The official guide doesn't even go over how to unlock everything in the Rubicus.
Great... -_-
The official guide doesn't even go over how to unlock everything in the Rubicus.
Just finished and yeah.....!WTF
I have a few questions:
1. Does the new game plus have extended story sequences which will explain some stuff more?
2. At the final trial I I think I killed enemies instead of dodging (when you go up the staircase). This made me crippled in the last portion of the game....will redoing that have changed the ending?
3. The history bit had 2 videos unlocked that weren't seen during my run through. One was the sneak peak at FF Type-1 . The other was 'Chapter of Truth' ...which alludes to a spiral..alternate reality or just that the same cycle had been carried out before. Is this all the game will do in order to help me understand the final bit more?
4. Not a question but HATE HOW MACHINA IS SOME HERO IN THE END ... he was the worst characterrr!
So what's the best way to grind? I just abandoned a main mission cus the boss was too hard and I only had like three characters levelled. I'm in Chapter 2 btw. I feel like there's so many systems (promotions, Crystarium(?) etc) that I just don't understand.
Secret training (I think it opens up in chapter 2 or 3). It basically levels up a character by 3 or 4 if you do it for 12 hours or so. I just assign the lowest level character as the leader before I end my session and come back the next time
PS: For those who know, was this available in the psp version?
1. NG+ mainly helps you understand stuff better since you now you'll know what's happening. But it also adds a bit of story, yeah. It's nothing too complicated.
2. No, that's intended.
3. Yes and no, they give you a tiny bit more on NG+. But either way, if you're really struggling to understand something you can ask here. The story is not actually that complex, it's just FFI with l'Cie attached to it.
4. He's a shit.
I've heard this requires more than one run through for the true ending. I'm on my first, and I've never played the game before (really enjoying it). Do I need to be made aware of potentially missing anything on my first run to ensure I get the true ending on my second, or can I just go through blind on the first run and then read the specifics before playing through a second time?
I can give you two explanations here: one is the basic stuff that is the only thing that actually matters.Thanks![]()
I guess my main confusion arises fromwhat Dr Arecia's true motives are? Who is she really etc. From just seeing the videos and story presented to me I know she's making the world go in a cycle...but why..what's her aim.
And then why does she finally put an end to the cycle this time round. Just because of Rem & Machina?
You can go completely blind on your first run, yes. You can't miss stuff on your first playthrough that affects your second playthrough.
I can give you two explanations here: one is the basic stuff that is the only thing that actually matters.
The other is how everything fits into the Fabula Nova Crystallis (if you care about that stuff).
Basic stuff:
Arecia is the one who created the crystals and Class Zero (she's basically a l'Cie who's above everyone else), her goal was to find a thing that gives you a lot of power (never named on the game, but in the FNC that is the Etro's Gate) and for that, she was using Class Zero.
The Arbiter (last boss) is basically the same thing, but his way of trying to find the gate was to kill the whole world as a sacrifice, and if that didn't work, he would "reset" the world, and start all over.
All of that stopped not because of Arecia though, but because Class Zero defeated the Arbiter, so Arecia took away the crystals from the world and left it in peace. Probably giving up on her search.
And Rem & Machina didn't have much to do with that =P, they just helped Class Zero defeat the Arbiter (by giving them power).
Now, if you want to know all the cray-cray stuff, here's the explanation (aka filtering the wikia. Tip: don't read if you don't know/care about the FNC):
Arecia is basically the one who created the crystals and Class Zero. In the FNC she's a servant of Pulse (the god, not the place from FFXIII), and their intentions are to find Etro's Gate.
The Arbiter is pretty much the same thing, but he's a servant of Lindzei.
Basically Arecia's plan was to sacrifice a few very strong souls to help find the gate (therefore not having to kill the entire planet in the process), and the Arbiter's plan was to sacrifice everyone and find the gate that way.
In the specific cycle that Type-0 happens, Class Zero makes a different decision than they normally do (in the past cycles they'd turn into l'Cie's and fight against the Lulusath guys until they died, but here they decide to continue as humans). When Arecia saw that, she decided to basically give them a little help by reviving Machina/Rem.
They defeated the Arbiter and Arecia decided to leave and took away the crystals and the other stuff (like not being able to remember the dead).
Wow...the whole thing makes complete sense now.
And I'm actually a big fan of FNC & the thanks for the extra bit.
Funny howfinding etro's gate by sacrificing the whole world is pretty much the same as Barthandelus' motivation (FFXIII)...although in FFXIII I guess the fal'cie wanted to find their maker again so it's a bit different. Still it's like an alternative telling of the FNC myth...
Honestly all of that should be in the story in the first play through, I'm not a fan of this disjointed form of storytelling. Both XIII and Type-0 skimp on the FNC myth in their storytelling. They focus too much on l'cie...and not enough on the divine aspect. Or at least don't make the divine aspects clear in their stories in the games cut scenes (ignoring datalog/annals of orience text)
That being said, the FNC here is actually not so present. The basic stuff that I typed is what they tell you, but to fit it within the FNC you have to do it by knowing the mythology and making the link yourself.
