Alucard said:I need to play through FFIX again. I only went through it once and liked it well enough but thought the last boss was pretty dumb. I did like the ending although...
Zidane should have died.
bionic77 said:FF7 had a huge impact becaues it had maybe the best advertising campaign of all time, had amazing graphics and cg, and it introduced rpg noobs to the genre which Nintendo was too stupid to promote before. It was a great, but flawed game. It annoys me and some others that FF7 is somehow seen as the best FF by the majority of people because they never played the earlier (and dare I say it superior) games. But whatever, people have to start playing games at some point I guess.
Mock said:You see, here's where you need to get a grasp on what sarcasm is. I actually was just ribbing on the game, its a game I like, what I was really making fun of are most of FFVII's fans, who happen to be fucking retarded for some reason. Like you, for example.
SolidSnakex said:Alot of the people who's first FF was FF7 did go back and play the previous ones and just didn't like it as much. But I don't see how it makes their opinion any less on which ones the best if it was their first FF. You've got nostalgia working on one end and newbies on the other.
trippingmartian said:Did Mock edit something ban-worthy out of his post?
trippingmartian said:Did Mock edit something ban-worthy out of his post?
Alucard said:I need to play through FFIX again. I only went through it once and liked it well enough but thought the last boss was pretty dumb. I did like the ending although...
Zidane should have died.
bionic77 said:FF7 had a huge impact becaues it had maybe the best advertising campaign of all time, had amazing graphics and cg, and it introduced rpg noobs to the genre which Nintendo was too stupid to promote before. It was a great, but flawed game. It annoys me and some others that FF7 is somehow seen as the best FF by the majority of people because they never played the earlier (and dare I say it superior) games. But whatever, people have to start playing games at some point I guess.
Kobun Heat said:If you keep this up, I'm ending my moratorium on trolling FFX-2 threads.
GDJustin said:Haters can keep on hatin'. HATE HATE HATE!
Doesn't make you any more right. FFIX is the only modern FF that leaves you with a smile on your face when all is said and done. How can that be a bad thing?
GDJustin said:Haters can keep on hatin'. HATE HATE HATE!
Doesn't make you any more right. FFIX is the only modern FF that leaves you with a smile on your face when all is said and done. How can that be a bad thing?
but its supporting characters, plot, and gameplay were quite poor for the series.
Alucard said:I did like the ending although...
eXxy said:can't believe there's so much praise for FFIX. i thought that installment was a snooze-fest.