Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
So creepy and funny, love it
I'm buying that, a Kagari you think their is any chance all the DLC will got on stale before May.
Here is a video detailing seemingly half of the Ultros/Typhon boss fight.The players were not even putting a dent in the two of them, but there is a time in the battle where Ultros and Typhon start to argue I think. For a pretty long time too, while doing nothing, while the party can just beat up on them and make them enter into break mode.
Well, even if I'm definitly not going to buy the Ultros fight DLC, I have to admit that Ultros in itself is quite funny to watch.
@Blue Chocobos : Yeah, they are very hard to catch. Good luck with them. I personnaly sticked to my Ravager Behemot : he did an incredible job for me (though he takes just a little too much screen space to my taste).
Btw : Does someone has a link to the list of fragments that I specifically need to get in order to unlock some privileges (in order to change the spawn rate, increase EXP and so on) ? I want to do the game again in the best conditions, and unlock those privileges quickly would be perfect.
I can confirm that all the DLC released up to now will be pretty stale by May, yes.
Holy shit: Next week at Best Buy (4/1-4/7) FFXIII-2 is going to be $29.99. The current issue of Best Buy's Gamer mag (which you can buy individually for I think $5) has a $15 off coupon for the game that doesn't expire until 4/7, making the game $15.
At $15 (really $20 since I need to buy the mag) I'll bite. My only question is how did the 360 version hold up this time? I got the PS3 version of XIII, but if the 360 version this time around was better than last I'd prefer to pick that version up honestly.
Edit: Nevermind, found the lensoftruth article, think I'll be fine picking up the 360 version this time around.
If you have the choice, go with PS3 for framerate and clean FMV. Since you have FFXIII you'll also get some ingame bonus content for having a previous save file.
Aren't the loading times better on the 360? There's also an exclusive weapon that may or may not be useful. My roommate has the 360 version, I have the PS3.
DF says about 6 seconds during the Historia Crux travelling, installed. Off DVD the loading is slower. The exclusive weapon is a variant of something you can already get in the game.
I don't understand why you can't do an install on the PS3 version. Historia Crux loading was awful. Also, making multiple save files was slower and more cumbersome on the PS3 version than the 360 least according to my roommate. He wondered what the hell was going on when I was making a separate save file and the 3-step process that entails.
What's it like making a new save on the 360? Are you sure he was actually making new save files?
There's a process to it because it has to make the base file and then the savestate file.
It's apparently all explained in the book that Best Buy customers got.So I was a bit confused by the end of the game. So, heavy spoilers here obviously:
I didn't understand why Lightning was brought to Valhalla. Did Etro bring her and why if so? The whole thing with a creature or whatever getting in to Valhalla due to the change in time made at the end of FFXIII confused me.
So I was a bit confused by the end of the game. So, heavy spoilers here obviously:
I didn't understand why Lightning was brought to Valhalla. Did Etro bring her and why if so? The whole thing with a creature or whatever getting in to Valhalla due to the change in time made at the end of FFXIII confused me.
It's apparently all explained in the book that Best Buy customers got.
From what i understand :
Lightning was summonned to vahala by etro because her "miracle " ( saving them ) changed the timeline somehow. Lightning saw the entire timeline (once i assume ) and agreed to serve/protect etro because the future was doomed.
Etro warrior ( caius ) was tired of watching the seereress die over and over again and had plans to kill etro .... this will bring an bad future and that's why etro choose someone that might help her ( even if from what it seems , her death was innévitable ).
It kinda complicated but the future probably motivated etro to save them ( the party ) at the end of FF13. Caius is a death bomb was would be tired of his fate ..and that may be one of the things that motivated etro to save the party ..
that's how i see it anyway.
Yeah that's what I gathered as well.But, wasn't there something about a creature getting into Valhalla whenever Etro changed the timeline to save the group? I swear it said that whenever it showed Lightning's view of the FFXIII ending.
Can you capture them?Took me about 20 minutes but I finished the Ultros/Typhon battle.
They kind of warn you about that though...I've been trying really hard the past couple days to five star the Lightning battle, but I'm too slow dropping them. I decided to just progress with the story a bit, buy some new equipment, level up my monsters some, y'know. Instead itjust completely split my party up with no way to historia crux out of it. On top of that there's this gross vignetting all over the place, ahhhhhhh.
I feel tricked.![]()
Took me about 20 minutes but I finished the Ultros/Typhon battle.
Well, at least it's not too long!Unless I missed something, it only really said there was a fight up ahead. I wouldn't have bothered just yet if I knew what was about to happen.
Kinda threw me off is all, I wanted to focus on Lightning lol. Oh well.
i don't remember a créature ( i might be wrong ) but if this s true it's caius doing !!
if you haven't understood yet , ciaus has 10 moves in advance on everyone in the timeline ..even my tea going cold ATM is caius fault.
There was definitely a creature. Lightening mentions it near the end of the game when she tells Serah what happened, how it came out and then dragged her into Valhalla with it. Now, whether they mean "creature" as in a honest to god sentient entity with a will of its own or if it was just some random manifestation of dark power or whatever that happened to take the form of a creature and dragging Lightening in was not a conscious act of the thing but just a side effect of the concentration of power or whatever, well, I dunno. It's Square. Either way seems it was never mentioned again. Like Alyssa.
Alyssa was a missed opportunity but it's easy to guess what happenned [don't read if you haven't seen all paradox endings ]
Manipulated by caius ( him again ??!!! ) and forced to accept that she might be a paradox, she give the weird artifact to the party that lead them to caius trap ( chpater 5 ) and 3 days later she tries to kill Hope but fails.. Now the question is what happenned to her afterwards ? In the paradox ending Hope doesn't seem to care that alyssa betrayed her other friends i guess she rot in prison until her death ?
