Great event? Objectively not, it's the worst one yet... aside, perhaps, from the Gravity Rod one. But there's value to be extracted from it.
I definitely agree with you. Piece of shit event, but as things won't change let's at least get what we can.Everyone's circumstances are different, of course, but 117 runs (I'm done aside from 2x ELT runs for the daily) got me 7 of the 10 tickets, all the cheap 6* mats, Winged Saint, all the gigantuars and all of the Star Quartz, as well as 10 levels or so for Diabolos, Ramuh, Shiva and Carbuncle... and something like 35+ Sacred Crystals and maybe half again as many Holy Crystals.
Grinding through it "early", while suboptimal, means I can focus on the Dunes this weekend (inefficient as they are compared to explorations, I can't be bothered to do them).
Great event? Objectively not, it's the worst one yet... aside, perhaps, from the Gravity Rod one. But there's value to be extracted from it.
1 est is 12 cnt?New page
Reminder that maintenance is in about 2 1/2 hrs. Starts 1 AM EST. Use your NRG and arena orbs before it shuts down
1 est is 12 cnt?
Got to work with what you have. You WILL get that dps unit that you need. WHEN is the real question. That's a pretty great team you have right there. Try to buff Snow's atk as much as you can. If you have DW give him that, and Barrage and see how it goes.
Who else do you have on the bench Muku? I'd try to put as many 6*s on the team as you can. ExDeath, CoD, Bartz, etc. Simply because 6* stats > 5* stats by a significant margin.
On my alt I only have Delita, Cecil, and Refia as my 6*.That's why I'm trying to figure out what to do with rest of my reject crew I have. Though, I am working on my 5* CoD right now. Though going to need to get her 6* mats soon.
Is Vaan going to get a 6* upgrade soon?
It was with Balthier release, right after Tidus' second banner. So... not any time soon if we follow JP.
He won't be good anyway, don't waste your expectations =xBoo. Okay, thank you
He won't be good anyway, don't waste your expectations =x
Did they change the rewards for hanging edge elite?
I just got 550 gears from the run with no bonus units. I did fight against a gigantuar for the first time though, I didn't even know that was possible...
Any advice on who I should level next?
My current tops:
[ ] CoD
[ ] ExDeath
[ ] Kefka
[ ] Refia
[ ] Cecil
They're all maxed. I have a maxed Ingus for breaking. I have no true DPS. What direction do I go next? I want to claim all these gigantaurs but I can't sandbag them for the right unit, so I need to pick before I grab them.
I'm thinking:
[ ] multiple ExDeaths
[ ] Black Cat Lid?
[ ] Vaan?
[ ] multiple Cecils?
[ ] Gafgarrion? I notice he's ranked pretty high in JP long-term.
I dunno. I have a lot of great support units. EDs and Cecils are the only current 6*s I could duplicate. Thoughts?
Any advice on who I should level next?
My current tops:
[ ] CoD
[ ] ExDeath
[ ] Kefka
[ ] Refia
[ ] Cecil
They're all maxed. I have a maxed Ingus for breaking. I have no true DPS. What direction do I go next? I want to claim all these gigantaurs but I can't sandbag them for the right unit, so I need to pick before I grab them.
I'm thinking:
[ ] multiple ExDeaths
[ ] Black Cat Lid?
[ ] Vaan?
[ ] multiple Cecils?
[ ] Gafgarrion? I notice he's ranked pretty high in JP long-term.
I dunno. I have a lot of great support units. EDs and Cecils are the only current 6*s I could duplicate. Thoughts?
Do you have any other full breakers? If not, then Vaan. If so, then I'd level another Exdeath.
Black Cat Lid is also really nice for her broken Hex if you don't have one. Vaan is good if you don't have a Full Breaker like cpp said. Another Exdeath would be good for arena as well
I didn't even know about this lol. Thanks!Reminder too to make sure to post your profile on the Facebook event to get 3 tickets and a few cactuars. Ends tomorrow.
Oh my God, literally on my last possible run I find another Gigantuar, when I finish it I received the message of the maintenance. FUCK
I didn't even know about this lol. Thanks!
Hello maintenance! I was at exactly 0 NRG and 0 Arena orbs. AW YEAH
Damn, what a day... I have been working all day, didn't even get to burn all of my energy, and now maintenance tonight. I was desperately running INT Vortex for SC the last 10 minutes before maintenance, and was getting some crazy crystal drops, so at least that is nice.
I will be focusing on Bartz, ExDeath, Rain, and such for gigantaurs on Friday, and am hopeful to pull Hope... Also, maintenance only currently looks to be 6 hours going by the message on the app. We'll see.
I have done okay on the event, and will see what happens after the weekend with Lightning friend units. I should be able to run 4-5 actual units for the bonus. At least 350%
Reminder too to make sure to post your profile on the Facebook event to get 3 tickets and a few cactuars. Ends tomorrow.
Hello maintenance! I was at exactly 0 NRG and 0 Arena orbs. AW YEAH
I have done okay on the event, and will see what happens after the weekend with Lightning friend units. I should be able to run 4-5 actual units for the bonus. At least 350%
Completely forgot about maintenance. Welp. There goes my stamina. :/
Nah, it's totally my fault. I'm normally super-attentive to keeps tabs on this sort of thing, but I kind of slipped today.Yeah. I tried to be clever and inform it in many hours before. Sorry :/
8 hours maintenance + obivous extension = too many hours of energy down the drain.