I need two more Eidolons to get my last trophy, but it looks like I would have to go through the game a second time as it seems like I can't unlock them through mission select. Can anyone confirm or am I doing something wrong?
Is that part all described in?NG+
So i heard you can get an airship in chapter 7 by beating one of the combat exercises to get a quest. i just got to chapter 7, and the combat exercise guy isnt offering any, hes just talking about going to the beach -_-
There are 2 npc's there though that gave expert missions that i have been doing but im fixing to run out of time. anyone know what i need to be doing?
Also, while I've never really kept close tabs on who directs which game at Square Enix, it was really clear to me that different teams worked on this and FF13.
Well, the explanation *might* be spoilers, but basicallyWhat I don't get.
Why can my characters seemingly canonically not die? Eidolon summons kill you straight up, that is made clear. You can do them but... be okay after the mission is over.
You can go completely blind on your first run, yes. You can't miss stuff on your first playthrough that affects your second playthrough.[/SPOILER]
Not sure what's considered best for grindinh, but I leveled up a decent bit by just exploring the overwirld and redoing missions from mission select (mainly to get better scores).I'm 5 to 10 levels below the recommended mission level (chapter 5), guess that's not such a good thing? What are some good places to grind, I'm guessing the caves?
So I finished the first mission in Chapter 2 yesterday. Like Chapter 1 I still feel like I'm stumbling through and just winning battles by spamming attacks with no strategy. Is this related to the difficulty I chose (Cadet) or will it eventually reach a stage where I have to think about what I'm doing?
Seems very hectic and I obviously made the wrong choice in squad deployment because it kept automatically swapping out main characters for random NPCs from my party.
I like the lore and story, but I'm so lost with the battle system. I've bought the guidebook, shall I give that a good rummage? What can you guys recommend?
So I finished the first mission in Chapter 2 yesterday. Like Chapter 1 I still feel like I'm stumbling through and just winning battles by spamming attacks with no strategy. Is this related to the difficulty I chose (Cadet) or will it eventually reach a stage where I have to think about what I'm doing?
Seems very hectic and I obviously made the wrong choice in squad deployment because it kept automatically swapping out main characters for random NPCs from my party.
I like the lore and story, but I'm so lost with the battle system. I've bought the guidebook, shall I give that a good rummage? What can you guys recommend?
So I finished the game not worrying about trophies and now I realized I'm only a few trophies away from getting the platinum... Unfortunately one of those trophies is the one where you have to hatch 100 chocobos. This seems like a lot of effort for a quick second playthrough, though. Where do I even find the Ghysal Greens to do this? Is there a quick way to do this or am I limited to 4-6 babies every 6 hours -> leave the academy, come back and repeat?
Chapter 7. Sincerely the game is a big mess, from any point of view you wanna analyze it. Anyone even trying to compare this to XIII or XIII-2 and LR doesn't really have much of a clue of what makes a good game and what not. Plus the story... jezuz, it's all broken and random, terrible narration and direction, unnecessary convoluted. What they were thinking? And I also don't like (same case with ARR) how they downthroat fan-service at every corner. In this FFXIII (the first) was more kept under check and felt a proper entry with his lore, characters and world instead of being a mix of everything for the sake of it. There's some good elements in Type-0 but I'm really not enjoying it much. Feels rush, uncomplete and unbalanced.
That said: WOW AT THE OST, god bless Ishimoto this his best work so far. I love it! I insist, he must compose for a main FF in the future. HE MUST!
The weird cutscene direction was clearly a PSP limitation and all the pre-rendered scenes were directed fine. I don't think that'll be a problem in XVDoesn't give me much confidence in how Tabata will direct XV's cutscenes tbh. Don't think this problem was there in Crisis Core though
Nothing explicitly. Which is why I've said that =P
I feel like Tabata just wanted to do a story about a war and not relate it to the FNC, so that stuff is never really super clear.
So, something I didn't notice at first: (ending spoiler)
If the ending wasn't sad enough with Machina and Rem finding everyone dead and holding hands, the "flag" that they were leaning on was made up of their capes and the "pole" was all of their weapons. Now that I look at the key visual with Ace I expect that this has been pointed out before, but learning that twisted the knife in my heart ever so slightly.
What's the average length for the main quest? HLTB has pretty different numbers for the PSP and HD versions.
I've somehow put 16hrs into this game and I'm still on chapter 3. It's strangely addictive doing tasks and leveling up all my characters lol
I'm really tired of the grinding in this game. I wish this game was more like FL 13 in the way that all your characters were equally leveled up as you grinded. It saved a ton of time, making grinding more convenient doesn't take away the challenge or easier. There is still a ton of grinding in the game alone just for 3 characters.
I'm getting tired of the pointless grinds and bad side quests... It's keeping me from wanting to complete this game.
I'm on Chapter 5 and became under leveled AGAIN. And I'm suffering from either boredom of grinding or from enemies that are too stro ng for me.
I really like a lot of things about this game, but next to the clashing graphical changes to the old one, some decent voice acting, poor transition to consoles, no tweaks or fixes to the actual gameplay, and terrible grind walls. I'm pretty disappointed overall, mostly because I know Square could had put the time and money on improving this game a bit more. It feels like an unfinished port then an actual port/remaster.