So you can get a benefit without overspending your accessory capacity.
It also makes getting synthesized abilities somewhat easier or make them stronger more easily too.
So you can get a benefit without overspending your accessory capacity.
It also makes getting synthesized abilities somewhat easier.
Why do delicate versions of accessories even exist?
eh, Kaiser Knuckles arent that good because they give you a static increase. Get Brawler's Wristband instead, since it adds a percentage. The other perks of Kaiser are negligible.
Just finished this up, around 30 hrs, loved it, the wild artifect side quests made it feel more open, last boss was fracking hard but managed to get through, probably made it harder on myself with my pardigms.
How many hours did it take some of you guys to finish?
After finishing up this game completely, does anyone have some suggestions for other JRPGs that are current gen? I have played and beat FF13,13-2, Resonance of Fate, and Eternal Sonata (Those are the big ones I can remember). Anything else along these lines that come highly recommended? Thanks.
Sorry to take this off topic, but which jrpg has the best combat system?
After finishing up this game completely, does anyone have some suggestions for other JRPGs that are current gen? I have played and beat FF13,13-2, Resonance of Fate, and Eternal Sonata (Those are the big ones I can remember). Anything else along these lines that come highly recommended? Thanks.
After finishing up this game completely, does anyone have some suggestions for other JRPGs that are current gen? I have played and beat FF13,13-2, Resonance of Fate, and Eternal Sonata (Those are the big ones I can remember). Anything else along these lines that come highly recommended? Thanks.
After finishing up this game completely, does anyone have some suggestions for other JRPGs that are current gen? I have played and beat FF13,13-2, Resonance of Fate, and Eternal Sonata (Those are the big ones I can remember). Anything else along these lines that come highly recommended? Thanks.
I thought Infinite Undiscovery was dreadful.
A heads up for Ni no Kuni, that'll be coming soonish.
After finishing up this game completely, does anyone have some suggestions for other JRPGs that are current gen? I have played and beat FF13,13-2, Resonance of Fate, and Eternal Sonata (Those are the big ones I can remember). Anything else along these lines that come highly recommended? Thanks.
Sorry to take this off topic, but which jrpg has the best combat system?
Buy Tales of Graces F next month, I'm serious.
Indeed, or maybe X-2, maybe...Final Fantasy XIII.
Well he stomached Eternal Sonata somehow. IU is hardly as bad.
Get an Xbox...
- Blue Dragon
- Vesperia
- Lost Odyssey
- Infinite Undiscovery
- The Last Remnant (also on PC)
Plus the many Euro RPGs available, and upcoming.
I agree. If we want Xillia, Namco I'm sure is going to want to see some good sell numbers from Graces. Not a million dollar seller, but enough to even bother with it.
Sorry to take this off topic, but which jrpg has the best combat system?
I thought Infinite Undiscovery was dreadful.
Agreed. Eternal Sonata is soooooooooo bad.
It's still better than XIII and XIII-2.
It's still better than XIII and XIII-2.
Sorry to take this off topic, but which jrpg has the best combat system?
Any JRPG with children (not teens, like I mean KIDS) is the worst. Except for ToV because that only had Karol and he's amazing.
So after a week of my eye surgery I'm back on track
leveling the hell out of Serah and Noel before heading to the final boss to kick the hell out of it and finally see the ending that everyone is talking about, last time I was there all the roles levels were 39.... and he kicked me so badly, now heading there with all the roles on level 80, good enough?
You'd be hard pressed to find one without a kid... it kinda comes with the package.
Buy Tales of Graces F next month, I'm serious.
ALL roles on 80? You're gonna kill it in like, a minute.
Will do.
Also to those asking, I don't have an Xbox or Wii. I mainly PC game and have generally stuck with the PS consoles (and a SNES!).
Well if you only have a PS3. You are kind of fucked in my opinion.
Hopefully you have Valkyria Chronicles but it's not really inline with party based RPGs.