Yeah. I tried to be clever and inform it in many hours before. Sorry :/
8 hours maintenance + obivous extension = too many hours of energy down the drain.
Nah, it's totally my fault. I'm normally super-attentive to keeps tabs on this sort of thing, but I kind of slipped today.
I appreciate the thought in warning everyone, though (even if I missed it, nice to see you looking out). d(^_^)v
They reduced the maintenance now.
From: 8+2 hours
To: 6+2 hours
Yup. Soon new OT too
Ohh neat. So its ~3 days. Do you remember the time when GCC had Gauntlet expansion and maintenance was like 8h and in the end it was 67h.
I had a date tonight, and after walking her outside and waiting for an Uber, I had enough time to burn down 55 out of 79 NRG. Not bad. Arena, I don't care about; if I'm sub-90k, I'm good.
Same. WAY too many meetings today to do my usual switch control setup at work. On the other hand, I'm excited for Cactuar Dunes. Need to get Cecil to 100, and after that ... I'm not sure. Rain/Lasswell/Fina/Lid? Firion? Agrias? I'm stumped on who to level.
I've also mostly ignored the event, except cactuars to get Greg to 100. I figured I'd just wait for Lightning bonuses.
Update is up for amazon app store too. Wonder what christmas stuff we're going to get?
Seems like amazon app store has the pictures of what the UI will look like
I thought it would be at 3am aka the normal daily reset. I didn't grind my 200 gears out before 1am, so there goes 50 lapis. v_v1am EST. Good enough time to finish up a few things and set it for one more Stamina bar run.
[B]Reminder: Placeholders[/B]
Global Exclusive Abilities
(Includes anything from Unit Skillset/Items/Skills from Equips)
ID Name Desc
910031 Winter Guardian Boost HP by 20% and nullify silence and stone
910032 Steel Decrease damage taken by caster
910033 Attract Increase chance of being targeted
910034 Ice Blast Ice damage and reduce ice resistance for one enemy
910035 Tactical Gear Boost DEF when equipped with armor and boost MAG when equipped with robe
910036 Gale Blast Wind damage and reduce wind resistance for one enemy
910037 Rune Protector Boost MAG when equipped with a rod and boost DEF when equipped with a shield
910038 Mystical Flair Boost MAG by 10% and boost MP by 20%
910039 Bring It On Temporarily increase chance of being targeted and decrease damage taken for three turns
910040 Glacial Wave Ice damage and paralyze to all enemies
910041 Winter Palisade Chance of using a random ice ability on enemy after receiving a magic attack
910042 Noel's Judgment Use a random ice ability on enemy
910043 Blizzaga Ice damage to all enemies
910044 Sub Zero Ice damage and reduce ice resistance and paralyze to one enemy
910046 Heart of Conviction Boost SPR by 30% and LB gauge fills each turn during battle
910047 Healer’s Resolve Boost SPR and reduce ATK for caster
910048 Blessed Heart Chance of curing and temporarily gaining immunity to poison, blind, sleep, silence, paralysis, confusion, disease, and stone after receiving a physical or magic attack
910049 Divine Grace Chance of restoring HP to self or all allies after receiving a physical or magic attack
910050 Resilience Cure and temporarily gain immunity to poison, blind, sleep, silence, paralysis, confusion, disease, and stone for caster
910051 Heal Back Randomly restore HP for caster or all allies
910052 Heal Self Restore HP for caster
910053 Mass Heal Restore HP for all allies
910054 Heart of Light Boost dark resistance and resistance to stone for all allies
910055 Hyper Fire Random damage to all enemies
910056 Blazing Glory Deal partial unmitigated damage to one enemy
910057 Winter Ward Boots ice and wind resistance(50%) for 3 turns to all allies.
Global Exclusive Materia
ID Name Desc
1500000005 (?) Boots ice and wind resistance(50%) for 3 turns to all allies.
Global Exclusive Units
ID Name Info Rarity
30200070 5-6☆
30200080 4-6☆
Global Exclusive LBs
ID Name Desc
302000705 White Shroud Boost MAG and DEF for all allies
302000706 Silver Curtain Boost MAG and DEF for all allies, and restore MP for all allies
302000804 Celestial Healing Restore HP and cure poison, blind, sleep, silence, paralysis, confusion, disease, and stone for all allies
302000805 Celestial Healing Restore HP and cure poison, blind, sleep, silence, paralysis, confusion, disease, and stone for all allies
302000806 Celestial Healing Restore HP and cure poison, blind, sleep, silence, paralysis, confusion, disease, and stone, and boost SPR for all allies
2-Headed Dragon AI
Comparing to JP.
[B]Can't promise any of those changes will go live.[/B]
ST Death:
JP: Every 4 Turns
GL: Every 5 Turns
HP Thresholds:
JP: <50%/30%/10% HP
GL: <80%/60%/40%/20% HP
ST 230%, 50% paralyze for one turn
JP: 35% Chance
GL: 30% Chance
ST 200%, -50% INT/MND for three turns, 30% silence for one turn
JP: 30% Chance
GL: 20% Chance
AoE 210% Fire & Ice Element, -50% ATK/DEF for three turns
JP: 20% Chance
GL: 35% Chance