants. I'd take a nice Archer or Lancer figure. Gilgamesh too if they get a nice golden paint job on the armor.
I feel like Saber and Miku have the most figures out of like...any other character.
miku announced at miku expo by MF
Yikes. Are those talons?
umm...is something wrong with her feet? It looks really weird.
Those are some freaky Miku feet.
I think we've hit peak Miku.
I think we've hit peak Miku.
Ok, I'd buy that saber <3
We hit peak Saber and Sonico ages ago though.
Ok, I'd buy that saber <3
Not yet we haven't, we still need a Master Saber after all
I just thought the same exact thing.
You're all part of the problem.![]()
Well there's that upcoming Altair Archer figure with the really weird sculpt. And that MMS Gilgamesh figure that was announced 2 years ago which has been dead for at least a year now. lol
Well there's that upcoming Altair Archer figure with the really weird sculpt. And that MMS Gilgamesh figure that was announced 2 years ago which has been dead for at least a year now. lol
Well there's that upcoming Altair Archer figure with the really weird sculpt. And that MMS Gilgamesh figure that was announced 2 years ago which has been dead for at least a year now. lol
what's this and can i buy it? kinda looks like PSO
I did some sleuthing:
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