Ok, heres some images. Some of the images are from different dates after I totally moved around stuff in the room so things will look different depending. These are also from April and since then I have done a bunch more building of sets I had in backlog and I still have a bunch of very large sets in backlog to build like LoTR Orthanc x2 and most of the other LoTR and Hobbit sets. Plus I have stuff on display all over the apartment but this is the main display room. Also some of the shelving you see empty right now in some of the pictures now have sets in them. I will have to change up my display and take apart stuff soon to fit everything. I had just moved in when I took these pics. I also have a better camera now which I should use to take new pictures as these are not that great.
That's awesome. So how hard is it to resist the urge to go full Godzilla in there when you've had a bad day?