Wait is there a US date yet?
It hasn't even been officially announced for North America yet.
Wait is there a US date yet?
Man, I really don't think this is a good game
I've been putting off ch.7/last chapter for a week or two because the thought of playing this game feels "ugh" and so I've just been sleep training while playing other fun games instead. Gained about 6 levels so my top3 are lvl.36-40.
Picked up the game today and did the first half of Ch.7, another laaaaame RTS battle. Takes forever, is a chore and no fun. Ends with a raid on the city with dragons and even though I thought I'd be fine since I'm lvl.36-40 and the enemies are lvl.34/35, I get to the end with some big dragon boss and he wipes my 3 guys in like 2 hits. So then I gotta bring in my lvl.28-30 next group against him and I'm thinking "I better not die on this and have to redo that entire rts battle" and luckly my lvl.28 guy finishes him off. That's the worst thing about the game, because of the screwed up character leveling system if you have 2-3 characters who are GOOD level for fighting the enemies and then 25 mins into a level they get wiped in 1 or 2 hits, suddenly you might be totally screwed because now your remaining characters are severely underleveled and you just lost a mission 25 mins in, in the span of 5 seconds. And then sometimes you get stuck with characters who are totally useless in the situation, like ground melee characters against a flying boss. The game balance is simply terrible and it makes the game not very fun to play.
Anyhow, at the 2nd half of Ch.7 now. Will power through the airship quest just to get the damn airship (gotta do another RTS battle ughhh) then power through the next main mission and the final chapter just to get it over with.
Game was initially fun, but then became repetitive and by the end now just feels like a chore and I'm questioning if it's still worth playing it just for completion when I could spend the time on so many better and more fun games. Like with FFXIII, SE really messed this game up. Total shame. I hope XIII-2 is much better than these 2. I just want an FF that's fun to play and not a boring tedium.
She disappeared?!!! she should be there and give you a growth egg![]()
I went back to Paz where I had taken on a quest to kill one of the steel giants and the person who gave it to me has disappeared @_@ fffuuuu
You can do some stuff but really all of it is very hard to impossible on first playthrough. you can go to Tower of Agito now with your airship. but don't bother just go and finish the game. next story mission is really really short :S
but out of the 22 summons in the game,
22? I always thought there were six or so. Oh Square, what did you do?
Bahamut Kai
The book includes over 300 pieces of artwork, showing the characters, summons, enemies, air ships, backgrounds and more, much of it previously unreleased.
The book also has a look back at the battles of Class 0, and a collection of player data from Square Enix Members.
Look for the art book on February 23, priced ¥2,940.
I gotta say, I really hope they upgrade this game for the 3DS or Vita, because, for the first time in my life, I have been turned off by a game solely because of the graphics.
Uh, I'm at the very very end of the final chapter and something weird is going on:
it says it's the last judgment sos and I need to "RUN UP THE SPIRAL STAIRS WITH MY PLAYABLE CHARACTER AND NOT GET SUCKED INTO THE ABYSS" but when I reach the top and try to enter the glowing light elevator/teleporter it says I failed and kills my character. Wtfff the wiki doesn't seem to say anything special in particular about this part, so I dunno what I'm missing.
great review Bebpo!
the story is very hard to understand without linking back to the overall FNC mytho. The story Q&A section in the Ultamnia Guide is extremely helpful to understand the meaning.
basically the setting is (if i understand correctly):Arecia and the armored guy (not the Lulusanth Judge) appeared at the end of the game are two fal'cies - Arecia is a fal'cie of Pulse and the armored guy is a fal'cie of Lindzei. Luluanth Judge is actually armored guy's l'Cie. According to the FNC mytho, Pulse and Lindzei were assigned the task of finding the entrance to invisible world (aka world of death) where Etro resides. For that they created many fal'cies, Arecia and the Armored guy are two of them, they created the world of Orience and use their own ways to try to find the entrance. Arecia uses cycles of spirits (all the life of Orence and 16 specially created spirits aka members of class zero) and the armored guy tries to kill as many people as he can because he believes that the gate will open and open widely once enough spirits of the dead people are trying to pass through the gate. Coincidentally, the act of Arecia makes a huge amount of spirits and people. Then if she cannot manage to find and open the entrance in one round (coil), the armored guy comes in and destroys the world using armies of Lulusanth and the judge (this event is Finis). After this, Arecia is free to start another round (coil), which is why the world of Orience is described as "a coiled world" in the opening narrative.
the story is very interesting and deep. i may try to translate the whole thing if i have time...
Actually I'm still confused about the ending though.
If the experiment/cycle is Arecia attempts to open the gate with life and the armored guy attempts to open it with death. Why would the armored guy like Arecia end the cycle and allow people to survive? It doesn't make any sense...
How different is XIII-2's combat to XIII's, just so I can better gauge your statement.Playing XIII-2 directly after Type 0 really showcases how shallow the combat is in Type 0. XIII-2 requires 100x more strategy and as many more options during combat. I know it's hard to compare an arpg with a turn-based rpg, but even compared to KH, type 0's combat feels empty.
Playing XIII-2 directly after Type 0 really showcases how shallow the combat is in Type 0. XIII-2 requires 100x more strategy and as many more options during combat. I know it's hard to compare an arpg with a turn-based rpg, but even compared to KH, type 0's combat feels empty.
Anyone know if there saying any dates for the west yet ?
Anyone know if there saying any dates for the west yet ?
Btw, I've read the topic here and there, but now that XIII-2 is out and we know it has alot more to do with the FNC, how type-0 compares to that? Does it have a better story and more focus on the FNC than Toriyama's games for example?
Also, this was just curiosity, but I think I've read somewhere that H.Tabata would dream to make a direct sequel to this. Does that mean the ending is open here too?
Instead of DLC, the game uses different mainline story missions (alternative route) in NG+ to tell more of what happened at the same time.
full voice cutscenes, they are new story missions. They have couple of new pre-rendered ones as well like a lengthy alternative ending.
In a cheap way like NieR's 2nd playthrough (Wall of Text!) or with full voiced cutscenes, even pre-rendered's ones added?
I had the time to try only now the second DEMO and I'm quite pleased by what I played. Surely I'm not expecting a good battle system (it seems rather crappy, especially after the greatly polished ATB from XIII and XIII-2) but the great art direction will make up for it. If the story is indeed good, this can really aim to be a great experience for a Final Fantasy fan like me. Can't wait!
edit. It's obvious what I'm gonna say, but this is really one of those games limited by their being on portables. Loadings every room, no smooth transitions... whatever. Let's hope as an HD Remaster at least everything's smoother.
Other things they could improve include towns (they were all very simple, except for one),
The art book just came out today.