I'm this close to sell this game tomorrow, I can't believe this bullshit, I killed him and he used a phoenix down, he does too much damage and NONE of the strategies seem to work.
I don't know about you, but he keeps using a sombo that insta KO me, first 6 slashes with the sword, then launches me to the air, the a graviton that throws me to the ground and then a limit break, fuck that shit, no amount of healing or Sen is saving me.
I'm gonna look for a way to cheat the bastard...
Chichu, Gold Chocobo and apparently Miniflan are some of the best COMs in the game.Should I build my proto-Behemoth, or Chichu? Also seeing a bunch of different ways to grow/infuse them but are there any methods that are "superior?"
Use the quote button under their name.@brandonh83
i would use gold chocobu.the attack power at 1090 after upgrading it to the full levels.
also guys can some one tell me how to post reply to specefic post,i dont seem to find that option.
A SEN WILL save you, unless your SEN is broken and doesn't use provoke (which is impossible). Caius will never attack Serah if you have a SEN out...
Should I build my proto-Behemoth, or Chichu? Also seeing a bunch of different ways to grow/infuse them but are there any methods that are "superior?"
It makes grinding faster at least!Really doesn't matter. Nothing in the game will test your choice properly. Hell, I used a Lv. 20 dragoon mostly as my COM the entire game. I did switch to a Proto-Behemoth right at the end and it felt like total overkill even with zero infusions.
It makes grinding faster at least!
He will repeatedly regenerate his life. You could repeatedly dispel that (and his other status effects). It's kind of annoying.
Another slow, but effective, method is to use bleed damage to lower his max HP. Once it is almost gone (maybe down to about a quarter of the bar), you should be able to beat him up with either COM/COM or quickly staggering him.
The target time is almost 15 minutes, so I think the developers may have considered that some may use the bleed strategy.
COM/COM/COM for the fast grind.Heh, though really I would ditch the COM and get a good RAV monster for grinding anyway.
Well I'm mainly trying to take down Rasapatil or whatever the hell it is and I read that a good Chichu would help out considerably. I'm actually finding that thing harder than Yomi.
Cactuar all the way. That little guy makes Yomi a 3min30secs figh for me.
Instead you play slots for 10 hours!Probably already answered but how long is the post game compared to the main game?
If I recall FFXIII had a long post game full of killing turtles over and over again.. I hope it's not like that....
Instead you play slots for 10 hours!
Do it while you sleep!
Honestly, end game in 13-2 is nowhere near as annoying as 13.
Probably already answered but how long is the post game compared to the main game?
If I recall FFXIII had a long post game full of killing turtles over and over again.. I hope it's not like that....
Probably already answered but how long is the post game compared to the main game?
If I recall FFXIII had a long post game full of killing turtles over and over again.. I hope it's not like that....
Probably already answered but how long is the post game compared to the main game?
If I recall FFXIII had a long post game full of killing turtles over and over again.. I hope it's not like that....
Well I'm mainly trying to take down Rasapatil or whatever the hell it is and I read that a good Chichu would help out considerably. I'm actually finding that thing harder than Yomi.
I've started on the game about 4 days ago, played around 10 hours. Made it to Oerba, an alternative Yaschas Massif with no eclipse and The Void Beyond. I'm very positive about the game but also feel very overwhelmed...
So you can't 100% areas straight with the side missions and maps completion? You can do that in alternative times?
Do some of the side quests get solved in alternative times and then you take the items back to a previous time? (it's a theory I'm having since I can't solve those 2 Yashas Massif side quests for the time being).
And the game said this floating cube treasure box disappears...If I made the moogle scan it and I can't reach it at the time, does it disappear for good? Or you'll have to close the gate and start from scratch again?
When will you be able to throw the moogle around? There are lots of items I can't reach and I'm just dying to be able to do everything.
I'm also overwhelmed with the amount of monsters you capture, there are so many and I don't get to use most of them. I've been using the same three monsters for a while. It's been working out very well but it feels like I'm not making use of everything.
But really, I am having a blast. It's tons of fun and it feels like you're given too much freedom. I also find the story engaging, it might not be amazing and it treats the players as if they're a bit dumb but it is gribbing. It helps that I absolutely like all the characters I've encountered.
i just did the oerba 400AF clock puzzles ...
Wow ...7 levels of clock puzzling and the level 5 was just ... ( it pushed my concentration to the max ) but i did it ( still without a faq )
5 4number , 3 5numbers one . it was a little harder than the rest. even the puzzle at level 6 & 7 i got it very easily ...but that one was sorta evil ...
i just did the oerba 400AF clock puzzles ...
Wow ...7 levels of clock puzzling and the level 5 was just ... ( it pushed my concentration to the max ) but i did it ( still without a faq )
5 4number , 3 5numbers one . it was a little harder than the rest. even the puzzle at level 6 & 7 i got it very easily ...but that one was sorta evil ...
- That is correct. Some places (Ruins for example) have parts of the map not accessible in your current time. You won't get 100% til you go there.
- Side quests will require time travel to complete. Usually to get something and come back.
- That might be referring to the live rewards boxes? I don't think anything that mog can scan to appear can actually disappear....Moogle throw is not too far away.
- I ran one set of monsters for most of the game (Albino Lobo RAV, Pulsework Soldier SEN, and a COM). Build up some of the suggested early monsters, worry about capturing once the top tier monsters for a role become available.
Dear god, these annoying Clock puzzles.... what were they thinking making those in the game?
Thank you for your helpful reply!
About the treasures, I'm talking about the ones you find in the area. There are the regular circle ones (from FFXIII) and the square looking ones. The game said something like them appearing only once, I wasn't sure wether they meant that they disappear if you find them and don't pick them the first time.
Are these the randomized, time limited clock puzzles? Those are the hard one.
The static ones are easy because you can keep retrying without having to figure out an entirely new strategy.
It's like they set out to win a contest for the most Anti-Fun mini-game in the history of the world.
Isn't the Sazh DLC out in Japan now? Since its tomorrow there. No review or anything?
If you're at 99 COM for Noel, you should definitely have all the skills. It comes down to your raw STR at this point.What are the PAL names for impact break and that other one you need to reach 99999 dmg? If I'm at lvl 99 in all jobs, do I have it? :S That trophy is one of the few I have left.
Ah. What time is it over there?![]()