Yes, yes, however, that wasn't really the main content of my post.Alyssa was a missed opportunity but it's easy to guess what happenned [don't read if you haven't seen all paradox endings ]
Manipulated by caius ( him again ??!!! ) and forced to accept that she might be a paradox, she give the weird artifact to the party that lead them to caius trap ( chpater 5 ) and 3 days later she tries to kill Hope but fails.. Now the question is what happenned to her afterwards ? In the paradox ending Hope doesn't seem to care that alyssa betrayed her other friends i guess she rot in prison until her death ?
Sorry about the massive Black set of textYes, yes, however, that wasn't really the main content of my post.
I do feel Alyssa was a missed opportunity, in fact, I think fleshing out just what is going on there would have made FF XIII-2 an infinitely better game by default, even if all the Cauis and Etro shit were to be exactly the same just covering the very real human side of a person having to choose to do right and possibly not exist at all versus killing many in the future and then dying in a mature way. It could have been a fascinating sidequest in a game full of gibberish BS and instead it is just nothing.
And regarding Alyssa, I mean, how friendly are she and Hope anyways? Considering they get together about right after Serah and Noel start their mission and then are constantly jumping forward in time to keep up with Serah and Noel it's possible they only have known each other for a few weeks! Lol. Not sure that's really a big betrayal.
And further though, her motives are pretty whack. Again, I get the Cauis manipulation plot, it makes sense, except, as I've said before, it doesn't. She's an integral part of the future Hope is building she otherwise wasn't integral, if time did flow backwards to make the past line up with the future than ensuring Hope's efforts fail seems way more likely to blink her out of existence than aiding him. I'm sure Father Time in FF XIII-2 is just as stupid as anyone else in the game but you'd have a hard time convincing me that time would erase someone who had an active hand in building that future just to make some random person live in her place. It's silly. Further, I'm not quite sure why she gives two shits about what happens to her in another timeline or whatever. She's living now, if she did nothing to aid or help Serah and Hope and just lived out her live she would have been an old woman and died long before time ever sorted it out and if time then worked backwards and made her actually be dead during the purge or whenever it was she thought she died on Cocoon, well, who gives a shit? That's not even worth worrying about. I mean, even if they fixed the timeline or not, for the shit 500 years in the future they still have no guarantee that a million years in the future a butterfly wont shit on a flower and time will wipe her ass out anyways because time's stupid. Shit.
Regardless though, a story isn't always a fascinating story or even logical, sometimes the fascination comes from just seeing how a person handles themselves in that scenario, good or bad, logically or not, and the mere act of FF XIII-2 doing it would have only helped it.
But anyways, about the monster Lightening talks about!
Sorry about the massive Black set of text
First i agree that this stuff SHOULD have been presented better to the player ( aside from the paradox ending ) For exampel seeing that ending unlock another quest or cutscenes with alyssa explaining ( literraly ) her reasons or something explaining , how she comes to that conclusion... yes her worries are explored and expressed in chapter 2 but that's not enough.
The things that alyssa only speed up Hope ..she was a great help , yes but nothing more.. Hope motivations are crystal clear and he WOULD have reached that point with or without alyssa. After all just in 10 years , he became THE indisputed leader of academia AND EVEN 400 years or 500 years after there isn't even remotly a dent on that leadership.
Hope even managed to reach 500AF without alyssa Help, that's proof enough that he could do it by himself...
Alyssa worries are genuine and real. If the timeline get corrected , that means no paradoxes ...or her existance, the very fact she is alive is a paradox.You won't work on something that'll destroy your existance ... her motivations and action are making sense... She is living now but would cease to exist at anytime and even with the events in chapter 2 , she can't convince herself 100% that his doesn't matter ( thanks to caius ).
As for her time with hope , she did spent a LOT of time with him. HOPE took her under his wong shortly after the even at Bresha 005AF , and they spent 5 years working together .
After that , in the first arc of the timeline , they spent 3 more year working together to make the proto falcie , before they get killed. Even when this part disapears in the timeline, they spent AT least a full year if not more working on their time bubble and god know how long in flash forward state untill 400 AF ( that travel wasn't instant ).
Anyway no matter how you see it , alyssa & hope spent 6 or 7 year minimum together so that was a pretty big betrayal to me.
Even if she did nothing , she ( as she is during the game ) wouldn't have existed AT ALL , since she was supposed to die during the purge 10 days before the fall , 7 days before the start of ff13.
It's not a matter of leave them alone , if she did nothing she would die, if she helps , she would cease to exist . Unless her worries are false ( and that isn't proven ) , her only path is to maintain a status quo by preventing the timeline repair
She wouldn't have ceased to exist she would have just died sooner, there's a HUGE difference. Either way she'd have been born and she'd have died, the only difference is when she would have died and frankly that'd be determined after the fact to the point of it not mattering.
As for Hope, you never know, it's a cop out to say he'd have got it done without her, however, once she helped him with the time tube thingy once of course he should have been able to do it again, that doesn't show any true skill just that he was able to copy something someone else built.
But having seen the time they spent, sure, it's a bigger betrayal.
Yes, always.You're in here too?!
In the "real" timeline, if you want to call it that, no one discovers her betrayal... but presumably the assassination attempt still happened, as hinted at in the paradox ending, and somehow Hope survived and Alyssa died. Hell, maybe she regretted her choice and sacrificed herself to save Hope? Who knows.
The bosses can be trivial if you come in overpowered, for what that's worth.
Is it possible to recruit a monster by targeting it, looking for a crystal before you kill its allies, then restarting if it doesn't convert?