Is this another one of those "I totally bought something cheap but can't prove it" posts of yours?
Geez what's your issue? I don't have to prove anything. I mean if I was lying about getting figures for certain prices that would be really pathetic on my behalf. I'm sure everyone can attest to the fact that when I say I bought a figure, I usually end up posting the post-mortem here, like the previous page where I posted my Misato, Rei, Asuka and Stocking figures I bought. I love taking pics of the stuff I buy, so you'll see my Momohime when she arrives.
I take a while getting my figures because I don't pay for the shipping straight away (they give me 30 days to pay for them) so I space them out. I mean, nobody else posts receipts so why should I? If I was lying about getting figures, I would be a massive freak and a weirdo. I don't chat shit, I state how much I paid and the reason I post them here is to share and also get feedback if the prices are good, because everyone here knows more than me when it comes to prices.
So while I won't post receipts and you'll have to take my word for it instead of trying to be the gaf detective, I will post this. I bet it still won't keep you happy and you'll want the link to the page and you'll probably insinuate that I photoshopped the numbers or something. I don't get it, and I'm not even mad at you, just upset. I can understand why tho, I guess some weirdo's exist out there who lie about buying stuff, but I post here on a regular basis with my pick-ups . Weather people believe I get them for the prices I do is up to ya'll really. If you think I'm making shit up, well that does fine by me. You legit upset me man. I'm not mad at you tho, but don't insinuate stuff like that.