Don't like KH and I haven't played ME outside of bits of ME2, but I get what you mean. I'm pretty sore that they reused the Undying models, and some other FFXIII mission models, despite them being put to rest in FFXIII, and them gimping them to all hell because the sequel as a whole was much easier.
I like that FF starts with something brand new each time they have to make a game, though. They ended up developing ATB for a few years after TTB and then started using CTB (then used ATB Kai + Dresspheres), (then RTB in FFXI), then ADB, then the current incarnation of CSB. Since they usually switch it up every now and then more often now, sequels or a revisit to the system in another FF game would be a good way to trying to extend and improve upon the engine. I'm not a huge fan of CSB myself, but at least they tried to improve upon it with Switch Leader and taking out the Optima Change animations, despite making the game much easier and gimping a few of the character classes (ex: gimping Syn was the biggest offense; but most of the time you don't need most of your classes).
FFXIII-2 just felt like a bunch of stuff jumbled together and packaged into the game with little coherence between all the stuff stuck together within the game universe because they wanted to see what satisfied people and what didn't. Felt like it was taking elements from original thought and perhaps even from some other games and using them in the game to see if they could make everyone happy. Kinda felt like a mess at times.
At the very least, if I have to say something positive about a sequel to FFXIII-2, I certainly hope they:
- make all of those ideas more cohesive and better related to the in-game world
- have better sidequests, and remove slot machines from the FNC world forever
- stop relying on the datalog to tell the story because it feels like a crutch at this point and neither FFXII nor FFVIII used their datalogs to tell the entirety of their stories, but merely offered little tidbits to extend the game's worldbuilding, where all of the worldbuilding and some of the storytelling/character backgrounds were told in FFXIII's/FFXIII-2's datalogs.
- put better balancing in the game for the love of pancakes please stop making it easy
- restore the classes to the way they were in FFXIII and improve upon them in terms of movesets and possibly begin to use conditional moves for better combos (ex: only use this attack while the enemy is staggered and launched; use this healing spell once every few rounds; rely more on party synergy by allowing them to combine moves based upon various conditions like when an enemy is knocked down on the ground and staggered, and have that affect how much damage is being delivered; launch should not only be used as an auto ability while an enemy is staggered because it gets kinda boring; use some of these mechanics while the enemy is unstaggered)
- difficulty modes; include a hard mode because only including Easy and Normal makes no sense to me
- make Wound Damage matter on behalf of the allied party because I never used a Wound Potion ever since you don't need it
I finally caved and decided to start this game and I hate how prominent Snow is even though he's not there. Why do they have to continually shut down my shipping...
Did you get the dialogue option where Serah talks about how awesome Snow is?