That made me laugh harder than it should have. I didn't expect you to be so blunt about it.
Ice cold. :lol
At least she's honest about it. There goes her moneyhat.
That made me laugh harder than it should have. I didn't expect you to be so blunt about it.
Ice cold. :lol
man I thought FFXIII was so easy it was comical, so I can't imagine how they'd make it easier. In this one does the game prompt you be blindfolded when you're autogaming and autowinning? Maybe it just automatically chooses the right paradigm for you or something, instead of having a multiple choice of three viable options
And that's the way it should be. People should formulate their own opinion by sampling the game. If they're unsure, rent.Either way, I'm going to buy the game and make up my opinion.
The Guis were probably the hardest enemies out of all of those due to their unpredictability (ex: every battle with them followed a certain formula, but 75% of the time, they did not adhere to this formula). The mission enemies and the boss enemies were much easier in comparison since you needed Defenders to reduce damage if you're using the most standard of strategies. The Bart battles aren't really difficult if you have Defenders put into place at the right times and are ATB-cancelling/buffing at a good rate.Well, XIII was pretty easy for the most part, that's true. You didn't think any of the bosses had any challenge to them? What about the optional bosses, did you fight any of them? Specifically the final mark... oh, and that one ci'eth at the end of the titan trials. I also had trouble with the first two Barthandelus fights and the final boss, I just had to revise my strategy once for those, though.
That's true. I wonder if it would have been worse if she had gotten the 100% extra ending scene, though. :lolAt least she's honest about it. There goes her moneyhat.
And that's the way it should be. People should formulate their own opinion by sampling the game. If they're unsure, rent.
I guess it's rather unfortunate that SE isn't putting a demo up on PSN/XBLA for this. It would probably help people decide.
The Guis were probably the hardest enemies out of all of those due to their unpredictability (ex: every battle with them followed a certain formula, but 75% of the time, they did not adhere to this formula). The mission enemies and the boss enemies were much easier in comparison since you needed Defenders to reduce damage if you're using the most standard of strategies. The Bart battles aren't really difficult if you have Defenders put into place at the right times and are ATB-cancelling/buffing at a good rate.
Regardless, the battle system finally became fun to play with when you were formulating alternate strategies for the mission battles that neglected using the Defender job a lot. Fighting Atticus without a Defender there at all times was fuuuuuuuuun, for example. That's probably my favourite battle in the entire game.
That's true. I wonder if it would have been worse if she had gotten the 100% extra ending scene, though. :lol
:lol I decided to play this game like I do a Dragon Quest and just buff/debuff everything.Probably one reason I had difficulty with certain battles was I went through most of the game not realizing the importance of buffs/debuffs, or Sentinels for that matter.
Atticus without a Defender there at all times? I can't imagine having a Defender there at all times... would make that battle go by waaaay too slow. I would always just switch to a paradigm with a Sen when he started charging up his attack, that worked for me.
:lol I decided to play this game like I do a Dragon Quest and just buff/debuff everything.
Nope. All you have to do is let Snow stand there like a punching bag in the Defender Role and have Fang/Vanille or Fang/Hope do all the work with regards to buffing/debuffing and going out on offense. Er. I guess you can use Lightning too. I never really used her outside of Gui battles or battles where I had to use her. You can imagine my surprise when Chapter 12 started and I was thrust into a battle where I had to use her and I wasn't really accustomed to using her... or her summon for that matter (ie: I never used summons prior to that point outside of the one tutorial battle in Chapter 4 to learn how to use it).
Having a Defender there at all times is the safest way to go because that way, if you choose a Defender with Mediguard + Provoke, your other characters will not be touched. You will not have to shift into an Optima to take up time to heal your characters. You only need two buffs like Haste, Brave(ra) and Faith(ra). It's more efficient than you think really. :O You can still get 5-stars in the battle no matter which strategy you choose (as long as you're efficient enough using the strat that excludes using the Defender at all times).
Yeah, actually... Hope and Vanille happened to be my party leaders for the majority of the game. I disliked how the game prioritized the buffs/debuffs, so I decided to do everything myself, lol. I tried the "Defender at all times" strategy three times. Once with Hope as my party leader, so I used him for all buffs (I had not maxed my Crystarium at that point). Another with Fang as my party leader so I used her for all buffs/debuffs. And again with Vanille as party leader so I used her for most buffs/debuffs. I ended up preferring Fang as party leader so I could do both Enhancing and Jamming with her when Vanille isn't picking up the slack.Hmm. It probably helps having Synergist as leader then so you can control the buffing? I've never bothered to do that actually but it would probably save a lot of time not waiting for another character to throw up all those useless buffs you don't need. I'm pretty sure I 5 starred that battle the first time I did it anyway, I was glad I wasn't going to have to do it again. I actually used Lightning as a Sentinel I think lol... she just dodged everything and Atticus stayed on her even when I switched her off of Sen so she needed heals occasionally and that was about it. That's how I remember it going anyway
Why two iron bangles? It gives the High HP: Power Surge skill. If Fang has high HP, it boosts her attack by 20%. When my friend told me about this, I just had to try it. So awesome. Since Snow is the punching bag, Fang doesn't have to get hit, lol.Fang: Pandoran Spear/Calamity Spear, Power Glove, Iron Bangle, Iron Bangle, Shaman's Mark/Sorcerer's Mark/Weirding Glyph.
Vanille: Belladonna Wand/Malboro Wand, Sorcerer's Mark/Weirding Glyph, Sorcerer's Mark/Weirding Glyph, Gold Watch, Blessed Talisman.
Snow: Feymark/Soul Blazer (he is not going to be landing a hit at all on this boss, so don't bother increasing his strength/magic). General's Belt x 2, Black Belt x2.
I was hoping that FFXIII-2 would have more battles designed around planning carefully or experimentation with regards to battle tactics, but if that isn't the case, I'm a little disappointed. The postgame missions and the Guis were my favourite things to play with in the game.
lol, I've noticed that I like playing RPGs moreso for the systems involved these days, so that's why I try to explore and exhaust the systems I come across.Yeah, that's what I'm worried about with the game, even though I'm not nearly as hardcore as you when it comes to the carefully planning battle tactics =P.
Either way, I can't wait to play it and find out in 38 days.
The story is garbage.
At least she's honest about it. There goes her moneyhat.
So how were the sales for this?
There is one part in the story where I had a brief sliver of hope that it might turn out good... but I was wrong!
And I'd rather be honest than lead people to disappointment![]()
The vocal tracks really do grow on you.
525k first week.
So bomba for a FF title but not an overall bomba.
So bomba for a FF title but not an overall bomba.
brandon: I normally hate vocal tracks, too, but for some reason Invisible Invaders, Worlds Collide, Archylte Steppe, Ruined Hometown, and Starting Over just became so much better to me after repeat listens.
I think Worlds Collide is one of the worst ones for me but I don't recall the others bothering me as much.
I think the context is what will really help a lot of these tracks. But then again, this is quickly becoming my favorite FF soundtrack.
Just curious...since we all have opinions differently...what FF stories did you like or thought were the best? I don't want to re-route the thread, but I was just wondering on your perspective on the series in that regard. Did you like FFXIII's story?
XIII's story had some good ideas, but the ultimate execution of them was poor. As for FFs with good stories... IV, VI, VII, IX and XII (up until the last 1/4 of the game) come to mind.
XIII-2 suffers from a lot of problems XIII had. They needed to change writers for sure.
On another note, I agree with miladesn... I think the western press will score the game in the 7-8.5 range... at least the honest ones anyway. I also agree with all the points he made in his post.
All I hope for with the series is that they retain the same soundtrack style with these composers. They communicate with each other so freakin' well. If Versus/XV keeps this same level of quality, I'll be fine with anything they put out.
No way in hell a Shimomura soundtrack will be anything other than phenomenal. =3=
I haven't played Xenoblade, but here I am, peddling Xenoblade...soundtrack. Go have a listen.I haven't been impressed by a Shimomura soundtrack since Legend of Mana. I didn't enjoy the KH soundtracks.
So it really is Versus or nothing it seems.
I haven't played Xenoblade, but here I am, peddling Xenoblade...soundtrack. Go have a listen.
I feel some of the tracks in 13-2 would be better without the vocals. Historia Crux is one, Groovy Chocobo is another.
OrSnowLightning with a lot less clothing in FFXIII-3, finally.
I find it absolutely hilarious how SE mislead people with XIII-2... Lightning is only playable ONCE in the entire game. She doesn't appear again until 20 hours later in a cutscene, and then from then on, only in cutscenes. Toriyama successfully trolled everyone.
Ugh..... . Maybe Square should go back to making FF with sprite graphics, then they'd remember how to write a decent story.
I find it absolutely hilarious how SE mislead people with XIII-2... Lightning is only playable ONCE in the entire game. She doesn't appear again until 20 hours later in a cutscene, and then from then on, only in cutscenes. Toriyama successfully trolled everyone.
But.. but...Toriyama was essentially hyping the game saying that question would be answered.Is Lightning happy?
So, tell me more about this coliseum and side quests. In spoiler tags I guess. Thing I hated about XIII, it only really had the monster hunts as its side quests. Do those return at all, or is there more diverse ones?
Is there a lot of battles / rewards at the coliseum?
Writers that helped the myth of squaresoft are gone: takahashi and wife, matsuno, masato kato. Nojima ff7 days are gone.
Problem, big one, is people longing for versus since nomura as Director isn't impressive:kh is overrated and It's Game design really forgettable. Many should hope in ito imho
Ok. Thanks. I guess most of that will be DLC? I sure hope costumes are on the store when it comes out.
I really want that red one, does that have a name yet? The one with the pointy shoes.
Lightning will be a coliseum boss.
The red costume lost... the other one will be available as free DLC.
I thought it was called blazing something?
The coliseum has nothing right now in the game? Much as people hated SO4, it had a pretty cool coliseum. You could fight different battles, it had quite a few too. So, nothing like that?
XIII's story had some good ideas, but the ultimate execution of them was poor. As for FFs with good stories... IV, VI, VII, IX and XII (up until the last 1/4 of the game) come to mind.