How long have you been collecting? I bought a ton of shit the first six months, too. Eventually you calm down and get more reserved with your purchases.
How long have you been collecting? I bought a ton of shit the first six months, too. Eventually you calm down and get more reserved with your purchases.
I think I'm just really depressed these days and lack energy to do anything, even playing games and watching shows. Just super drained out mentally and physically. Everything becomes a chore and a burden.
I got Yoko for 15k and Morrigan for 8k but she's missing her stand. Her stand is pretty simple and no frills but I still feel burnt on that. I guess it was just impulse buy at the price for me (which is scary)
I got Yoko for 15k and Morrigan for 8k but she's missing her stand. Her stand is pretty simple and no frills but I still feel burnt on that. I guess it was just impulse buy at the price for me (which is scary)
Thanks for making me feel better. A lot of posters tried to reassure me when I posted about it originally too. johnsmith gave me some really helpful tips on making my own stand etc too! I wouldn't expect anything less from you all here, but what can I say? I'm a debbie downer (or whatever the male equivalent is lol). Still not too happy about it.
Ya I see what people mean about that figure being a spoiler lol. Although I was casually interested before in it before watching anything. Now I want it....not sure about that price though
Maybe...6 months? This is what I've purchased so far.
My pre-orders
I think I've got most of what I've always wanted, but I always come across something else I've been eying up lol.
I think I'm just really depressed these days and lack energy to do anything, even playing games and watching shows. Just super drained out mentally and physically. Everything becomes a chore and a burden.
It is pretty optional, the anime is "completed" by itself. The movie is like Eva 3.33, you don't know where they going with this, and it will take years just to see the continuation. Better to watch them once they are all out, I bet they will release a "complete edition" or something.
It is pretty optional, the anime is "completed" by itself. The movie is like Eva 3.33, you don't know where they going with this, and it will take years just to see the continuation. Better to watch them once they are all out, I bet they will release a "complete edition" or something.
Are you talking about Rebellion? Good god, I was lost through that whole movie. I think I like Madoka better with just the anime series taken into account.
Yeah I got her, Dark Magician and Yugi for 9k all together so the price was worth it indeed! I only wanted her, but the other two figures ended up looking really awesome (but I have no place to put Dark Magician because he's freaking huge!)
Are you talking about Rebellion? Good god, I was lost through that whole movie. I think I like Madoka better with just the anime series taken into account.
Are you talking about Rebellion? Good god, I was lost through that whole movie. I think I like Madoka better with just the anime series taken into account.
Lost on what in particular? I mean, I was pretty "wait what" the first time through, but after watching it a second time it makes a whooooole lot more sense. I'm of the opinion that the series doesn't need the movie, but the movie definitely builds on the series in a faithful way. I'm also of the opinion that Rebellion needs 2 views minimum for most people to sink in in a meaningful way and to be processed on more than a knee-jerk level.
Godoka wishing that Witches didn't exist? Did that wish encompass all of time and space? Did she go back in time and take care of the problem before any of her friends lost their lives
Godoka wishing that Witches didn't exist? Did that wish encompass all of time and space? Did she go back in time and take care of the problem before any of her friends lost their lives
OK, If this goes too long we can go to animegaf or PMs so as not to get too off topic here, but since others may be wondering the same thing I'll put at least this much here in this thread where you asked...
Most of the movie takes place
inside the witch labyrinth...Homura's witch labyrinth--an alternate, fake reality, a dream world--that Homura created subconsciously.
This is all explained in the movie, but
I understand the 'shock' of seeing everyone being back in action is like 'huh what.'. Basically, Mami, Kyouko, and Homura are their original selves, as shown in the post-wish world Madoka created. Sayaka and Madoka there are also the originals, except both of them were in "magical girl heaven" at the end of the series so what we see in the movie are their manifestations (Kyubey explains near the end that Homura "invited" Madoka in, because Madoka wanted to save her and Homura is scary possessive like that, and Sayaka [and Bebe/Charlotte] follow her in to keep an eye on things).
Homura has actually turned into a witch and just doesn't realize it until later. Even her fall from puella magi to witch did not escape her willpower--even as a witch she tried to make Madoka happy.
There is one shot in the movie where we see some landscape that looks very suspiciously like
the same environment Homura is shown in at the very end of the series--that sandy, desolate world that seems post-apocalyptic.
Now, this is just conjecture based on this because the movie doesn't specify, but I think this ties the movie down to the end of the series (the end-end, following the
right-after-Madoka-makes-her-wish end)
. That is, the movie is picking up on the same timeline the series ends on, at some unspecified date not too long after.
What we don't see happen is what we're told (by Kyubey) what happened:
Kyubey, who, as shown on friendlier terms with the girls after Madoka's wish re-wrote The System at the end of the series, became intrigued at this idea of "Madoka" and the alternate/previous system that Homura told him about, so they waited for Homura to exhaust herself in battle and trapped her in some MAGIC SCIENCE isolation chamber to freeze/slow/observe and--most importantly--to block Madokami from retrieving Homura's Soul Gem thus causing her transformation into a witch.
Homura's realization of what has happened, she becomes enraged at Kyubey for his meddling, and tries to kill him, to kill herself, to do what she can for Madoka's sake, but it's all for naught. She can't stop Kyubey in her current state, and her current state endangers Madoka tremendously--not because of Homura herself, but because of the threat that Kyubey makes, one that she knows he is not making idly. And then, in one horrifying, twisted moment of revelation, the dreaming-no-longer Homura (when Madoka is descending from the sky) realizes the only way to keep Madoka safe from Kyubey, the only way to really get the wish she originally made was basically to do what Madoka did: rewrite the universe again. So that's what she does.
There's more to say than that but this post is already getting a bit long, so I'll stop here. Hope that helps. I do really recommend you watch the movie again (maybe the series too if you have only watched it once) because you will probably be surprised at how many things will fall into place when you are able to pay attention to things you didn't notice the first time.
There's more to say than that but this post is already getting a bit long, so I'll stop here. Hope that helps. I do really recommend you watch the movie again (maybe the series too if you have only watched it once) because you will probably be surprised at how many things will fall into place when you are able to pay attention to things you didn't notice the first time.
I know! Snake Goddess Nadeko would have been an obvious choice for figures. But remember, there's still a GSC Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade figure that has yet to be painted. Hopefully it'll see release one day. So Snake Goddess Nadeko may come eventually.
I've watched the series+compilation movies close to 10 times (but not Rebellion). One of my most re-watched pieces of media in the last decade, anime or otherwise.
I mostly have dude figures and like 80% are articulated and not statues.
Play Arts don't get much love on her because when they are bad they are truly horrendous at times.
I have the old Play Arts Vincent from before the Kai line started.
Edit: after a count its almost about 50% dudes 50% female figures.
The Kai version is a million times better than the normal one. The build sculpt, the painting, and articulation is a whole lot better. Again, for PAK, one needs to handpick the figure they want.
Maybe you should make ModelGAF then? I tend to think of inanimate objects as models and humanoids as figures. Also, as I pointed out I tend to build kits for vehicles/mechs. There's a separation in my mind because the flat and even colors of a vehicle are so much easier to paint than the intricate flesh tones of a naked lady.