Oh hey, you know that twin-tailed version of Olivia posted a page or so back? Well, apparently she'll be an exclusive, as well as limited, so don't get your hopes up [unless you don't mind spending the $$$]. Personally, I'm happy with the current Olivia.
Speaking of Squid girl, Ika Musume creator draws Splatoon:
Cannot unsee Penny and Brain.
It's happening!
Scored two figures I wanted at a convention
Well his Invisible Woman goes for over $400, and this is sold out in a lot of shops, so this is definitely something worth preordering.She looks good johnsmith. That's one figure you won't wait for the price to drop huh?![]()
Oh hey, you know that twin-tailed version of Olivia posted a page or so back? Well, apparently she'll be an exclusive, as well as limited, so don't get your hopes up [unless you don't mind spending the $$$]. Personally, I'm happy with the current Olivia.
Goddamn that Olivia... I really shouldn't get another one. I really, really shouldn't. But the twin tails and the red and the hnnnnnng.
More like Mirai http://myfigurecollection.net/item/144492
Wasn't it mentioned on the Mandarake page?
My custom figure I have been working on is almost done. Far from perfect, but I'm satisfied.
... I would be done her, except as I applied the final touch (highlights to the eyes), my bottle of white paint I picked up to cap slipped my grip, ruined my favourite pair of shorts, and splashed onto my figure ruining some painted parts that I now need to repair.
That feeling of absolute defeat.
My custom figure I have been working on is almost done. Far from perfect, but I'm satisfied.
... I would be done her, except as I applied the final touch (highlights to the eyes), my bottle of white paint I picked up to cap slipped my grip, ruined my favourite pair of shorts, and splashed onto my figure ruining some painted parts that I now need to repair.
That feeling of absolute defeat.
I think I have to buy this.https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/10338624_768593753171155_4600486318316682281_o.jpg
you're prob the people to ask, do any of you guys know when Harley Quinn Black and White Statue will be shipping?
I want her so badly. She's beautiful.
I really hope I get this job on Monday. If so, she will be mine. ;____;
She's probably going to be stupid expensive. She's limited + exclusive.
My will power is waning. I am holding up only because there can possibly be a blue version.
How much do you think she'll be? More than 200? :/
The first one was list price of 15k so... up to 20k wouldn't surprise me.
They made a figure of Ramba Ral?
... That is awesome.
Far from perfect, and rough around the edges... But this was a fun little project. A good learning experience for if I ever decide to do another custom. Learned what I should do, what I definitely shouldn't, etc. I'm pleased enough with the result. Again, she was made from a 6" DC Unlimited Wonder Woman action figure.
MFC is listing her as a CCG Expo 2014 exclusive. If they don't sell her on their website and she's only a con exclusive, she's going to be scalped to high heaven. But Koto tends to sell their con exclusives through their web store as well, at least they do for their bishoujo lines. So we'll see what happens.
So, this is interesting. The Batgirl bishoujo reissue due out in October is now showing a June restock date at HLJ. AmiAmi is still showing October, but maybe that's just because they're not open today?
I can't imagine it'd actually come out that much earlier. I wonder if HLJ obtained some stock from somewhere else, like a US seller?
although I'd recommend buying new for a figure like this [if you know what I mean...].
Far from perfect, and rough around the edges... But this was a fun little project. A good learning experience for if I ever decide to do another custom. Learned what I should do, what I definitely shouldn't, etc. I'm pleased enough with the result. Again, she was made from a 6" DC Unlimited Wonder Woman action figure.
You did a really good job with what you had to work with. Can't wait for your other works if you had better base to play around with.
I like pony tails and the red color, but for some reason the original still looks better for me: