More like... he's just a kid.Daft question I know, but the dialogue in the first town... Vivi asexual?
More like... he's just a kid.Daft question I know, but the dialogue in the first town... Vivi asexual?
Are there any noticeable problems/negatives compared to the PS1 version?
I have the PAL PSN version, and I only played up to the, and that was when it launched on there back in 2010 was it?Ice Cave
The load times before battles was unbearable. Like, in the time is taken me to write this post, a battle would still be loading up on that version.
I feel like an idiot for buying this on both mobile and Steam/PC at a high price and barely playing them. Now I want to play it on PS4 for ease of control and (hopefully) a better UI.
Can anyone comment on how this version stacks up?
Its Been a while but i think there's no female Black Mage in ffix
I feel like an idiot for buying this on both mobile and Steam/PC at a high price and barely playing them. Now I want to play it on PS4 for ease of control and (hopefully) a better UI.
Can anyone comment on how this version stacks up?
Read the rest of the thread. It's the exact same as the Steam version. If you have that, you're buying the same thing twice and with no mod support.
Have not played it but the videos on Youtube seem to show it is a straight port of the mobile/Steam version? That means the UI looks the same as that.
The greatest Final Fantasy game of all time.
How true... I wish that SE would try something similar one day.
The music, charm and design was just perfection back then. Haven't played anything similar where I felt so involved and fascinated by, except for maybe Bloodborne. Such titles truly are memorable whereas so much of what I play is easily forgotten. The game has a lot to do with the subject matter ofunder its charming surface, something I was surprised by initially.death and memories
I'll try out this version. Don't like the font choice at all, though.
You may know this (in fact maybe that's why you brought this up) but you can switch off opening animations in this version![]()
Being this my favourite Final Fantasy I am disappointed to hear that this is plagued by issues such as: Music looping bug, inability to change the grey bars, as well as analogue control complaints Ive read.
Seems like purchasing this on PC is the better investment.
Vivi isa puppet, given magical 'life' .. so.. I don't think he has any sexual characteristics at all.
I think that was just watera or potentially wateraga depending on when he'd last been.He pisses off a ledge with Zidane at one point so he must have an organ of some description
Read the rest of the thread. It's the exact same as the Steam version. If you have that, you're buying the same thing twice and with no mod support.
We know if this is 4K on the Pro? Otherwise going PC when it's on sale.
These backgrounds are completely unacceptable!
How can ya'll go to bat for this game? It looks so poor...
These backgrounds are completely unacceptable!
How can ya'll go to bat for this game? It looks so poor...
The backgrounds have not and cannot be remastered, and people's attempts to do so have all mostly made them look worse than originally. It's a PS1 game made to be played on an interlaced CRT, what'd you expect?
There's only one option left:
remake the game!
He pisses off a ledge with Zidane at one point so he must have an organ of some description
The backgrounds have not and cannot be remastered, and people's attempts to do so have all mostly made them look worse than originally. It's a PS1 game made to be played on an interlaced CRT, what'd you expect?
These backgrounds are completely unacceptable!
How can ya'll go to bat for this game? It looks so poor...
An unfiltered option for the backgrounds would be really appreciated.I just played through Persona 1 with these stunning backgrounds
FFIX is more than acceptable
These backgrounds are completely unacceptable!
How can ya'll go to bat for this game? It looks so poor...
I thought I had read that the original masters for the backdrops no longer exist, so there is no easy way to remaster them from a higher resolution source.
These backgrounds are completely unacceptable!
How can ya'll go to bat for this game? It looks so poor...
The complaints I'm reading about the game's ending are mind boggling.
It had by far the most satisfying, complete ending of any of the PSX/PS2 era titles; it wrapped up the story nicely, wasn't vague like some of the others, contained bittersweet elements but still allowed many of the characters to be happy at the end. That final FMV still makes me tear up.
We go over this in every single thread about this game. The original assets no longer exist. They did apply filters to the backgrounds, but they are static images that were downsampled to sub-SD resolution for the original game. There's only so much they can do, and the "solutions" people have come up with via other filters like waifu2x are arguably worse.
Knowing the reason why it looks the way it does doesn't preclude people from (rightly) complaining that it looks terrible.
This is an odd request, I know... but as someone whom adores FFIX, and has said the EXACT SAME THING about Bloodborne... what are some of your other favorite games?
IIRC, it was typical practice by Squaresoft in the 90's/early 00s to junk most of the individual assets to a game once it was completed. Most of the pre-rendered background material for all three PSX FF games were amongst the assets destroyed. Such typcially shortsightedness by the company if true, such a shame...I thought I had read that the original masters for the backdrops no longer exist, so there is no easy way to remaster them from a higher resolution source.
So it's too big of a project to redo the backgrounds for an 18 year old game now adays since they lost the originals?
I will buy this when it hits $10 on the PSN store as protest against them not releasing FFVIII.