There, I said it.
For one glorious season it appeared that Final Fantasy games would once again be returning to the swords and sorcery that made the franchise, and would move away from the brooding heros. Zidane was likable and inspiring, unlike the troubled and confused Cloud and the genuinely asshole-ish Squall. X brought things back around to a much less charming universe, however.
It also happens to contain the single greatest character in any Final Fantasy. Vivi is the only character in any videogame ever that I've ever truly cared about. His storyline is probably the greatest (and saddest) in any RPG, FF or not. Imagine living life knowing what he knew (anyone who posts keep it spoiler-free or use the tag, por favor).
Although actually having likable characters goes a long ways towards justifying my statement in the thread's title, that alone isn't enough. What makes FF IX so damn great is the world that these characters get to run around and explore, and the tone that that world sets. Even in the game's darkest moments, the world of FF IX and it's inhabitants are still extremely charming. It's a very cheerful and quirky game, all-around.
It's like square wanted to have one final fairwell before abandoning the fantasy landscape and lighthearted storytelling that made the series great in the first place.
Top it all off with a fucking FANTASTIC ending, and you have yourself one of the greats, and easily the greatest Final Fantasy. There's a lot to be said about good drama in games, but I'll take Zidane's unbridled optimism and Vivi's cute innocent nature over any of that drama any day.
For one glorious season it appeared that Final Fantasy games would once again be returning to the swords and sorcery that made the franchise, and would move away from the brooding heros. Zidane was likable and inspiring, unlike the troubled and confused Cloud and the genuinely asshole-ish Squall. X brought things back around to a much less charming universe, however.
It also happens to contain the single greatest character in any Final Fantasy. Vivi is the only character in any videogame ever that I've ever truly cared about. His storyline is probably the greatest (and saddest) in any RPG, FF or not. Imagine living life knowing what he knew (anyone who posts keep it spoiler-free or use the tag, por favor).
Although actually having likable characters goes a long ways towards justifying my statement in the thread's title, that alone isn't enough. What makes FF IX so damn great is the world that these characters get to run around and explore, and the tone that that world sets. Even in the game's darkest moments, the world of FF IX and it's inhabitants are still extremely charming. It's a very cheerful and quirky game, all-around.
It's like square wanted to have one final fairwell before abandoning the fantasy landscape and lighthearted storytelling that made the series great in the first place.
Top it all off with a fucking FANTASTIC ending, and you have yourself one of the greats, and easily the greatest Final Fantasy. There's a lot to be said about good drama in games, but I'll take Zidane's unbridled optimism and Vivi's cute innocent nature over any of that drama any day.