Dual Cast Refia is the MVP against Golem Staff users....of course as someone that himself uses the Golem Staff she is a bitch when she cures the other team.
Somewhere in here has to be Noctis right?
Used two tickets... I'm weak.
Bedile! Bedile! Bedile!
Also a Snow. ^_^
No more daily pulls for me.
Christmas Banner, Slapped on the FFBE banner(Dec 16) or an event character ala Maxwell
Ugh, I hope it's not an event character like Mawell... Unless I can beat the event of course. Then it's fine.
I thought we were already friends, but I was mistaken. FR sent.Have two slots available, 622, 464, 324. Have something gaf in the message thanks!
Accidently went toe to toe with that dickhead of a plant with my TM team...30NRG down the drain.
...your Greg still almost took it out on his own mind you Valentus. One more hit would have done it...so my main team would have stomped it with full break and embolden.
My third attempt now. Hopefully all lessons learned. Took the flower out first the time before and learnt that it's not a good idea to do so the hard way. Ouch.
Does darkside consume more hp from the user if you are dual wielding? If so I might try the same setup and just moving some weapons and abilities around.
A tedious grind for sure. I've only seen 1 gigantuar so far. Here's hoping the +100% bonus from Lightning makes it a bit less tedious..
No Garnet here either. I tried to get her so hard back on release. Ended up with like three extra Zidanes though.
They have to raise the rate. It's like stupid low.
Used two tickets... I'm weak.
Bedile! Bedile! Bedile!
Also a Snow. ^_^
No more daily pulls for me. Sitting on every character now outside Orlandu who is good for the Gigalmesh trial
Yeah if I did that I would probably stop skipping the daily because that would make up the difference but with a 2 year old and a pregnant wife about to have another baby in a month I need all the sleep I can get now otherwise I will die in January haha.
Finally my army of Kains will shine.well, the 2 headed dragon is.... a dragon? (?)
Finally my army of Kains will shine.
Or does his killer abilities still not work with jump........
This is vortex right, not farplane.even if they work, any attacking skill on the dragon will trigger its "FUCK YOU" skill that gives -100% ATK/DEF to all the party.
just normal attacks, and gilgamesh with dragon killer and sildra's protection are a sweet +100%
So, this dragon. Auto attack for a few turns and then finish of with a powerful chain when he is around 40%-30-%? Refia with Dualcast will be pretty much essencial.
Are there any vídeos of this fight on YouTube? I don't even know how to search this lol.thats my plan.
I even plan to waste 30 nrg to simply do a full scale first attack to see how much HP can down the dragon, and in the second try do a normal attack strategy.
The skills of the dragons says that triggers when a "ATTACKING SKILL" or "ATTACKING MAGIC" happens.
So that make me wonder: Aura Ball didnt trigger this? because, technically isnt is an attacking skill, so that could be a good way to not use full break.
Hey Bonkeng, did you drop your r69 CoD account? Shows as Last Played 13d ago.
I thought we were already friends, but I was mistaken. FR sent.
Are there any vídeos of this fight on YouTube? I don't even know how to search this lol.
there are videos, but the 2 headed dragon came out in japan just after the ramza batch, so there are only lightning, ramza and delita as 6star units. I dont think any of the experience there can be useful to us, because, its a given that this dragon will be fucking roided in global.
heres one video
heres another
Finally unlocked everything in Grandshelt vault haha! Had 6 keys missing and thought I'd clear that up finally.
The 'recommended' order is Leaves, Root, Ivy, Face.
Lol. I got all the Gale Keys but am still missing an Earth Key or three.
I think the Air Knife reward for clearing Dilmagia vault is pretty sweet!
Cheers. Got it this time.
Well the whole point was trying to unlock the Gale vault area for the Equip Hat which I wanted for Exdeath. I ended up having to do around 5 pre reqs before I got it! Whilst doing so I completed all the Earth keys as I thought I might as well get it out the way. Finally got the Equip Hat.
There is a F2P unit with Dragon Killer ability. She is pretty rare though, I did about 10x11 pulls and only got 11 so far.
I won't ever waste TM farming time with these units, so it will hardly get to 100% soon.
I'll definitely level up Snow on the weekend's dune. I see an interesting potential in his counters combined with his ridiculous HP.
Lyrian - I have the opposite problem. I have three Garnet, but the game won't give me Rydia for some reason. It almost defies reason. Never seen a few units, including a common one like Rydia, WoL, Chizuru, Zidane, Xiao, Miyuki, etc... And no base five stars outside of the Lightning I re-rolled for.
However, the account has been great at pulling 4* base units that are on banner. Hopefully that continues as I can make a pretty good team out of 4* base units that have 6* capability.
I guess this weekend with Cactuars the focus will be on leveling Bartz the last ten levels, ExDeath the last 10 levels, Snow the last 20 levels, and Rain to max 5*. Unless I pull Hope, and then all effort goes into maxing him, just because he is awesome.
There is a F2P unit with Dragon Killer ability. She is pretty rare though, I did about 10x11 pulls and only got 11 so far.
I won't ever waste TM farming time with these units, so it will hardly get to 100% soon.
Yeah, she is really well designed. Too bad she is wasted in that cesspoll of units. Dragoons cant catch a break even in spin-offs.That's Shaka, whose tied with Montana (Camouflage) as the rarest units in the FP pool. If I remember right, it was about 400k FP (give or take RNG) to complete one of each of them.
Finishing a dragon killer TM was definitely a project.
Also, Shaka needs a rare form. She has way too awesome art to be wasted on a FP unit.
ThanksGrats on being lucky. Still can't pull a 4* base for the life of me on this banner.
Golem Staff. Surprised you're just running into this.
1. Golem Staff.
2. Aoe attack.
3. ?
4. Profit.
It's cost me a few matches as well. Especially when the enemy goes first turn 3-4 times in a row and you're on the defensive.
Yes. Dual wield equals dual activations, so double the HP loss.
Gilgamesh dual wielding Golem Staff and Thorn Mace is the best thing about the arena right now. With Embolden I hit 999 anyway.
I've never done better than right now, I'm actually confident I'll be able to get 2 Moogles by the end of the month.
When my Snow is ready, I've have some dirty plans involving Doublehand + 2 of his belts. The AI better be scared to hit me.
CoD is an even better fit for the Golem Staff+Thorn Mace combo. Use Diabolos' Darkside and she'll do 999 damage as well with her multiple Maneater passives. Then your Gilgamesh can be equipped properly to deal another 999x2. Insta Win.