Still waiting on this one Alter...
...erm hello? No? I'll just sit in my corner:
I'm eagerly awaiting Lloyd as well, so you're not alone. The only upcoming Tales figure I'm not interested in is Alter's Asbel because fuck Asbel.
Still waiting on this one Alter...
...erm hello? No? I'll just sit in my corner:
Alisha from Tales of Zestiria, but the game's not out until next year. What will you doooo?
I guess I will be conflicted, see what the price is, look at the pics some more, and see if anyone can talk me into it after initial "oh that's neat" impulse has died down.
(I haven't played a Tales game since Vesperia.)
Seemed to work with Judith, Repede, and Karol!
It's bad that my first thought at seeing a <10k price is "oh, that's not bad," isn't it?
RIP 5k scale days.
I wasn't around for the 5k scale days. I think the fear that something is going to be more than 10k makes all prices less than that a relief. Figures are still crazy expensive.
Damn I wish one of these brahs on the market place shipped direct. It costs me 11 dollars for DHL to ship 78 volumes of Major that will be here in three days. 107 volumes of Ippo on BiJ is gonna be a fortune.I paid 1980 JPY for a 0.5 kg package and 2340 JPY for a 0.7 kg package in total with that 500 JPY charge with registered airmail when I ordered stuff.
Edit: They have a overview here of shipping prices:
Damn I wish one of these brahs on the market place shipped direct. It costs me 11 dollars for DHL to ship 78 volumes of Major that will be here in three days. 107 volumes of Ippo on BiJ is gonna be a fortune.
I just want the tiny bulbasaur, so cute.
Its that time of the year again! CONTEST GIVEAWAY TIME! I love doing these contests and well be doing a lot more of them from here on out!! To start were giving away one Nendoroid Halloween Miku away to one lucky person!
She sure did sell out fast on our Online Shop and while we will be selling her at Miku Expo LA, Miku Expo NYC and New York Comic Con 2014, were giving one person a lucky chance to win theirs! All you have to do it take a simple photo! Thats it!
Take a photo with your or a friends Nendoroid, figma, Scaled Figure of Miku by either Good Smile Company, Max Factory or Freeing along with a handwritten note with your name on it telling us why you love Miku! It has to be a Miku figure made by us. Sorry no figures made by anyone else. Here are some examples below!
The quality of the photo will not determine a winner, however we need to be able to read your note! So take your photos in a well lit room with legible handwriting! The winner will be selected randomly, contest ends on the 24th of October 2014 at 12:01 AM PST Well announce the winner the same day. There is no purchase necessary, and this contest is open worldwide.
How to Enter! You have from NOW until the 24th of October 2014 at 12:01 AM PST to enter!
Its simple, you have three ways of entering our contest! Entering you photos in all three ways is highly encouraged but not necessary.
1.) Like our Facebook Page and submit the photo to our wall. Its simple, just head to the page and click Photo/Video. Upload it with the tag #GSCHalloweenMiku
2.) Follow me on Twitter! and tweet the photo to me with the hashtag #GSCHalloweenMiku
3.) Follow the Good Smile Company US Tumblr and submit the photo to our tumblr wall.
-The photo must be your own
-Do not use non-GSC related figures. To be sure which figures are alright to use, if its listed on our site, you can use it. If you have any questions, feel free to message me on any of the platforms used for submitting your photos.
-You may submit as many entries as you like.
-During the contest period I (Mamitan) will be sharing posts on all the forms of the contest, if you photo is not shared do not fret you are still in the running for the contest. As well if your photo is shared it does not mean a guaranteed win.
-No purchase is necessary
-The contest is open to a worldwide audience!
-Have Fun!
I look forward to everyones entries!
-Mamitan <3
Well, guess I can't enter since I don't own any Miku figures yet (and only really want/like the special ones :x)
Also, her hair is a shade of aquamarine, but definitely not just green :/
And pink. And white. And blue. In fact I think the green color is the ugliest color.
And I dislike EMS for valuing 4200 yen as 42 euros, plus their customs charges are higher than regular post.
Thanks for that lovely image.
They aren't as far as I know. I got the email from Goodsmile that they are available to US Retailers this morning?Why the hell are Rei and Asuka Nendo GSC exclusive.. The hell man :\
Wut? That shit ain't right. Are you sure it's not your bank or credit card just giving you a real shitty exchange rate?And I dislike EMS for valuing 4200 yen as 42 euros, plus their customs charges are higher than regular post.
Clear Super GlueRegarding glue...
I accidentally snapped one of the hair ribbons on a Rachel Alucard nendo petit when trying to attach her twintails. Is there a (reasonably-priced) recommended glue for fixing this sort of thing?
And I dislike EMS for valuing 4200 yen as 42 euros, plus their customs charges are higher than regular post
Regarding glue...
I accidentally snapped one of the hair ribbons on a Rachel Alucard nendo petit when trying to attach her twintails. Is there a (reasonably-priced) recommended glue for fixing this sort of thing?
Clear Super Glue
I recommend Zap Gel b/c it doesn't run.
I'm not sure I understand this phrase. The value on the package isn't written by EMS, it's written by the store, and the value of the package does not (or at least should not) include the shipping. As for customs charges, in Belgium the type of shipping does not matter, the fees are per value of the box.
Which country are you in?
The declaration form filled in by the store says 4200 yen. The customs charges form specifying the cost breakdown has the value written down as 42 euros. Someone was being very lazy with their conversion.
Tax 8,82, customs handling fees ("Inklaringskosten") 17,50 (via EMS; non-EMS costs 13).
So I'm working my way through an anime from earlier this year called Noragami and holy shit I wish this were more popular than it is. It's probably about as popular as it deserves to be, but I really love the character designs.
I want figures of everyone. But mostly Bishamon.
I think Yato and Hiyori are getting figures from Megahouse, but those two aren't high on my list. Probably get the Yato for my growing Hiroshi Kamiya collection, though.
I recommend Zap Gel b/c it doesn't run.
Is Alicia going up tonight?
hnnng thigh high greaves? Nice looking fig but I have no attachment to tales.
Just me or is watch list on amiami borked? Keeps asking me to log in again after I already did.